Issued by Goodwood Publishing, the Journal of Social, Humanity, and Education (JSHE) is a peer-reviewed, open access scholarly journal publishing high-quality manuscripts in forms of original research articles, review articles, book reviews, case reports, and discussions to answer important and interesting questions, develop or test theory, replicate prior studies, explore interesting phenomena, review and synthesize existing research and provide new perspectives aimed at stimulating future theory development and empirical research related to social sciences, humanities, communication, language, literature, political science, and education.
Kinesthetic learning approach and process skills in science laboratory activities
Inclusive development in rural Indonesia: Actualizing disability rights in Lheu Eu Village
Exploratory analysis of learners’ motivation on learning Mathematics in Philippines
Indigenous traditions and the impact of war: An analysis of N. Scott Momaday’s House Made of Dawn
Experiences and challenges implementing Uganda's revised English Literature curriculum: Problematization of colonization
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