The influence of communication, teamwork and work culture on the performance of employees of the regional procurement bureau of goods and services of Riau Islands Province with self-efficacy as intervening variables

Published: Sep 20, 2024


Purpose: This study aimed to determine the Influence of Communication, Teamwork and Work Culture on Performance Through Employee Self-Efficacy as an Intervening Variable.

Methods: The sample in this study was employees of the Riau Islands Provincial Bureau of Procurement of Goods and Services. The number of samples used was 103 respondents. The obtained data were analyzed using data analysis techniques with AMOS 24.0.

Results: The proposed communication affects performance, teamwork affects performance, work culture affects performance, communication affects self-efficacy, teamwork affects self-efficacy, work culture affects self-efficacy, communication affects performance through self-efficacy, teamwork affects performance through self-efficacy, and work culture affects performance through self-efficacy.

1. Communicator
2. Teamwork
3. Work Culture
4. Performance
5. Self-Efficacy
1 . Hendri Maulana
2 . Chabullah Wibisono
3 . Sarmini Sarmini
How to Cite
Maulana, H., Wibisono, C., & Sarmini, S. (2024). The influence of communication, teamwork and work culture on the performance of employees of the regional procurement bureau of goods and services of Riau Islands Province with self-efficacy as intervening variables. Journal of Multidisciplinary Academic and Practice Studies, 2(4), 275–302.


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