The tradition of catch marriage at Sumba from a human rights perspective

Published: Aug 30, 2024


Purpose: Marriage must be based on the willingness of each party to become husband and wife to form a happy family without any coercion from any party. If a marriage is entered into without the consent of both parties, the marriage can be a reason to cancel the marriage. Arrest marriage is a process where a woman is taken by force or violence by a man to become his wife and then carries out a traditional procession through the replacement process. The purpose of this writing is to look at the tradition of capture marriage that occurs on Sumba Island from a human rights perspective.

Research Methodology: The method used is normative research.

Results: The results of the research show that a woman who is already under the control of a man (in this case married and arrested) no longer needs his consent whether she agrees or not to be taken and used as a wife. This is of course in conflict with Article 2 of the Marriage Law where the consent of the parties, both the man and the woman, is the main thing. Arrested marriages which are carried out by not giving a woman the freedom to determine with whom she will build and maintain a household are a violation of human rights. Article 1 of the Human Rights Law provides an understanding relating to human rights violations, namely every action of a person or group of people, including state officials, whether intentionally or unintentionally, taking or depriving human rights. From a human rights perspective, it is clear that any type of action that causes torture and fear, both physically and spiritually, is a violation of human rights.

1. Marriage Arrest
2. Violation
3. Human Rights
1 . Chatryen M. Dju Bire
2 . Yossie M. Y. Jacob
3 . Orpa J. Nubatonis
4 . Cyrilius W.T. Lamataro
How to Cite
Bire, C. M. D., Jacob, Y. M. Y., Nubatonis, O. J., & Lamataro, C. W. (2024). The tradition of catch marriage at Sumba from a human rights perspective. Journal of Multidisciplinary Academic Business Studies, 1(4), 915–922.


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  1. Aguinis, H., Villamor, I., & Gabriel, K. P. (2020). Understanding employee responses to COVID-19: a behavioral corporate social responsibility perspective. Management Research: Journal of the Iberoamerican Academy of Management, 18(4), 421-438.
  2. Bire, C. M. D., & Radja, M. R. (2023). Perlindungan Hak Perempuan Berdasarkan Convention On Elimination Of All Forms Of Discrimination Againts Women (Cedaw) Dalam Tradisi Kawin Tangkap Di Sumba. Jurnal Hukum Samudra Keadilan, 18(1), 131-141.
  3. Doko, E. W., Suwitra, I. M., & gayatry Sudibya, D. (2021). Tradisi Kawin Tangkap (Piti Rambang) Suku Sumba di Nusa Tenggara Timur. Jurnal Konstruksi Hukum, 2(3), 656-660.
  4. Ihsan, M. (2019). Kawin Paksa Perspektif Gender (Studi Terhadap Hak Memilih Calon Suami Oleh Perempuan). Saree, 1(1), 53-69.
  5. Kelen, K. D. (2022). Ironi Budaya dan Dehumanisasi Terhadap Tokoh Perempuan dalam Novel Belis Karya Kebamoto. Ideas: Jurnal Pendidikan, Sosial, dan Budaya, 8(1), 295-304.
  6. Kopong, G. J. (2020). Kekerasan berbasis gender: telaah teoritis “kawin tangkap” dalam budaya sumba (NTT). Optimisme: Jurnal Bahasa, Sastra Dan Budaya, 1(2), 23-27.
  7. Lolo, I. U. (2020). Dari Liturgi Baptisan menuju Liturgi Kehidupan: Menjadi Gereja bagi Perempuan Korban Kawin Tangkap. Kenosis: Jurnal Kajian Teologi, 6(2), 216-237.
  8. Makinde, W. A., & Abati, M. O. (2024). Effects of community radio on political education in Ibadan Metropolis, Oyo State, Nigeria. Journal of Social, Humanity, and Education, 4(4), 219-229.
  9. Nainggolan, J. F., Ramlan, R., & Harahap, R. R. (2022). Pemaksaan Perkawinan Berkedok Tradisi Budaya: Bagaimana Implementasi CEDAW terhadap Hukum Nasional dalam Melindungi Hak-Hak Perempuan dalam Perkawinan? Uti Possidetis: Journal of International Law, 3(1), 55-82.
  10. Restiani, T., & Indiyati, D. (2024). Influence of organizational commitment and employee engagement on employee readiness to change during PT. ABC. Journal of Multidisciplinary Academic and Practice Studies, 2(2), 169-185.
  11. Rinayuhani, T. R., Arisandi, R. S., & Sutrisno, E. (2024). Energy Transition Energy transition: Looking at village perceptions of the energy independent village program in Mojokerto Regency. Journal of Multidisciplinary Academic and Practice Studies, 2(2), 121-130.
  12. Salam, S., Maramba, R. S. M., Indah, R. H., & Lombu, P. (2022). Piti Maranggangu (Kawin Tangkap) dalam Perspektif Hukum. Jurnal Justisia: Jurnal Ilmu Hukum, Perundang-undangan dan Pranata Sosial, 7(1), 46-60.
  13. Setiadi, T. (2009). Intisari Hukum Adat Indonesia (Dalam Kajian Kepustakaan). Bandung: Alfabeta.
  14. Suhuyini, A. W. S., Akwotajie, M., & Yahaya, M. M.-u. (2024). Assessing household willingness to pay for waste management services in Tamale Metropolis. Journal of Social, Humanity, and Education, 4(4), 277-294.
  15. Supheni, I., Ivada, E., Novianti, G. E., & Wiwin, W. (2023). Sustainable tourism from the perspective of tourists in Nganjuk Indonesia. Journal of Sustainable Tourism and Entrepreneurship, 4(3), 301-318.
  16. Suta, I. W. B., Budiartha, I. N. P., & Sukadana, I. K. (2021). Keabsahan perkawinan ngerorod (kawin lari) di desa Kelusa, kabupaten Gianyar. Jurnal Interpretasi Hukum, 2(1), 184-188.
  17. Tagukawi, A. T. D., & Sudibya, K. P. (2021). Praktik Kawin Tangkap di Sumba Ditinjau dari Perspektif Hukum Hak Asasi Manusia. Jurnal Kertha Negara, 9(9), 720-730.
  18. Toriq, A. R. (2023). Analisis Yuridis Tradisi Pemaksaan Perkawinan Berdasarkan Perspektif Hak Asasi Manusia (Studi Kasus Kawin Tangkap di Suku Sumba Nusa Tenggara Timur). Gema Keadilan, 10(3), 138-152.