Journal of Multidisciplinary Academic and Practice Studies

Journal of Multidisciplinary Academic and Practice Studies Published by Goodwood Publishing, Journal of Multidisciplinary Academic and Practice Studies is an international peer-reviewed and scholarly journal promoting high-quality multidisciplinary research on social, humanity, economics, business, technology, and education. Journal of Multidisciplinary Academic and Practice Studies welcomes submissions of scientifically-developed research manuscripts aiming to provide solutions and innovation both scientifically and practically in every aspect of life.

Current Issue

Journal of Multidisciplinary Academic and Practice Studies Published by Goodwood Publishing, Journal of Multidisciplinary Academic and Practice Studies is an international peer-reviewed and scholarly journal promoting high-quality multidisciplinary research on social, humanity, economics, business, technology, and education. Journal of Multidisciplinary Academic and Practice Studies welcomes submissions of scientifically-developed research manuscripts aiming to provide solutions and innovation both scientifically and practically in every aspect of life.



Choosing the most suitable sustainability report standard for banking industry: A case study of Bank ABC

Purpose: The banking industry plays a crucial role in sustainable practices. One tool that can be used to manage sustainability practices is sustainability report. Various standards are available for preparing sustainability reports, including POJK 51, GRI, TCFD, CDP, and IFRS. This wide range of standards highlights the complexity of sustainability issues and the varying information needs of stakeholders. This study seeks to identify which standard is best suited for the banking industry, using Bank ABC as a case study. Research Methodology: This study adopted both qualitative and quantitative approaches. Data for this study were obtained from literature reviews, interviews, and questionnaire responses from the participants. The respondents in this study were responsible for preparing the sustainability reports at Bank ABC. To select the best standard, the author uses the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) technique. Results: The best sustainability reporting standard used for banking in Indonesia was POJK 51 with a priority score of 42.66%. This result is likely because the bank's main priority is to comply with the regulations. The GRI standard received second priority with a score of 26,62%, and the SASB standard received third priority with a score of 8,5%. Limitations: The scope of this research is limited to Bank ABC as a case study. Contribution: This research can provide recommendations to the OJK to consider the use of the GRI standard or SASB as the sustainability reporting standard for the banking industry in Indonesia.

The influence of communication, teamwork and work culture on the performance of employees of the regional procurement bureau of goods and services of Riau Islands Province with self-efficacy as intervening variables

Purpose: This study aimed to determine the Influence of Communication, Teamwork and Work Culture on Performance Through Employee Self-Efficacy as an Intervening Variable. Methods: The sample in this study was employees of the Riau Islands Provincial Bureau of Procurement of Goods and Services. The number of samples used was 103 respondents. The obtained data were analyzed using data analysis techniques with AMOS 24.0. Results: The proposed communication affects performance, teamwork affects performance, work culture affects performance, communication affects self-efficacy, teamwork affects self-efficacy, work culture affects self-efficacy, communication affects performance through self-efficacy, teamwork affects performance through self-efficacy, and work culture affects performance through self-efficacy.

Evaluation of the performance of crowdfunding in mobilizing the active role of the community to achieve SDGS 1.1

Abstract Purpose: Indonesia grapples with significant social challenges, notably extreme poverty, which are a key concern in the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Crowdfunding has emerged as an innovative approach to address this issue, empowering communities to contribute actively to social change., a prominent Indonesian crowdfunding platform, plays a crucial role in mobilizing public participation to support poverty alleviation campaigns. However, its effectiveness in maximizing engagement and achieving fundraising goals requires further investigation. Research Methodology: This study comprehensively evaluates the performance of in mobilizing active community participation, particularly in relation to SDG 1.1, which focuses on eradicating extreme poverty. This study analyzes factors influencing public participation, including donor trust, ease of access and transactions, transparency in fund management, influencer impact, brand awareness, and platform inclusivity. Employing a qualitative approach, data were gathered through in-depth interviews with five key informants possessing in-depth knowledge of the platform's operations and social campaigns and a perception survey involving 57 respondents to gain broader insights from platform users. Results: The findings highlight the critical role of donor trust and ease of transaction in driving public participation. Transparency in fund management and clear reporting are vital for fostering donor loyalty. While the platform utilizes influencer marketing, further optimization is needed to expand reach and awareness, particularly by involving influencers with audiences relevant to the platform's mission. Inclusivity remains a challenge, requiring efforts to actively engage marginalized communities through tailored programs and campaigns. This study offers strategic recommendations to enhance the effectiveness of crowdfunding platforms in mobilizing communities and achieving their social goals, particularly in alleviating extreme poverty (SDG 1.1). Recommendation: Key recommendations include improving user experience, adopting structured marketing strategies, expanding collaboration with influencers and organizations, and addressing inclusivity challenges. By implementing these recommendations, and similar platforms can strengthen public trust, boost community participation, and make a more substantial contribution towards achieving SDG 1.1 targets in Indonesia, serving as an example of other platforms seeking to maximize their social impact.

The influence of motivation, organizational commitment and workload on job satisfaction of regional officials with competency as an intervening variable in the Regional Financial and Asset Agency of Riau Islands Province

Purpose: This study analyzes the influence of motivation, organizational commitment, and workload on the job satisfaction of regional officials, with competency as an intervening variable in the Riau Islands Province Regional Financial and Asset Agency. In 2023, 11,380 files (49.26 %) experienced delays in processing from SPP to SP2D for 3 – 10 days. Research Methodology: Using primary data from 143 employees, this study found that motivation had no significant direct effect on job satisfaction. On the other hand, motivation, commitment, and workload have been proven to have a significant influence on competence, highlighting the importance of motivation to improve employee performance. Competence has also been proven to be a significant mediator between motivation, commitment, and workload and job satisfaction. Recommendation: The proposed recommendation is to focus on increasing work motivation and other aspects that have a more direct influence on employee satisfaction to increase job satisfaction.

The influence of work team and work environment on the character of loyalty to the organization (Study at the Hikmah Masamba General Hospital)

Purpose: This study aimed to determine the influence of the work team and work environment on the character of loyalty to the organization. Research Methodology: This descriptive quantitative research was conducted using 50 employees and staff of the Hikmah Masamba General Hospital Hikmah Masamba General Hospital, especially in the field of HR of nursing services, totaling 26 people, and the HR field of midwifery services totaling 24 people with a total population of 50 people. the total population of 50 people. The sampling method in this research was a saturated sampling technique, where all members of the population were sampled, totaling 50 people. data collection. This study uses using SPSS26 as a tool. The SPSS26 analysis tool had a significant effect, both partially and simultaneously, on employee loyalty Hikmah Masamba Hospital, Results: The work team and work environment have a significant effect, both partially and simultaneously, on the character of loyalty. Limitations: The limitation of this research is the lack of data sources that were only carried out by one agency. Contribution: It is hoped that this research will become a source of reference for future research on loyalty characteristics.

The influence of motivation, work culture and work environment on performance through empowering managers of village-owned enterprises (Bum Desa) in the Riau Islands Province

Purpose: This research analyzes the influence of motivation, work culture and work environment on the performance of Village-Owned Enterprise Management (Bum Desa) with Empowerment as an intervening variable in the Riau Islands Province. Results: In 2023, of the 249 villages in the Riau Archipelago Province, only 10 (ten) Village BUMs, 4 (four)% of which were classified as Advanced Village BUMs. Village BUMs with a Developing classification are only 34 (thirty-four) Village BUMs 8.5% (eight point five) percent. Meanwhile, the rest are still in basic qualifications and growing. Using primary data from 302 managers of Village-Owned Enterprises, this study found that work culture and work environment did not have a significant direct effect on empowerment. In contrast, motivation, work culture, and work environment have been proven to have a significant influence on performance, highlighting the importance of work culture and work environment for improving performance. Recommendation: The proposed recommendation focuses on improving work culture, work environment, and empowerment, as well as other aspects that have a more direct influence on performance.

The effect of competence, independence and discipline on performance with job satisfaction as an intervening variable in the internal government supervisory apparatus (APIP) of the regional inspectorate throughout the Riau Islands Province

Purpose: The aim of this research is to determine the influence of Competency, Independence and Discipline on Job Satisfaction and Performance, the influence of Job Satisfaction on Performance, the influence of Competency, Independence and Discipline on Performance with Job Satisfaction as an intervening variable in the APIP Regional Inspectorate in the Riau Islands Province. Research Methodology: Data collection techniques are through questionnaires, observation and documentation, with data analysis techniques using path analysis and hypothesis testing. Results: The research results show that: Competence (X1) Independence (X2) and Discipline (X3) have a direct and significant influence on Job Satisfaction (Z) and Performance. Job Satisfaction has a direct influence on Performance, and Competence (X1) Independence (X2 and Discipline (X3) ) has an indirect and significant indirect influence on Performance (Y) with Job Satisfaction (Z) as an intervening variable in APIP Regional Inspectorates throughout Riau Islands Province.

The influence of bureaucratic leadership style, work culture, and work discipline on the performance of employees of the Riau Islands Provincial secretariat with work motivation as an intervening variable

Purpose: This study aims to determine the influence of bureaucratic leadership style, work culture, and work discipline on performance through the work motivation of Riau Islands Provincial Secretariat employees as an intervening variable. The hypothesis proposed Bureaucratic Leadership Style Affects Performance, Work Culture Affects Performance, Work Discipline Affects Performance, Bureaucratic Leadership Style Affects Motivation, Work Structure Affects Motivation, Work Discipline Affects Motivation, Bureaucratic Leadership Style Affects Performance through Motivation, Work Culture Affects Performance through Motivation, and Work Discipline Affects Performance through Motivation. Research Methodology: The sample in this study is all employees of the Riau Islands Provincial Secretariat. The number of samples used was 165 respondents. The data obtained was analyzed using data analysis techniques with AMOS 24.0 software rocks. Results: The results showed that Bureaucratic Leadership Style Affects CR Values 2.536> 2.000 and Probability = 0.011 < 0.05 showed that the Influence of Bureaucratic Leadership Style on Positive Performance was significant. The work culture on the Cr Performance of 1.132 < 2.000 and probability = 0.053 > 0.05 showed that the positive influence was not significant. Work Discipline on Performance CR Values of 5.032 > 2.000 and Probability = *** < 0.05 indicate that the positive influence is significant. Bureaucratic Leadership Style on Motivation CR Values of 2.801 > 2.000 and Probability = 0.005 < 0.05 showed that the positive influence was significant. Work Culture to Motivation. The value of CR = 4.130 > 2.000 and Probability = *** < 0.05  indicates that the positive influence is significant. Work Discipline on motivation  CR value 5.598 < 2.000 and Probability = *** < 0.05 showed that the positive influence was significant. Motivation for Performance CR Value 10,293 > 2,000 and Probability = *** < 0.05 showed that the positive influence was significant. The Influence of Bureaucratic Leadership Style on Performance through Motivation 0.00004429 < 0.05 shows that the positive influence is significant.  The influence of Work Culture on Performance through Motivation 0.00012226 < 0.05 shows that the positive influence is significant. The Effect of Work Discipline on Performance through Motivation 0.00000079 < 0.05 shows that the positive influence is significant. 

The influence of communication, coordination, and bureaucratic leadership style in the planning, research, and development agency through interpersonal perception on the job satisfaction of regional apparatus employees in the Riau Islands Provincial Government

Purpose: This study analyzes the influence of communication, coordination, and bureaucratic leadership style on the job satisfaction of regional apparatus employees, with interpersonal perception as an intervening variable, within the Planning, Research, and Development Agency of the Riau Islands Province. The 2022 Performance Achievement Evaluation Report for the Riau Islands Province in the implementation of regional government affairs reveals that several regional development programs and performance indicators (outcomes) have not yet fully achieved 100% of their targets. Results: Using primary data from 105 employees, this study found that coordination does not have a significant direct effect on interpersonal perception. In contrast, communication and bureaucratic leadership style have a significant influence on interpersonal perception, highlighting the importance of coordination in improving job satisfaction among employees. Interpersonal perception also proved to be a significant mediator between communication and bureaucratic leadership style on job satisfaction. Recommendation: The recommended focus is to enhance coordination and other aspects that have a more direct impact on interpersonal perception to improve job satisfaction among regional apparatus employees.

The influence of motivation and work environment on employee performance in the national unity and political agency of Bandar Lampung City

Purpose: Knowing the influence of work motivation and the work environment simultaneously on the performance of employees of the National Unity and Political Agency of Bandar Lampung City, (2) Knowing the influence of work motivation partially on the performance of employees of the National Unity and Politics Agency of Bandar Lampung City and (3) Knowing the influence of the work environment partially on the performance of employees of the National Unity and Political Agency of Bandar Lampung City. Research Methodology: The technique used in this research was a saturated sampling method and data collection techniques by distributing questionnaires in the form of a Google Form link to 31 narasumberts. The variables in this research are 2 (two) independent variables and 1 (one) dependent variable where Motivation (X1), Work Environment (X2) are the independent variables and employee performance (Y) is the dependent variable. Results: Based on data analysis, a hypothesis answer was found which states that Motivation and Work Environment simultaneously and partially have a significant effect on the performance of employees at the National Unity and Political Agency of Bandar Lampung City. Limitations: There were several limitations during the preparation of this research, namely the independent variables used were only motivation and work environment. This research was only carried out at the Bandar Lampung City National and Political Unity Agency. Contribution: Optimizing employee performance can be done through the participation of the Bandar Lampung City National and Political Unity Agency to continue to provide work motivation to existing employees who need to maintain and improve the working environment to make it more conducive and comfortable.  In the future, other researchers are expected to be able to develop the variables and samples to be studied so that the research will be broader and deeper.

The influence of leadership, work environment, organisational commitment with job satisfaction as an intervening variable on the work motivation of employees of the regional financial and asset management agency in Karimun District

Purpose: The purpose of this study is to determine the Influence of Leadership, Work Environment, Organizational Commitment to Job Satisfaction with Motivation as an Intervening Variable in the Regional Financial and Asset Management Agency of the Karimun Regency Government. Research Methodology: This research was carried out at the Karimun Regency Regional Financial and Asset Management Agency for a period of five months from March 2024 to July 2024. The population in this study is all BPKAD employees as many as 134 people. The sample in this study was obtained from the target population, namely 71 Civil Servants and 48 P3K people. The number of samples in this study is as many as 119 employees at the Regional Finance and Assets Agency. The research method uses  a quantitative approach, with multiple linear regression analysis using SEM-PLS software. Results: The results of this study show that Leadership (X1) has a significant direct influence on Job Satisfaction (Y). An effective leadership style through the provision of direction, support, and motivation contributes directly to the improvement of employee Job Satisfaction (Y). Employees who feel well led tend to have a higher level of Job Satisfaction (Y).

Storybook validation: Essential practices for student's financial literacy

Purpose: To develop and validate a financial literacy storybook for Junior High School students using the 4D (Define, Design, Develop, Disseminate) method. Research Methodology: This study employs a development research approach, specifically utilizing the 4D (Define, Design, Develop, Disseminate) method to create and validate a financial literacy storybook for Junior High School students. Results: The high feasibility scores from both material (72 points) and media (77 points) experts validate the storybook's content accuracy, relevance, and overall design quality. These results suggest that the approach of using digital storytelling, specifically through Storyjumper, can effectively bridge the gap between abstract financial concepts and relatable, age-appropriate narratives for adolescents. Limitations: Firstly, the validation process relies primarily on expert opinions, which, although valuable, may not fully capture the perspectives of the target audience - Junior High School students. The study does not include a pilot test with actual students, which could provide insights into the storybook's real-world effectiveness and engagement levels. Additionally, the research is limited to a specific geographical and cultural context, potentially affecting the generalizability of findings to other regions or educational systems. Contribution: This research contributes a validated financial literacy storybook for Junior High School students, advancing educational tools in this crucial field and demonstrating the 4D method's effectiveness in educational material development.

The effect of product diversification on purchasing decisions at Mandau Bakery Kota Duri store

Purpose: This research aims to analyze the effect of product diversification on purchasing decisions at the Mandau Bakery Shop, Duri City, which based on survey results shows that with product diversification more consumers buy. However, with increasing competition, sales at the Mandau Bakery cake shop experienced ups and downs in the number of consumers. Research Methodology: The method used is descriptive and quantitative, with a simple linear regression test and hypothesis testing using SPSS 21. Data was collected through a questionnaire from 95 respondents who came from consumers who had purchased at the Mandau Bakery shop and were selected using a purposive sampling technique. Results: The research results show that product diversification has a significant effect on consumer purchasing decisions. Limitations: However, this study has limitations, such as limited sample size and research locations only in one place, so the results may not be generalizable. Contribution: This research provides a practical contribution to the management of the Mandau Bakery Store in understanding the importance of product diversification to improve consumer purchasing decisions and enriches academic literature on retail marketing and consumer behavior in the bakery industry. Recommendation: It is recommended that Mandau Bakery Store continue to develop product variations to meet consumer needs and desires, so as to increase competitiveness and customer satisfaction.

Legal analysis of civil law settlement in the perspective of criminal legal settlement

Purpose: This   thesis   aims   to   analyze   in   depth   the settlement of civil law from the perspective of criminal law settlement. With the background of the complexity and interaction between the civil and criminal legal systems that often affect the way legal disputes are resolved. The main focus of this study is to explore how the mechanism of civil dispute resolution interacts with the criminal settlement process, as well as its impact on the rights and obligations of the parties involved. Research Methodology: The research method used is a conceptual approach with normative analysis of laws and regulations, relevant legal practices and library research. The conceptual approach is intended to analyze legal materials so that the meaning contained in legal terms can be known. This is done as an effort to obtain new meanings contained in the terms studied or to test the legal terms in theory and practice. While library research is a study that uses library literature by studying books, books or other information that is relevant to the scope of the discussion Results: In the criminal law process, it often has a significant impact on the resolution of civil disputes, both in the form of determining responsibility and influencing civil court decisions. On the other hand, the outcome of the civil legal process can affect the course of the criminal process, especially in cases involving the same elements.This study suggests the need for better harmonization and coordination efforts between the civil and criminal legal systems to ensure more optimal justice and efficiency in dispute resolution. Thus, it is hoped that the legal system can provide fairer and more comprehensive solutions for all parties involved.

Acceleration method Eradication of Qur'an illiteracy in Indonesia

Purpose: This paper raises efforts to accelerate the eradication of illiteracy in the Qur'an, especially in Indonesia. Several research results in the last six years (2018-2023) indicate that the quantity of Muslims who have difficulty reading the Qur'an, especially in Arabic script, shows a significant number. Although, gradually there began to be a decrease in the percentage. This paper aims to present a number of methods for learning Qur'an script ranging from classical to contemporary modern. Research Methodology: The presentation of these methods, apart from being a comparative material, also offers which method is more practical and fast in eradicating illiteracy of the Qur'an among Muslims today. This research was carried out through a library study with a qualitative descriptive approach, where the author collected and analyzed a number of data related to several methods in an effort to accelerate the eradication of Qur'anic illiteracy, especially those written by Qur'an experts. Results: This study found that there are a number of methods to accelerate the eradication of Qur'anic illiteracy that are important for Muslims to know, especially methods that are practical and easy to learn and practice, with the hope of reducing the percentage of Qur'anic illiteracy in the community.

Analysis of power organization and political theory: The dynamics of complexity in the era of digital transformation

Purpose: This study aims to analyze the interconnection between organizational theory, power, and politics in the context of digital transformation, with a focus on identifying new patterns in organizational power dynamics and their implications for management effectiveness. Research Methodology: The research methodology adopts a qualitative meta-analysis of 150 academic articles from reputable journals (2000-2024) using Scopus, Web of Science, and JSTOR databases. The analysis uses ATLAS.ti software for thematic coding and content analysis, with validation through expert panel reviews from 12 senior academics in the field of organizational theory. Results: The research identifies five transformative patterns in organizational power: the digitization of authority, the hybridization of power structures, the emergence of virtual politics, the reconfiguration of the influence base, and the evolution of control mechanisms. The developed analytical framework integrates digital, structural, and relational dimensions in the analysis of organizational power. Limitations: Major limitations include a focus on the formal organization of the technology and financial sectors, as well as the dominance of literature from advanced economies. The research does not include a direct empirical analysis of power dynamics in purely virtual organizations Contributions: The study contributes to the development of contemporary organizational theory through the integration of digital perspectives in power analysis, as well as providing a practical framework for organizational political management in the digital era.

Development of strategy formulation with scenario planning approach case study on Zakat House

Purpose: This study aimed to offer a strategic solution for Rumah Zakat within a timeframe of 10 years. A scenario planning analysis was used to solve this problem. This study uses qualitative research methods, with the aim of determining the right scenario used by Rumah Zakat for the next 10 years. Research Methodology: In this study, an inductive approach was used based on a theory development approach. Based on the time of implementation, researchers obtained data by cross-section. The driving forces for the zakat industry were identified based on the results of the PESTEL and Porter Five Forces analyses obtained from the interview process. The interviewees identified 29 driving forces in the Zakat Industry. Results: Four scenarios were generated: Jumping Frog, Accelerate to Excellence, The Struggle, and Business as Usual as a reference description of the conditions that need to be considered when dealing with uncertain conditions in the future, so that the institution can determine its strategic direction more optimally. Institutions need to consider the implications and options strategies in each scenario to strengthen the ability of today's institutions to deal with various conditions that will arise in the future. Contributions: Implementing Common Strategy recommendations, namely (1) becoming a collaborator of government zakat institutions, (2) establishing partnerships with companies to access CSR funds as an alternative to financing empowerment programs, (3) implementing digitalization in all lines of institutions, and (4) creating new business models and new strategies. As a concrete step for the institution in responding to all scenarios formed.

The impact of customer relationship management on customer loyalty with customer satisfaction as a mediating variable at Telkomsel partner outlets in Banjar City

Purpose: The internet has become a fundamental need in the modern era, driving rapid access to information and communication worldwide. PT Telkomsel Indonesia as a leading telecommunications provider, strives to maintain its market dominance and satisfy consumer needs amidst fierce competition. This research investigates the impact of Customer Relationship Management (CRM) on customer satisfaction, with customer loyalty serving as a mediating variable at Telkomsel partner outlets in Banjar City, West Java. Research methodology: The study uses a quantitative approach with descriptive and verificative methods, involving 145 respondents selected through purposive sampling. Data analysis is conducted using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) with Partial Least Squares (PLS) to examine both direct and indirect relationships between the variables. The findings reveal that CRM significantly influences customer loyalty, both directly and indirectly through customer satisfaction. Specifically, CRM has a positive and significant impact on customer satisfaction, which in turn positively affects customer loyalty. Additionally, customer satisfaction mediates the relationship between CRM and customer loyalty. Results: These results indicate the importance of CRM strategies in fostering long-term customer loyalty by enhancing satisfaction through personalized and responsive services. The study highlights the need for Telkomsel and similar companies to continually invest in CRM technologies and strategies to adapt to evolving customer needs and maintain a competitive edge in the telecommunications industry.