Promotion Effectiveness of Small Scale Enterprises (SMEs) in Indonesian Unicorn Marketplace

Published: Apr 4, 2023


Purpose: These various activities certainly use no small cost in their operations. Therefore, it is necessary to re-analyze the customer's perception of the effectiveness of the SMEs promotion carried out by the unicorn startup marketplace in Indonesia.

Research methodology: Data were gathered via survey software at research sites that were purposefully chosen for the study. The data gathering application and all Indonesian users of the Unicorn marketplace are sampled accidentally. The primary data utilized in this study were directly collected through closed questionnaires filled out by respondents utilizing a survey program, limiting the respondents' ability to provide responses using a Likert Scale measurement. In this study, descriptive qualitative analysis was the chosen method for data analysis. Analysis of the information used to judge the success of advertisements and impulsive purchases, specifically epic rate analysis.

Results: The unicorn marketplace for SMEs promos appear to have had a positive impact on customers, according to the EPIC rate score of 3.77. With this average value, it is clear that the marketplace's promotional initiatives have had a significant impact on consumers' impulsive purchasing decisions. Because there are currently enough factors in place to persuade users to make unforeseen or impulsive purchases using the marketplace application, the marketplace wants to be able to enhance promotions once again that can have an impact on impulse buying.

Limitations: Only the SMEs sector and the efficiency of promotion through the Unicorn marketplace are discussed in this study. So, it is believed that additional research will be able to evaluate the level of promotion via artificial intelligence.

Contribution: This study can offer an overview of how to successfully create SMEs with a digital foundation so that recommendations for economic development can be made.

1. Effectiveness
2. SMEs
3. Marketplace
Ridha Rizki Novanda
How to Cite
Novanda, R. R. (2023). Promotion Effectiveness of Small Scale Enterprises (SMEs) in Indonesian Unicorn Marketplace. International Journal of Accounting and Management Information Systems, 1(1), 33–44.


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    Bram, Y. F. (2005). Analisis efektivitas iklan sebagai salah satu strategi pemasaran perusahaan percetakan dan penerbitan PT Rambang dengan menggunakan metode EPIC Model. Jurnal manajemen & bisnis sriwijaya, 3(6), 1-23.

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    Indah, D. R., & Maulida, Z. (2017). Analisis Efektifitas Iklan Media Televisi Menggunakan EPIC Model (Studi Kasus Produk A Mild di Kota Langsa). Jurnal Penelitian Ekonomi Akuntansi (Jensi), 1(2), 137-149.

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    Kotler, P. (1995). Manajemen pemasaran analisa, perencanaan, implementasi, dan kegunaan. Edisi Kedelapan. Jakarta: Salemba Empat.

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    Lukitaningsih, A. (2013). Iklan yang efektif sebagai strategi komunikasi pemasaran. Jurnal Ekonomi dan Kewirausahaan, 13(2), 116-129.

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    Pancaningrum, E., & Sari, D. K. (2019). Analisa Epic model: Mengukur efektivitas iklan Indomie versi ayam geprek di televisi. JMD: Jurnal Riset Manajemen & Bisnis Dewantara, 2(1), 53-62.


    Safia, A., Chai, J., Frimpong, A. N. K., & Akram, U. (2019). The impact of social media characteristics on e-commerce use behaviour among youth in developing countries. International Journal of Information Systems and Change Management, 11(2), 188-207.

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  1. Adyas, D., & Khairani, A. (2019). Analisis Pengaruh Daya Tarik Iklan, Kualitas Pesan Iklan dan Frekuensi Penayangan Iklan Terhadap Efektivitas Iklan TV Tokopedia. JRB-Jurnal Riset Bisnis, 2(2), 95-101.
  2. Annur, C. M. (2020). Jumlah Penjual di Bukalapak & Tokopedia Melonjak 3,5 Juta Imbas Corona. Retrieved from
  3. Asghar, W., Abbasi, M. N., & Zafarullah, M. (2015). Impact of advertisement and sales promotion on consumer cognitive buying behavior: A study of low involvement (FMCG) products. Pakistan Journal of Social Sciences, 35(2), 585-598.
  4. Ayyubi, S. A. (2019). Pengguna Aktif Tokopedia Tembus 90 Juta. Retrieved from
  5. Badgaiyan, A. J., & Verma, A. (2015). Does urge to buy impulsively differ from impulsive buying behaviour? Assessing the impact of situational factors. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 22, 145-157.
  6. Bestriandita, D., & Widodo, E. (2017). Analisis perbandingan efektivitas iklan menggunakan EPIC model terhadap mahasiswa UII Yogyakarta. Paper presented at the Prosiding SI MaNIs (Seminar Nasional Integrasi Matematika Dan Nilai-Nilai Islami).
  7. Bram, Y. F. (2005). Analisis efektivitas iklan sebagai salah satu strategi pemasaran perusahaan percetakan dan penerbitan PT Rambang dengan menggunakan metode EPIC Model. Jurnal manajemen & bisnis sriwijaya, 3(6), 1-23.
  8. Burhan, F. A. (2020). Riset KIC: Perempuan Lebih Sering Belanja di E-Commerce Ketimbang Pria. Retrieved from
  9. Durianto, D. (2003). Strategi Menaklukkan Pasar Iklan Melalui Riset Ekuitas dan Perilaku Merek. Jakarta: PT Gramedia Pustaka.
  10. Hermawan, A. (2012). Komunikasi pemasaran: Jakarta: Erlangga.
  11. Indah, D. R., & Maulida, Z. (2017). Analisis Efektifitas Iklan Media Televisi Menggunakan EPIC Model (Studi Kasus Produk A Mild di Kota Langsa). Jurnal Penelitian Ekonomi Akuntansi (Jensi), 1(2), 137-149.
  12. Indriarto, F. (2006). Studi Mengenai Faktor Kekhawatiran dalam Proses Penyampaian Pesan Iklan. Jurnal Sains Pemasaran Indonesia, 5(3), 243-268.
  13. Juliany, I. K., Salamuddin, M., & Dewi, Y. K. (2018). Perancangan Sistem Informasi E-Marketplace Bank Sampah Berbasis Web. Semnasteknomedia Online, 6(1), 2-10-19.
  14. Koesno, D. A. S. (2020). Jumlah Pelanggan E-Commerce Tercatat Meningkat 38,3% Selama Pandemi. Jumlah Pelanggan E-Commerce Tercatat Meningkat 38,3% Selama Pandemi. Retrieved from
  15. Kotler, P. (1995). Manajemen pemasaran analisa, perencanaan, implementasi, dan kegunaan. Edisi Kedelapan. Jakarta: Salemba Empat.
  16. Kusuma, D. F., & Sugandi, M. S. (2018). Strategi pemanfaatan Instagram sebagai media komunikasi pemasaran digital yang dilakukan oleh Dino Donuts. Jurnal Manajemen Komunikasi, 3(1), 18-33.
  17. Lukitaningsih, A. (2013). Iklan yang efektif sebagai strategi komunikasi pemasaran. Jurnal Ekonomi dan Kewirausahaan, 13(2), 116-129.
  18. McLeod, R., & Schell, G. (2007). Management information systems, 10/e. E Prentice Hall.
  19. Morrisan, M. (2015). Periklanan komunikasi pemasaran terpadu: Kencana.
  20. Neha, S., & Manoj, V. (2013). Impact of sales promotion tools on consumer’s purchase decision towards white good (refrigerator) at Durg and Bhilai Region of CG, India. Research Journal of Management Sciences ISSN, 2319, 1171.
  21. Pancaningrum, E., & Sari, D. K. (2019). Analisa Epic model: Mengukur efektivitas iklan Indomie versi ayam geprek di televisi. JMD: Jurnal Riset Manajemen & Bisnis Dewantara, 2(1), 53-62.
  23. Safia, A., Chai, J., Frimpong, A. N. K., & Akram, U. (2019). The impact of social media characteristics on e-commerce use behaviour among youth in developing countries. International Journal of Information Systems and Change Management, 11(2), 188-207.
  24. Setiadi, N. J. (2003). Perilaku Konsumen: Konsep dan Implikasi Untuk Strategi dan Penelitian Bisnis Pemasaran. Prenada Media, Jakarta.
  25. Shaltoni, A. M. (2017). From websites to social media: exploring the adoption of internet marketing in emerging industrial markets. Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing.
  26. Suprapto, T. (2008). Teknik Jitu Persuasi dan Negosiasi. Yogyakarta: Media Pressindo.
  27. Wurinanda, I. (2015). Efektivitas promosi produk ayam suwir “si kentung” melalui twitter [skripsi]. Bogor (ID): Institut Pertanian Bogor.
  28. Ye, L. R., & Zhang, H. H. (2014). Sales promotion and purchasing intention: Applying the technology acceptance model in consumer-to-consumer marketplaces. International Journal of Business, Humanities and Technology, 4(3), 1-5.