Higher Education Policy Model During The Pandemic: Lesson Learned From University Students

Published: Nov 3, 2022


Purpose: The primary purpose of this study is to identify models that contribute to the effectiveness of policies and institutions in managing online learning in Colleges during the mass pandemic.

Methodology: This research will be conducted using a mixed method. The survey was carried out using a questionnaire to groups of college students. The data analysis includes statistical analysis to determine the frequency and description of the survey data obtained.

Results: Several aspects must be intervened from this condition. This is related to managing incentives and financial assistance to student groups. There is a need for planning and adjustments regarding financial aid management. Then, the aspect of stakeholder involvement will be related to the role of educational institutions as regional, central and non-government actors. The aspect of policy adjustment will intersect with legislative institutions or policies at the regional and central levels.

Limitations: This research is limited to regional scope studies, so it requires comparison with other regions with more adequate educational resources.

Contribution: In the future, the model can be developed to strengthen the need for a mixed education model by combining technology and a human touch so that the online education model can feel more humanist.

Novelty: The resulting model combines policy and institutional aspects as an intervention package for higher education in times of crisis, such as a pandemic.

1. Higher Education
2. Online Learning
3. University Students
4. Policy Model
1 . Eko Budi Sulistio
2 . Simon Sumanjoyo Hutagalung
How to Cite
Sulistio, E. B., & Hutagalung, S. S. (2022). Higher Education Policy Model During The Pandemic: Lesson Learned From University Students. Journal of Social, Humanity, and Education, 3(1), 77–87. https://doi.org/10.35912/jshe.v3i1.1232


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    Adijaya, N. (2018). Persepsi Mahasiswa dalam Pembelajaran Online** Pengembangan teori dari penelitian berjudul “persepsi mahasiswa terhadap materi ajar pada pembelajaran online” yang telah dipublikasi di Jurnal Eduscience Vol. 3/1. Wanastra: Jurnal Bahasa Dan Sastra, 10(2), 105-110.

    Afiati, E., Khairun, D. Y., Prabowo, A. S., & Handoyo, A. W. (2020). Peran dan Tantangan yang diemban Mahasiswa Bimbingan dan Konseling di Era Pandemi COVID-19. Paper presented at the Prosiding Seminar Nasional Pendidikan FKIP.

    Ahmad, H., & Halim, H. (2017). Determining sample size for research activities. Selangor Business Review, 20-34.

    Akbar, A., & Noviani, N. (2019). Tantangan dan solusi dalam perkembangan teknologi pendidikan di Indonesia. Paper presented at the Prosiding Seminar Nasional Program Pascasarjana Universitas Pgri Palembang.

    Altbach, P., & de Wit, H. (2020). Postpandemic outlook for higher education is bleakest for the poorest. International Higher Education(102), 3-5.

    Anggrawan, A. (2019). Analisis deskriptif hasil belajar pembelajaran tatap muka dan pembelajaran online menurut gaya belajar mahasiswa. MATRIK: Jurnal Manajemen, Teknik Informatika Dan Rekayasa Komputer, 18(2), 339-346.

    Astini, N. K. S. (2020). Tantangan dan peluang pemanfaatan teknologi informasi dalam pembelajaran online masa covid-19. Cetta: Jurnal Ilmu Pendidikan, 3(2), 241-255.

    Atsani, K. L. G. M. Z. (2020). Transformasi media pembelajaran pada masa Pandemi COVID-19. Al-Hikmah: Jurnal Studi Islam, 1(1), 82-93.

    Baber, H. (2021). Social interaction and effectiveness of the online learning–A moderating role of maintaining social distance during the pandemic COVID-19. Asian Education and Development Studies.

    Bahasoan, A. N., Ayuandiani, W., Mukhram, M., & Rahmat, A. (2020). Effectiveness of online learning in pandemic COVID-19. International journal of science, technology & management, 1(2), 100-106.

    Boparai, J. K., Singh, S., & Kathuria, P. (2018). How to design and validate a questionnaire: a guide. Current clinical pharmacology, 13(4), 210-215.

    Dakhi, O., JAMA, J., & IRFAN, D. (2020). Blended learning: a 21st century learning model at college. International Journal Of Multi Science, 1(08), 50-65.

    Daud, R. M. (2020). Sistem pendidikan Finlandia suatu alternatif sistem pendidikan Aceh. PIONIR: JURNAL PENDIDIKAN, 8(2).

    Disdukcapil. (2019). Jumlah Penduduk Provinsi Lampung Semester II Tahun 2019. Retrieved from https://disdukcapil.lampungprov.go.id/detail-post/jumlah-penduduk-provinsi-lampung-semester-ii-tahun-2019

    Dumford, A. D., & Miller, A. L. (2018). Online learning in higher education: exploring advantages and disadvantages for engagement. Journal of Computing in Higher Education, 30(3), 452-465.

    Etikan, I., & Bala, K. (2017). Sampling and sampling methods. Biometrics & Biostatistics International Journal, 5(6), 00149.

    Farooqi, M. Q. (2022). Teaching and Learning of English as a Foreign Language: The Impact of COVID-19. Journal of Social, Humanity, and Education, 2(4), 357-366.

    Firman, F., & Rahayu, S. (2020). Pembelajaran online di tengah pandemi covid-19. Indonesian Journal of Educational Science (IJES), 2(2), 81-89.

    Gleason, N. W. (2018). Higher education in the era of the fourth industrial revolution: Springer Nature.

    Hossain, M. A., & Yasmin, F. (2022). Emergency Online Teaching-Learning Model in the Context of Higher-Level Education due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Journal of Social, Humanity, and Education, 2(4), 327-341.

    How, Z. J. (2020). A Systematic Review of Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Research in Higher Education Institutes from 2014–2019. Transforming Teaching and Learning in Higher Education, 11-43.

    Irianto, H. A. (2017). Pendidikan sebagai investasi dalam pembangunan suatu bangsa: Kencana.

    Isnaini, I., Melisa, M., Rusdinal, R., & Gistituati, N. (2021). Principal's efforts to change in schools: A case study in Indonesia. Journal of Social, Humanity, and Education, 1(4), 241-251.

    Krosnick, J. A. (2018). Questionnaire design The Palgrave handbook of survey research (pp. 439-455): Springer.

    Kurniawansyah, H., Amrullah, A., Salahuddin, M., Muslim, M., & Nurhidayati, S. (2020). Konsep kebijakan strategis dalam menangani eksternalitas ekonomi dari COVID-19 pada masyarakat rentan di indonesia. Indonesian Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, 1(2), 130-139.

    Lailiyah, M., Setiyaningsih, L. A., Wediyantoro, P. L., & Yustisia, K. K. (2021). Assessing an effective collaboration in higher education: A study of students' experiences and challenges on group collaboration. EnJourMe (English Journal of Merdeka): Culture, Language, and Teaching of English, 6(2), 152-162.

    Moon, H., Mariadoss, B. J., & Johnson, J. L. (2019). Collaboration with higher education institutions for successful firm innovation. Journal of Business Research, 99, 534-541.

    Mulyaningsih, T., Dong, S., Miranti, R., Daly, A., & Purwaningsih, Y. (2022). Targeted scholarship for higher education and academic performance: Evidence from Indonesia. International Journal of Educational Development, 88, 102510.

    Nasir, K. B., & Neger, M. (2022). Students' attitude towards online education system: A comparative study between Public and Private Universities in Bangladesh. Journal of Social, Humanity, and Education, 2(2), 167-183.

    Neuwirth, L. S., Jovi?, S., & Mukherji, B. R. (2021). Reimagining higher education during and post-COVID-19: Challenges and opportunities. Journal of Adult and Continuing Education, 27(2), 141-156.

    Nugraha, D. M. D. P. (2021). Station Rotation Type Blended Learning Model Against Critical Thinking Ability of Fourth Grade Students. Journal of Education Technology, 4(4), 516-523.

    Pakpahan, R., & Fitriani, Y. (2020). Analisa pemanfaatan teknologi informasi dalam pembelajaran jarak jauh di tengah pandemi virus corona covid-19. Journal of Information System, Applied, Management, Accounting and Research, 4(2), 30-36.

    Ping, T. (2021). Model Pembiayaan Pendidikan Di Perguruan Tinggi Pada Masa Pandemi Covid-19. Indonesian Journal of Education and Humanity, 1(2), 107-119.

    Pujilestari, Y. (2020). Dampak positif pembelajaran online dalam sistem pendidikan Indonesia pasca pandemi covid-19. Adalah, 4(1), 49-56.


    Sj-Siswanda, H. (2020). Alternatif Pembiayaan di Perguruan Tinggi. Retrieved from http://hetifah.id/artikel/alternatif-pembiayaan-di-perguruan-tinggi.html

    Sjöö, K., & Hellström, T. (2019). University–industry collaboration: A literature review and synthesis. Industry and higher education, 33(4), 275-285.

    Sukardi, S., & Rozi, F. (2019). Pengaruh Model Pembelajaran Online Dilengkapi Dengan Tutorial Terhadap Hasil Belajar. JIPI (Jurnal Ilmiah Penelitian Dan Pembelajaran Informatika), 4(2), 97-102.

    Sulistyawati, T. E. (2020). Perspektif aksiologi terhadap penurunan minat belajar anak di masa pandemi. Aksiologi: Jurnal Pendidikan dan Ilmu Sosial, 1(1), 33-43.

    Sunarti, V., Hafizah, H., Rusdinal, R., Ananda, A., & Gistituati, N. (2022). Comparison of Indonesian and Finnish Education Curriculum. Journal of Social, Humanity, and Education, 2(2), 141-152.

    Truitt, A. A., & Ku, H.-Y. (2018). A case study of third grade students' perceptions of the station rotation blended learning model in the United States. Educational Media International, 55(2), 153-169.

    Wena, I. M. (2020). Perkuliahan online dengan aplikasi zoom dalam program belajar dari rumah dimasa pandemi Covid-19. Prosiding Webinar Nasional Universitas Mahasaraswati Denpasar 2020.

    Yang, H. H., & MacLeod, J. (2019). Blended Learning in Teacher Education. Oxford Research Encyclopedia Of Education.

    Yuhana, Y. (2020). Tantangan Guru Profesional Dalam Melaksanakan Proses Pembelajaran di Masa Pandemi Covid-19. Paper presented at the Prosiding Seminar Nasional Pendidikan FKIP.

  1. Adijaya, N. (2018). Persepsi Mahasiswa dalam Pembelajaran Online** Pengembangan teori dari penelitian berjudul “persepsi mahasiswa terhadap materi ajar pada pembelajaran online” yang telah dipublikasi di Jurnal Eduscience Vol. 3/1. Wanastra: Jurnal Bahasa Dan Sastra, 10(2), 105-110.
  2. Afiati, E., Khairun, D. Y., Prabowo, A. S., & Handoyo, A. W. (2020). Peran dan Tantangan yang diemban Mahasiswa Bimbingan dan Konseling di Era Pandemi COVID-19. Paper presented at the Prosiding Seminar Nasional Pendidikan FKIP.
  3. Ahmad, H., & Halim, H. (2017). Determining sample size for research activities. Selangor Business Review, 20-34.
  4. Akbar, A., & Noviani, N. (2019). Tantangan dan solusi dalam perkembangan teknologi pendidikan di Indonesia. Paper presented at the Prosiding Seminar Nasional Program Pascasarjana Universitas Pgri Palembang.
  5. Altbach, P., & de Wit, H. (2020). Postpandemic outlook for higher education is bleakest for the poorest. International Higher Education(102), 3-5.
  6. Anggrawan, A. (2019). Analisis deskriptif hasil belajar pembelajaran tatap muka dan pembelajaran online menurut gaya belajar mahasiswa. MATRIK: Jurnal Manajemen, Teknik Informatika Dan Rekayasa Komputer, 18(2), 339-346.
  7. Astini, N. K. S. (2020). Tantangan dan peluang pemanfaatan teknologi informasi dalam pembelajaran online masa covid-19. Cetta: Jurnal Ilmu Pendidikan, 3(2), 241-255.
  8. Atsani, K. L. G. M. Z. (2020). Transformasi media pembelajaran pada masa Pandemi COVID-19. Al-Hikmah: Jurnal Studi Islam, 1(1), 82-93.
  9. Baber, H. (2021). Social interaction and effectiveness of the online learning–A moderating role of maintaining social distance during the pandemic COVID-19. Asian Education and Development Studies.
  10. Bahasoan, A. N., Ayuandiani, W., Mukhram, M., & Rahmat, A. (2020). Effectiveness of online learning in pandemic COVID-19. International journal of science, technology & management, 1(2), 100-106.
  11. Boparai, J. K., Singh, S., & Kathuria, P. (2018). How to design and validate a questionnaire: a guide. Current clinical pharmacology, 13(4), 210-215.
  12. Dakhi, O., JAMA, J., & IRFAN, D. (2020). Blended learning: a 21st century learning model at college. International Journal Of Multi Science, 1(08), 50-65.
  13. Daud, R. M. (2020). Sistem pendidikan Finlandia suatu alternatif sistem pendidikan Aceh. PIONIR: JURNAL PENDIDIKAN, 8(2).
  14. Disdukcapil. (2019). Jumlah Penduduk Provinsi Lampung Semester II Tahun 2019. Retrieved from https://disdukcapil.lampungprov.go.id/detail-post/jumlah-penduduk-provinsi-lampung-semester-ii-tahun-2019
  15. Dumford, A. D., & Miller, A. L. (2018). Online learning in higher education: exploring advantages and disadvantages for engagement. Journal of Computing in Higher Education, 30(3), 452-465.
  16. Etikan, I., & Bala, K. (2017). Sampling and sampling methods. Biometrics & Biostatistics International Journal, 5(6), 00149.
  17. Farooqi, M. Q. (2022). Teaching and Learning of English as a Foreign Language: The Impact of COVID-19. Journal of Social, Humanity, and Education, 2(4), 357-366.
  18. Firman, F., & Rahayu, S. (2020). Pembelajaran online di tengah pandemi covid-19. Indonesian Journal of Educational Science (IJES), 2(2), 81-89.
  19. Gleason, N. W. (2018). Higher education in the era of the fourth industrial revolution: Springer Nature.
  20. Hossain, M. A., & Yasmin, F. (2022). Emergency Online Teaching-Learning Model in the Context of Higher-Level Education due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Journal of Social, Humanity, and Education, 2(4), 327-341.
  21. How, Z. J. (2020). A Systematic Review of Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Research in Higher Education Institutes from 2014–2019. Transforming Teaching and Learning in Higher Education, 11-43.
  22. Irianto, H. A. (2017). Pendidikan sebagai investasi dalam pembangunan suatu bangsa: Kencana.
  23. Isnaini, I., Melisa, M., Rusdinal, R., & Gistituati, N. (2021). Principal's efforts to change in schools: A case study in Indonesia. Journal of Social, Humanity, and Education, 1(4), 241-251.
  24. Krosnick, J. A. (2018). Questionnaire design The Palgrave handbook of survey research (pp. 439-455): Springer.
  25. Kurniawansyah, H., Amrullah, A., Salahuddin, M., Muslim, M., & Nurhidayati, S. (2020). Konsep kebijakan strategis dalam menangani eksternalitas ekonomi dari COVID-19 pada masyarakat rentan di indonesia. Indonesian Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, 1(2), 130-139.
  26. Lailiyah, M., Setiyaningsih, L. A., Wediyantoro, P. L., & Yustisia, K. K. (2021). Assessing an effective collaboration in higher education: A study of students' experiences and challenges on group collaboration. EnJourMe (English Journal of Merdeka): Culture, Language, and Teaching of English, 6(2), 152-162.
  27. Moon, H., Mariadoss, B. J., & Johnson, J. L. (2019). Collaboration with higher education institutions for successful firm innovation. Journal of Business Research, 99, 534-541.
  28. Mulyaningsih, T., Dong, S., Miranti, R., Daly, A., & Purwaningsih, Y. (2022). Targeted scholarship for higher education and academic performance: Evidence from Indonesia. International Journal of Educational Development, 88, 102510.
  29. Nasir, K. B., & Neger, M. (2022). Students' attitude towards online education system: A comparative study between Public and Private Universities in Bangladesh. Journal of Social, Humanity, and Education, 2(2), 167-183.
  30. Neuwirth, L. S., Jovi?, S., & Mukherji, B. R. (2021). Reimagining higher education during and post-COVID-19: Challenges and opportunities. Journal of Adult and Continuing Education, 27(2), 141-156.
  31. Nugraha, D. M. D. P. (2021). Station Rotation Type Blended Learning Model Against Critical Thinking Ability of Fourth Grade Students. Journal of Education Technology, 4(4), 516-523.
  32. Pakpahan, R., & Fitriani, Y. (2020). Analisa pemanfaatan teknologi informasi dalam pembelajaran jarak jauh di tengah pandemi virus corona covid-19. Journal of Information System, Applied, Management, Accounting and Research, 4(2), 30-36.
  33. Ping, T. (2021). Model Pembiayaan Pendidikan Di Perguruan Tinggi Pada Masa Pandemi Covid-19. Indonesian Journal of Education and Humanity, 1(2), 107-119.
  34. Pujilestari, Y. (2020). Dampak positif pembelajaran online dalam sistem pendidikan Indonesia pasca pandemi covid-19. Adalah, 4(1), 49-56.
  36. Sj-Siswanda, H. (2020). Alternatif Pembiayaan di Perguruan Tinggi. Retrieved from http://hetifah.id/artikel/alternatif-pembiayaan-di-perguruan-tinggi.html
  37. Sjöö, K., & Hellström, T. (2019). University–industry collaboration: A literature review and synthesis. Industry and higher education, 33(4), 275-285.
  38. Sukardi, S., & Rozi, F. (2019). Pengaruh Model Pembelajaran Online Dilengkapi Dengan Tutorial Terhadap Hasil Belajar. JIPI (Jurnal Ilmiah Penelitian Dan Pembelajaran Informatika), 4(2), 97-102.
  39. Sulistyawati, T. E. (2020). Perspektif aksiologi terhadap penurunan minat belajar anak di masa pandemi. Aksiologi: Jurnal Pendidikan dan Ilmu Sosial, 1(1), 33-43.
  40. Sunarti, V., Hafizah, H., Rusdinal, R., Ananda, A., & Gistituati, N. (2022). Comparison of Indonesian and Finnish Education Curriculum. Journal of Social, Humanity, and Education, 2(2), 141-152.
  41. Truitt, A. A., & Ku, H.-Y. (2018). A case study of third grade students' perceptions of the station rotation blended learning model in the United States. Educational Media International, 55(2), 153-169.
  42. Wena, I. M. (2020). Perkuliahan online dengan aplikasi zoom dalam program belajar dari rumah dimasa pandemi Covid-19. Prosiding Webinar Nasional Universitas Mahasaraswati Denpasar 2020.
  43. Yang, H. H., & MacLeod, J. (2019). Blended Learning in Teacher Education. Oxford Research Encyclopedia Of Education.
  44. Yuhana, Y. (2020). Tantangan Guru Profesional Dalam Melaksanakan Proses Pembelajaran di Masa Pandemi Covid-19. Paper presented at the Prosiding Seminar Nasional Pendidikan FKIP.