Legal analysis of civil law settlement in the perspective of criminal legal settlement (Case Study of Military Court Decision I-05 Pontianak Number: 46K/PM.I-05/AD/IX/2021)
Purpose: This thesis aims to analyze in depth the settlement of civil law from the perspective of criminal law settlement. With the background of the complexity and interaction between the civil and criminal legal systems that often affect the way legal disputes are resolved. The main focus of this study is to explore how the mechanism of civil dispute resolution interacts with the criminal settlement process, as well as its impact on the rights and obligations of the parties involved.
Research Methodology: The research method used is a conceptual approach with normative analysis of laws and regulations, relevant legal practices and library research. The conceptual approach is intended to analyze legal materials so that the meaning contained in legal terms can be known..
Results: This is done as an effort to obtain new meanings contained in the terms studied or to test the legal terms in theory and practice. While library research is a study that uses library literature by studying books, books or other information that is relevant to the scope of the discussion. In the criminal law process, it often has a significant impact on the resolution of civil disputes, both in the form of determining responsibility and influencing civil court decisions. On the other hand, the outcome of the civil legal process can affect the course of the criminal process, especially in cases involving the same elements.
Suggestion: This study suggests the need for better harmonization and coordination efforts between the civil and criminal legal systems to ensure more optimal justice and efficiency in dispute resolution. Thus, it is hoped that the legal system can provide fairer and more comprehensive solutions for all parties involved.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
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