Purpose: Compared With other Asian countries, the usage rate of electric vehicles in Indonesia remains slow owing to a lack of public interest. This paper explores some significant factors that affect the interest of electric vehicles for Gen Y EV products, including environmental concerns and individual consequences.
Research Methodology: We extend the previous study by adding other variables, including individual and environmental consequences. Data from 446 respondents were collected through a judgmental sampling procedure and analyzed using partial least squares structural equation Modeling.
Results: The results showed that attitudes towards the five dimensions of the UTAUT-2 model significantly influenced intention to purchase. However, attitude did not mediate the relationship between habit and purchase intention. On the other hand, attitude mediation vastly influences not only the association between individual consequences and purchase intention, but also that between environmental concerns and purchase intention. On the other hand, subjective norms also have a positive influence on purchase intention, while perceived risk is not considered to affect the purchasing decisions of Generation Y.
Recommendation: This study recommends that both electric vehicle manufacturers and the Indonesian government improve infrastructure and raise public awareness to increase interest in electric vehicles.