E-learning Portal Success in higher education organizations: A multi-group comparison

Published: May 5, 2023


Purpose: This study provides an analytical framework based on the literature to evaluate the effectiveness of E-learning portals. The study aims to contrast the accessibility of e-learning portals from the perspectives of business and engineering students.

Research methodology: Using convenience and snowball sampling methods with the help of Google polls, the data was acquired from 482 students, including engineering and business students. The study used a seven-point Likert-type questionnaire to gather data. The study employed PLS-SEM to do a multi-group analysis and examine group differences.

Results: The results revealed user satisfaction predicts the system used for both models. Only e-service quality is the significant predictor of user satisfaction and the system used in the business model, but the system and information qualities are also predictors in the engineering model. Finally, the success of an e-learning portal is positively correlated with user satisfaction and system use.

Limitations: This study consists of only a sample of 482 students. Future research may take into account using a bigger sample size. Additionally, this study mostly focused on how students perceived the efficacy of the e-learning portal while ignoring the viewpoints of the instructors and the institution, which may vary.

Contribution: Higher administration in Bangladeshi educational institutions will find the study helpful in building policies and plans for the growth of e-learning portals.

Novelty: This work validates the DeLone and McLean Model in the context of Bangladeshi undergraduate students. The study shows how business and engineering students' access to e-learning portals varies.

1. E-learning portal success
2. E-learning in higher education
3. Group difference
5. Bangladesh
Sanjoy Kumar Roy
How to Cite
Roy, S. K. (2023). E-learning Portal Success in higher education organizations: A multi-group comparison. Journal of Social, Humanity, and Education, 3(3), 197–218. https://doi.org/10.35912/jshe.v3i3.1294


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    Al-Maroof, R. A., & Al-Emran, M. (2021). Research trends in flipped classroom: a systematic review. Recent advances in intelligent systems and smart applications, 253-275.

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    Al-Nuaimi, M. N., Al-Kabi, M. N., & Al-Emran, M. (2021). Digitizing Learning During the Outbreak of COVID-19 Pandemic: Lessons Learned from the Most Infected Countries Emerging Technologies During the Era of COVID-19 Pandemic (pp. 291-303): Springer.

    Aljawarneh, S. A. (2020). Reviewing and exploring innovative ubiquitous learning tools in higher education. Journal of Computing in Higher Education, 32(1), 57-73.

    Amiri, Y., Khademi, N., Khafri, F. Z., Akbari, Z., & Jangjoo, R. (2022). The Impact of Corona Outbreak on Virtual Education Policy in Iranian Universities. Journal of Social, Humanity, and Education, 3(1), 1-15.

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  3. Al-Nuaimi, M. N., & Al-Emran, M. (2021). Learning management systems and technology acceptance models: A systematic review. Education and Information Technologies, 26(5), 5499-5533.
  4. Al-Nuaimi, M. N., Al-Kabi, M. N., & Al-Emran, M. (2021). Digitizing Learning During the Outbreak of COVID-19 Pandemic: Lessons Learned from the Most Infected Countries Emerging Technologies During the Era of COVID-19 Pandemic (pp. 291-303): Springer.
  5. Aljawarneh, S. A. (2020). Reviewing and exploring innovative ubiquitous learning tools in higher education. Journal of Computing in Higher Education, 32(1), 57-73.
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  7. Ashari, H., Abbas, I., Abdul-Talib, A.-N., & Mohd Zamani, S. N. (2021). Entrepreneurship and Sustainable Development Goals: A Multigroup Analysis of the Moderating Effects of Entrepreneurship Education on Entrepreneurial Intention. Sustainability, 14(1), 431.
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  16. Cojocariu, V.-M., Lazar, I., Nedeff, V., & Lazar, G. (2014). SWOT analysis of e-learning educational services from the perspective of their beneficiaries. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 116, 1999-2003.
  17. Cornelius, I. (2002). Theorizing information for information science. Annual review of information science and technology, 36(1), 392-425.
  18. Dar, W. A., & Jan, K. (2022). Student alienation at University level: Psychometric properties and relationship with student’s ICT motives. Education and Information Technologies, 27(4), 4637-4656.
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  20. DeLone, W. H., & McLean, E. R. (2016). Information systems success measurement. Foundations and Trends® in Information Systems, 2(1), 1-116.
  21. Dignan, L. (2020). Online learning gets its moment due to COVID-19 pandemic: Here’s how education will change. Assessed on 24th April.
  22. EDIG, M. M. (2022). Time Management And Self-Directed Learning As Predictors Of Academic Performance Of Students In Mathematics. Journal of Social, Humanity, and Education, 3(1), 57-75.
  23. Fearnley, M. R., & Amora, J. T. (2020). Learning Management System Adoption in Higher Education Using the Extended Technology Acceptance Model. IAFOR Journal of Education, 8(2), 89-106.
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  27. Gefen, D., Straub, D., & Boudreau, M.-C. (2000). Structural equation modeling and regression: Guidelines for research practice. Communications of the Association for Information systems, 4(1), 7.
  28. Gold, A. H., Malhotra, A., & Segars, A. H. (2001). Knowledge management: An organizational capabilities perspective. Journal of management information systems, 18(1), 185-214.
  29. Habibi, A., Yusop, F. D., & Razak, R. A. (2020). The role of TPACK in affecting pre-service language teachers’ ICT integration during teaching practices: Indonesian context. Education and Information Technologies, 25(3), 1929-1949.
  30. Hadoussa, S. (2020). Evaluation of e-learning system on higher education institutions in KSA: a survey at Saudi Electronic University. International Journal of Technology Enhanced Learning, 12(2), 180-199.
  31. Hair Jr, J. F., Hult, G. T. M., Ringle, C. M., & Sarstedt, M. (2021). A primer on partial least squares structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM): Sage publications.
  32. Harandi, S. R. (2015). Effects of e-learning on Students’ Motivation. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 181, 423-430.
  33. Hellstén, S.-M., & Markova, M. (2006). The DeLone and McLean model of information systems success-original and updated models. Paper presented at the SIGCHI Conference.
  34. Henseler, J., Ringle, C. M., & Sarstedt, M. (2016). Testing measurement invariance of composites using partial least squares. International Marketing Review.
  35. Hossain, M. A., & Yasmin, F. (2022). Emergency Online Teaching-Learning Model in the Context of Higher-Level Education due to the COVID-19 Pandemic. Journal of Social, Humanity, and Education, 2(4), 327-341.
  36. Hrastinski, S. (2008). Asynchronous and synchronous e-learning. Educause quarterly, 31(4), 51-55.
  37. Hsu, P.-F., Yen, H. R., & Chung, J.-C. (2015). Assessing ERP post-implementation success at the individual level: Revisiting the role of service quality. Information & Management, 52(8), 925-942.
  38. Humida, T., Al Mamun, M. H., & Keikhosrokiani, P. (2022). Predicting behavioral intention to use e-learning system: A case-study in Begum Rokeya University, Rangpur, Bangladesh. Education and Information Technologies, 27(2), 2241-2265.
  39. Ifinedo, P. (2014). Information systems security policy compliance: An empirical study of the effects of socialisation, influence, and cognition. Information & Management, 51(1), 69-79.
  40. Islam, S., Hossain, M. S., & Roy, S. K. (2021). Performance Evaluation using CAMELS Model: A Comparative Study on Private Commercial Banks in Bangladesh.
  41. Khan, M. R., & Roy, S. K. (2022). Do primary HR functions model work in emerging economies? Sustainable compact perspective for Bangladeshi RMG industry. Review of International Business and Strategy(ahead-of-print).
  42. Khan, M. R., Roy, S. K., & Hossain, S. K. (2019). Factors Affecting Garments Employees Perception on Job Performance: Evidence from Bangladesh. International Journal of Management and Sustainability, 8(1), 32-47.
  43. Khan, M. R., Roy, S. K., & Pervin, M. T. (2022). Retail-based Women Entrepreneurship Entry Model through Small Business Orientation (SBO). JWEE(1-2), 117-136.
  44. Khan, S. K. R. M. R., & Hossain, S. K. (2016). Determinants of users’ satisfaction regarding mobile operators in Bangladesh: An exploratory factor analysis approach on university students. European Journal of Business and Management, 8(26), 31-39.
  45. Khand, Z. H., & Kalhoro, M. R. (2020). Testing and validating Delone and Maclean is model: ERP system success in higher education institutions of Pakistan. Engineering, Technology & Applied Science Research, 10(5), 6242-6248.
  46. Khaneghahi, S., Sefatgol, S., & Siyasar, M. (2022). Investigating the Relationship between School Culture and Academic Enthusiasm with Academic Hope and Motivation in High School Students. Journal of Social, Humanity, and Education, 3(1), 29-41.
  47. Khatuna, A., & Roy, S. K. (2022). Do Green Marketing Strategies Influence Green Buying Intentions? Evidence from Developing Economy. International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology, 7(10), 766-777.
  48. Kline, R. B. (2005). Principles and practice of structural equation modeling 2nd ed. New York: Guilford, 3.
  49. Lowenthal, P., Borup, J., West, R., & Archambault, L. (2020). Thinking beyond Zoom: Using asynchronous video to maintain connection and engagement during the COVID-19 pandemic. Journal of Technology and Teacher Education, 28(2), 383-391.
  50. Lowry, P. B., & Gaskin, J. (2014). Partial least squares (PLS) structural equation modeling (SEM) for building and testing behavioral causal theory: When to choose it and how to use it. IEEE transactions on professional communication, 57(2), 123-146.
  51. McBrien, J. L., Cheng, R., & Jones, P. (2009). Virtual spaces: Employing a synchronous online classroom to facilitate student engagement in online learning. International review of research in open and distributed learning, 10(3).
  52. McGill, T., Hobbs, V., & Klobas, J. (2003). User developed applications and information systems success: A test of DeLone and McLean's model. Information Resources Management Journal (IRMJ), 16(1), 24-45.
  53. Mehrolia, S., Alagarsamy, S., & Sabari, M. I. (2021). Moderating effects of academic involvement in web-based learning management system success: A multigroup analysis. Heliyon, 7(5), e07000.
  54. Mohammadi, H. (2015). Investigating users’ perspectives on e-learning: An integration of TAM and IS success model. Computers in Human Behavior, 45, 359-374.
  55. Nasirun, N., Ramayah, T., Khalid, S. A., & Shahruddin, S. (2021). Modeling Business vs Non-Business Students Blended Learning Experience: Invariance Assessment and Multigroup Analysis. Asian Journal of Business Research Volume, 11(3).
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