Business Ecosystem Development in Corporate Business Strategy
Purpose: The objective of this research is to identify the parties involved in the agro-business ecosystem in Kabupaten Bandung and determine the factors influencing the development of strategies at PT BANDUNG DAYA SENTOSA as a Regional Government-Owned Enterprise (BUMD) operating in the Agribusiness sector.
Research methodology: This study uses a business ecosystem approach to map the roles and parties involved in the agro-business ecosystem in Kabupaten Bandung. This study employed a qualitative research method with a case study design.
Results: Through multi-agent-based ecosystem modeling and business model reconfiguration, it can be concluded that adaptability and collaboration among actors in the agribusiness ecosystem in Kabupaten Bandung are key to success. The Regional Government-Owned Enterprise Bandung Daya Sentosa (BDS) has the potential to become an innovation hub and enhance its role through the development of innovative agricultural products and utilization of digital technology.
Implementation: The agricultural sector plays a crucial role in the community economy in Kabupaten Bandung. The agricultural sector in Kabupaten Bandung is the third-largest contributor to the Gross Regional Domestic Product (PDRB) after manufacturing and trade (Master Plan for the Economy of Kab. Bandung 2021-2026: 2021).
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
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Yahya, Y., & Yani, D. A. (2023). Pengaruh Pengembangan Sumber Daya Manusia dan Motivasi Kerja terhadap Kinerja Pegawai pada Kantor Kelurahan Blambangan Umpu Kecamatan Blmbangan Umpu. Jurnal Relevansi: Ekonomi, Manajemen dan Bisnis, 7(1), 47-62.
- Agustina, Y., Sukmasari, D., Andi, K., & Oktavia, R. (2022). Meningkatkan Keterampilan Anggota BUMDes Dahlia melalui Pengolahan Limbah Dan Penyusunan Laporan Keuangan. Yumary: Jurnal Pengebdian Kepada Masyarakat, 3(1), 51-61.
- Ahmadi, R. (2014). Metodologi Penelitian Kualitatif. Yogyakarta. Ar-Ruzz Media.
- Anoke, A. F., Okafor, N. J., & Onu, A. N. (2023). Strategic outsourcing and corporate performance of quoted insurance firms in Nigeria. International Journal of Financial, Accounting, and Management, 5(1), 19-33.
- Battistella, C., Colucci. K., Nonino. F. (2012). Methodology Of Business Ecosystems Network Analysis: A Case Study In Telecom Italia Future Centre. Journal Technological Forecasting & Social Change, 1194-1210.
- Creswell, J. W. (2012). Educational research: pearson.
- Fernando, L., & Surjandari, D. A. (2021). The impact of internal control, cultural control, incentives, and work discipline on employee performance (Case study in PT Lestari Jaya Raya). Annals of Management and Organization Research, 2(3), 209-223.
- Ghony, M. D., dan Almanshur, F (2012). Metode Penelitian Kualitatif. Jogjakarta.
- Hadzic, M., Hadzic, F., & Dillon, T. (2008). Tree mining in mental health domain. Paper presented at the Proceedings of the 41st Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS 2008).
- Herbert, L. (2017). Digital transformation: Build your organization's future for the innovation age: Bloomsbury Publishing.
- Indrawati, P. D. (2015). Metode Penelitian Manajemen dan Bisnis Konvergensi Teknologi Komunikasi dan Informasi. Bandung: PT Refika Aditama.
- Kamaladin. (2021). 4 Ecosystem Strategies for Digitalization: Insights from the Swedish Mining Industry.,
- Ma, Z. (2022). The importance of systematical analysis and evaluation methods for energy business ecosystems. Energy Informatics, 5(1), 2.
- Miles, M. B., & Huberman, A. M. (1992). Analisis data kualitatif: Jakarta: UI press.
- Moore, J. F. (1993). Predators and prey: a new ecology of competition. Harvard business review, 71(3), 75-86.
- Moore, J. F. (1996). The death of competition: leadership and strategy in the age of business ecosystems.
- Motoyama, Y. (2014). The state-level geographic analysis of high-growth companies. Journal of Small Business & Entrepreneurship, 27(2), 213-227.
- Munir, N. S. (2021). Corporate parenting and corporate entrepreneurship in media company. International Journal of Financial, Accounting, and Management, 3(1), 15-26.
- Naab, R., & Bans-Akutey, A. (2021). Assessing the use of e-business strategies by SMEs in Ghana during the Covid-19 pandemic. Annals of Management and Organization Research, 2(3), 145-160.
- Nasehudin, T. S., & Gozali, N. (2012). Metode Penelitian Kuantitatif, Bandung: CV. Pustaka Setia.
- Peltoniemi, M., dan Vuori, E. (2004). Business ecosistem as the new approach to complex adaptive business environments. Proceedings of eBusiness research forum. .
- Power, D. J., & Heavin, C. (2018). Data-Based Decision Making and Digital Transformation: Nine Laws for Success: Business Expert Press.
- Putra, A. R. (2019). Penelitian Tesis MM Tekom University Analisis Ekosistem Bisnis Pada Digital Marketing Company Coconut Indonesia Dengan Menggunakan Social Netwok Analysis.
- Soares, C. B. d. T. D. ( 2018). Penelitian Tesis MM Telkom University. Startegi Pemberdayaan Usah Industri Kopi Dalam Menghadapi Persaingan Era Digital Dengan Menggunakan Pendekatan Ekosistim Bisnis. .
- Sugiyono, D. (2013). Metode penelitian pendidikan pendekatan kuantitatif, kualitatif dan R&D.
- Sugiyono, P. (2017). Metode penelitian bisnis: pendekatan kuantitatif, kualitatif, kombinasi, dan R&D. Penerbit CV. Alfabeta: Bandung, 225, 87.
- Suharto, D. N. (2020). The Effect of Celebrity Endorsement and Trust on Purchasing Decisions. SSRG International Journal of Economics and Management Studies, 7, 72-77.
- Suharto, S., & Hoti, A. (2023). Relationship Marketing, Customer Experience and Customer Satisfaction: Testing Their Theoretical and Empirical Underpinning. Jurnal Manajemen Bisnis, 14(1), 21-35.
- Suharto, S., Japlani, A., & Ali, K. (2021). Pengukuran Minat Berwirausaha Menggunakan Self Efficacy, Lingkungan Dan Pendidikan Kewirausahaan Pada Mahasiswa Feb Universitas Muhammadiyah Metro. Jurnal Bisnis Darmajaya, 7(1), 52-69.
- Suroyo, B. T., & Handayani, W. (2014). Pengembangan Kawasan Agropolitan di Kabupaten Kulonprogo, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta. Jurnal Perencanaan Wilayah dan Kota, 243-261.
- Syarif, A., & Riza, K. (2022). Pengaruh Kepemimpinan Transformasional, Disiplin Kerja dan Komunikasi Terhadap Kinerja Pegawai pada Dinas Pendidikan Kepulauan Riau. Jurnal Humaniora dan Ilmu Pendidikan, 2(1), 33-41.
- Syarif, A., Rumengan, J., & Gunawan, D. (2021). The Influence Of Locus Of Control, Self Efficacy And Discipline Of Work, Job Satisfaction On Work Motivation In The Hj Bunda Halimah Hospital Batam. Paper presented at the IAIC International Conference Series.
- Tansley, A. G. (1935). The Use and Abuse of Vegetational Concepts and Terms. Ecology, 16(13).
- Tricahyono, D., & Purnamasari, S. R. (2018). Business Ecosystem of SMEs with Value Network Analysis Approach: A Case Study at Binong Jati Knitting Industrial Centre (BJKIC) Bandung. PERTANIKA JOURNAL OF SOCIAL SCIENCE AND HUMANITIES, 26, 113-118.
- Utoyo, I. (2010). Hybrid Company Model:Cara Menang Di Era Digital Yang Disruptif. Jakarta: Rayyana Komunikasindo.
- Yahya, Y., & Yani, D. A. (2023). Pengaruh Pengembangan Sumber Daya Manusia dan Motivasi Kerja terhadap Kinerja Pegawai pada Kantor Kelurahan Blambangan Umpu Kecamatan Blmbangan Umpu. Jurnal Relevansi: Ekonomi, Manajemen dan Bisnis, 7(1), 47-62.