The influence of workload, work facilities and competence on the performance of medical support staff with job satisfaction as an intervening variable at RSUD Raja Ahmad Tabib
Purpose: In this study, researchers variables, Workload, Work Facilities, Competency, Job Satisfaction and Employee Performance.Data analysis with parametric and non-parametric statistics using SEM-PLS (Structural Equation Modeling-Partial Least Square) Data analysis with parametric and non-parametric statistics regarding research variables, calibration test / pilot test, validity and reliability, Outer model and inner model analysis , as well as a discussion of the results of hypothesis testing or Path Analysis Path.
Research Methodology: This study uses path analysis to examine the pattern of relationships that reveal the effect of a variable or set of variables on other variables, both direct and indirect. The calculation of the path coefficient in this study is assisted by SmartPLS 4.0 2024.
Results: The results of this study indicate a direct influence that Workload has a significant positive influence on Job Satisfaction, Work Facilities have a significant positive influence on Job Satisfaction, Competency has a significant positive influence on Job Satisfaction, Workload has an insignificant positive influence on Employee Performance, Work Facilities have a positive and significant influence on Employee Performance, Competence has a significant positive influence on Employee Performance, Job Satisfaction has a significant positive influence on Employee Performance, Job Satisfaction has an insignificant positive influence in mediating Workload on Employee Performance, Job Satisfaction has a positive and insignificant influence in mediating Work Facilities on Employee Performance, Job Satisfaction has a significant positive influence in mediating Competence on Employee Performance.