Digital marketing and brand experience on SMEs performances in Jos South LGA of Plateau State
Purpose: The performance of SMEs in Plateau States has been a major concern. This study aims to analyze the roles of incentives and brand experience on SMEs performance in Jos South LGA, Plateau State, Nigeria.
Research methodology: A quantitative approach was adopted and a questionnaire-based survey was used among owners of SMEs in Plateau State, Nigeria. A total of 367 responses were received and multiple regression analyses were conducted using Smart-PLS v.
Results: revealed that (a) incentives significantly influence SME performance, (b) incentives significantly influence brand experience, (c) brand experience significantly influence SME performance (d) brand experience significantly mediate in the relationship between incentives and SMEs performance.
Limitations: This research was conducted on SMEs performance in Jos South LGA of Plateau State; future studies should expand the research to other zones in the State. A cross-sectional study was employed, and future research should consider using longitudinal and qualitative data collection methods.
Contribution: This study recommends that owners of SMEs incorporate digital marketing practices to stimulate brand experience in customers, which will in turn lead to improved performance.

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
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