Psychosocial Adjustment Of Breast Cancer Patients Post-Treatment Therapy and Mentoring. (Case Study of 4 Breast Cancer Patients in Sapkandara Community Medan)
Purpose: To determine the impact of therapy and psychosocial adjustments as well as assistance received by breast cancer patients in the Sapkandara Movement community in the city of Medan.
Research Methodology: This type of research is qualitative with a case study approach to 4 breast cancer patients who are members of the Sapkandara
Results: The results showed that breast cancer patients experienced significant physical and psychological changes after therapy, including fatigue, hair loss, stress, and emotional instability. Socially, patients tend to withdraw from the environment. Psychosocial adjustment is influenced by patients' knowledge of the disease and family support. There are three types of assistance: existential, functional, and professional, but only existential support from family is effective. Sapkandara Community is here to provide comprehensive support including information, hospital assistance, and moral and emotional support.
Limitations: This research limits the scope of research to only patients who suffer from breast cancer, are undergoing treatment, support therapy, and are members of the Sapkandara.
Contribution: It is hoped that he can contribute to the development of knowledge in the Department of Social Welfare, especially courses on health and social welfare issues. Adding information for breast cancer patients and readers to find out about the needs of companions regarding the psychosocial adjustment of breast cancer patients. Also provides additional insight or knowledge for medical social workers, health services, hospitals, communities, or NGOs related to health and policymakers in the health sector, especially in social services for cancer sufferers.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
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- Pearce, A., Haas, M., Viney, R., Pearson, S. A., Haywood, P., Brown, C., & Ward,
- R. (2017). Incidence and severity of self-reported chemotherapy side effects in routine care: A prospective cohort study. PLoS ONE, 12(10), 1–12. 0
- Sari, N. N., & Syafiq, M. (2015). Penyesuaian Psikososial Pada Wanita Penderita Kanker Payudara Pasca Mastektomi. Junral Penelitian Psikologi, vol 8 no 7, 1–10.
- Setiati. (2018). Waspadai 4 Kanker Ganas Pembunuh Wanita. CV Andi Offset. Suharto, E. (2006). Membangun Masyarakat Membangun Rakyat. Kajian Strategis
- Pembangunan Sosial dan Pekerja Sosial. Refika Aditama.
- Susanto, P., Mayang Sari, S., & Priyo Suprobo, F. (2016). Penerapan Pendekatan Healing Environmentpada Rumah Perawatan Paliatif bagi Penderita Kanker. Jurnal Intra, 4(2), 352–360.
- VandenBos, G. R. (2015). APA Dictionary of Psychology Second Edition.
- American Psychological Association.
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- Wilson, E. (2020). Social work, cancer survivorship and liminality: meeting the needs of young women diagnosed with early stage breast cancer. Journal of Social Work Practice, 34(1), 95–111.
- Wiryasaputra, T. S. (2019). Konseling Pastoral di Era Milenial. Pohon Cahaya.