Effects of community radio on political education in Ibadan Metropolis, Oyo State, Nigeria

Published: Aug 2, 2024


Purpose: This study examines the effects of community radio programs on political education in Ibadan Metropolis, Oyo State, Nigeria.

Research methodology: This study adopted a survey research strategy, using a mixed method of quantitative and qualitative data. This was a cross-sectional study in which data were collected at one point in time to examine the effects of community radio programs on political education in Ibadan Metropolis, Oyo State, Nigeria. The study population consisted of students, staff, visitors, and residents of the university and its environment. However, Cochran’s (1977) sampling technique was used to determine a sample size of 384 for questionnaire administration. Data were analyzed through descriptive methods using frequency distributions and percentages, as well as inferential statistics through multiple regression analysis.

Result: The results show that the regression coefficient for political news is -0.070 and is statistically significant, political advertising is 0.299 and is statistically significant, and political discussion is 0.199 and is statistically significant. From the analysis, only political news does not have a positive relationship but is significant for political education in Ibadan Metropolis, Oyo State, Nigeria.

Contribution: This study has been able to establish the level of relationship between community radio programs and political education in Ibadan Metropolis, Oyo State, and Nigeria.

Limitation: The study only covers the Ibadan metropolis due to a lack of funds. Extension to a state, region, or all of Nigeria would have provided a more robust argument.

1. Community Radio
2. Political Education
3. Community
4. Democracy
5. Politics
1 . Wasiu Abiodun Makinde
2 . Mobolaji Oluwaseun Abati
How to Cite
Makinde, W. A., & Abati, M. O. (2024). Effects of community radio on political education in Ibadan Metropolis, Oyo State, Nigeria. Journal of Social, Humanity, and Education, 4(4), 219–229. https://doi.org/10.35912/jshe.v4i4.1843


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    Fombad, M. C., & Jiyane, G. V. (2019). The role of community radios in information dissemination to rural women in South Africa. Journal of Librarianship and Information Science, 51(1), 47-58.

    Jankowski, N. (2003). Community media research: A quest for theoretically-grounded models. Javnost-The Public, 10(1), 5-14.

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    Khan, M. M. R. (2021). Political state and the dilemma of dignity, equality and freedom: Evidence from a sovereign state. Dynamics of Politics and Democracy, 1(1), 29-37.

    Kombol, M. A.-v. (2014). Potential uses of community radio in political awareness: A proposal for Nigeria. New Media and Mass Communication, 24, 12-24.

    Martínez-Roa, O.-G., & Ortega-Erazo, E.-G. (2018). Perceptions and participation in community radio stations in Nariño-Colombia.

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  1. Adedeji, A. O. (2022). Analysis of Good Governance as an Earmark of Distinctive Federalism in Nigeria Federation. Journal of Governance and Accountability Studies, 2(2), 147-158.
  2. Ajibade, O., & Alabi, S. (2017). Community radio in Nigeria: Issues and challenges. Covenant Journal of Communication.
  3. Akingbulu, A. (2010). Public Broadcasting in Africa: Nigeria: Nigeria: African Books Collective.
  4. Appadorai, A. (2000). The Substance of Politics: Oxford University Press India.
  5. Arowolo, D., & Aluko, F. S. (2010). Women and political participation in Nigeria. European Journal of Social Sciences, 14(4), 581-593.
  6. Bello, A. K., & Wilkinson, K. (2017). The perception of community radio as public sphere and its potential impact on political action: Lessons from Tanzania. Journal of Development and Communication Studies, 5(1), 22-43.
  7. Cochran, W. G. (1940). Note on an approximate formula for the significance levels of z. The Annals of Mathematical Statistics, 11(1), 93-95.
  8. Falade, D. (2014). Political participation in Nigerian democracy: A study of some selected local government areas in Ondo State, Nigeria. Global Journal of Human-Social Science, 14(8), 16-23.
  9. Fombad, M. C., & Jiyane, G. V. (2019). The role of community radios in information dissemination to rural women in South Africa. Journal of Librarianship and Information Science, 51(1), 47-58.
  10. Jankowski, N. (2003). Community media research: A quest for theoretically-grounded models. Javnost-The Public, 10(1), 5-14.
  11. Khan, M. A. A., Khan, M. M. R., Hassan, M., Ahmed, F., & Haque, S. M. R. (2017). Role of community radio for community development in Bangladesh. The International Technology Management Review, 6(3), 94-102.
  12. Khan, M. M. R. (2021). Political state and the dilemma of dignity, equality and freedom: Evidence from a sovereign state. Dynamics of Politics and Democracy, 1(1), 29-37.
  13. Kombol, M. A.-v. (2014). Potential uses of community radio in political awareness: A proposal for Nigeria. New Media and Mass Communication, 24, 12-24.
  14. Martínez-Roa, O.-G., & Ortega-Erazo, E.-G. (2018). Perceptions and participation in community radio stations in Nariño-Colombia.
  15. Mogambi, H., & Ochola, A. P. (2015). Community radio and empowerment of women among pastoralist communities in Northern Kenya. Online journal of communication and media technologies, 5(4), 29-63.
  16. Mwesigwa, D. (2021). Towards enhancing local citizen participation in Uganda. Dynamics of Politics and Democracy, 1(1), 15-28.
  17. Mwesigwa, D., & Wahid, K. A. (2021). Relevance of youth representation through political proportions in Uganda.
  18. Nafiz, A. Z. (2012). Reaching the community through community radio: readjusting to the new realities: a case study investigating the changing nature of community access and participation in three community radio stations in three countries, New Zealand, Nepal and Sri Lanka.
  19. Ojomo, O. W., Tejuoso, W., Olayinka, A. P., & Oluwashola, I. T. (2015). Making a case for community radio in Nigeria. Int J Hum Soc Sci, 5, 136-144.
  20. Okafor, C. U., & Madubuegwu, C. E. (2015). Political Education in Nigeria: A Veritable Instrument for National Development. Academic Excellence, 1-14.
  21. Onu, G., Chiamogu, A. P., & Chiamogu, U. P. (2022). Governance challenges and resurgence of Igbo nationalism in Nigeria: Dissecting Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB). Journal of Governance and Accountability Studies, 2(2), 133-145.
  22. Room, N. C. S. S. (2019). Report of Nigeria’s 2019 General Elections. Retrieved from
  23. Seran, H. V., Pandie, D. B., & Sayrani, L. P. (2022). The Neutrality Dilemma of Civil Servant in 2020 Local Leaders Election on Malaka Regency. Dynamics of Politics and Democracy, 1(2), 109-123.
  24. Suleiman, J. (2018). The media, implementation of the Nigerian national communication policy, and citizens’ participation in development. European Scientific Journal, 14(26), 193-215.
  25. Thomas, O., & Okoro, E. (2017). An Analysis of the Effect of Social and New Media on Elections’ Outcomes: Interactive Communication among Diverse African Communities. nternational Journal of Business and Social Science, 8(1).
  26. Tucker, E. (2013). Community radio in political theory and development practice. Journal of Development and Communication Studies, 2(2-3), 392-420.
  27. Udo, A. (2022). Assessing Media and Security Agencies Relationship in Governance of Niger Delta, Nigeria. Journal of Governance and Accountability Studies, 2(2), 119-131.
  28. Ufuophu-Biri, E. (2017). Pattern of community radio ownership, regulation and usage for development in Anglophone West African countries. Journal of Research and Development (JRnD), 3(2), 30.
  29. Verma, A., Sharma, A., & Khan, F. (2020). AN EVALUATIVE STUDY ON THE ROLE OF RADIO 7 FOR PROMOTING WOMEN EMPOWERMENT IN JAIPUR. Journal of Critical Reviews.
  30. Viswanath, K., Finnegan Jr, J. R., Rooney Jr, B., & Potter Jr, J. (1990). Community ties in a rural Midwest community and use of newspapers and cable television. Journalism Quarterly, 67(4), 899-911.
  31. Yuen, T. W. W., & Leung, Y. W. (2009). Political education: Controversial issues, neutrality of teachers and merits of team teaching. Citizenship, Social and Economics Education, 8(2-3), 99-114.