The experiences and challenges of Doctoral Education in Public Universities compared

Published: May 8, 2023


Purpose: This article’s purpose is to explore the challenges and experiences PhD students in selected Ugandan state universities endure during their studies.

Research methodology: The approach of the research focused on three public universities thus; Kabale University, Makerere University, and Gulu University. To explore these challenges, we undertook an extensive literature review of the external supervisors and evaluations of PhD students who attempted to submit their final dissertations.

Results: The main findings of the results indicate that due to institutional, individual, and supervisory inefficiency, many students who enroll in their PhD programs at these universities are unable to graduate within the given timeframe.

Limitations: The limitations of the study conclude that the problems addressed in this research and the suggestions presented provide the basis for improving university training programs and facilitating students, timely completion of the PhD program.

Contribution: In terms of contribution, this research will improve scholarly writing and publication abilities, in addition to increasing the identity of doctoral education in Uganda. Evidently, there is no substantial work exploring the difficulties and challenges faced by PhD students in Uganda.

Novelty: it is crucial to remember that when pursuing their PhDs, scholars are not just learning about the research topic, but are also developing fundamental skills in critical thinking, to construct their own knowledge within their own indigenous context, it is essential that they acquire the capacity to assess assertions, and evaluate arguments in a critical manner.

1. Public Universities
2. Stakeholders
3. Doctoral Education Identity
4. Graduate Employment
5. Indigenous Knowledge Creation
1 . Ocan Johnson
2 . Eton Marus
3 . Akena Francis Adyanga
4 . Natal Ayiga
How to Cite
Johnson, O., Marus, E., Adyanga, A. F., & Ayiga, N. (2023). The experiences and challenges of Doctoral Education in Public Universities compared. Journal of Social, Humanity, and Education, 3(3), 237–252.


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    Adula, M., Kant, S., & Birbirsa, Z. A. (2022). Systematic Literature Review on Human Resource Management Effect on Organization Performance. Annals of Human Resource Management Research, 2(2), 131-146.

    Adyanga, F. A., Sekiwu, D., & Ankunda, G. (2022). Integration of Quality into University Academic Programs for National Development in Uganda Reimagining Development Education in Africa (pp. 209-228): Springer.

    Akena, F. A. (2012). Critical analysis of the production of Western knowledge and its implications for Indigenous knowledge and decolonization. Journal of Black Studies, 43(6), 599-619.

    Akuffo, H., Freeman, P., Johansson, E., Obua, C., Ogwal-Okeng, J., & Waako, P. (2014). Doctoral education and institutional research capacity strengthening: An example at Makerere University in Uganda (2000–2013). Higher Education Policy, 27, 195-217.

    Andres, L., Bengtsen, S. S., del Pilar Gallego Castaño, L., Crossouard, B., Keefer, J. M., & Pyhältö, K. (2015). Drivers and Interpretations of Doctoral Education Today: National Comparisons. Frontline Learning Research, 3(3), 5-22.

    Arnold, I. J. (2008). Course level and the relationship between research productivity and teaching effectiveness. The journal of economic education, 39(4), 307-321.

    Asiimwe, J. A. (2019). Understanding Doctoral Supervision: Concepts and Experiences Of Selected Supervisors and Ph. D. Graduates in Uganda. MIER Journal of Educational Studies Trends and Practices, 134-146.

    Austin, A. E. (2002). Preparing the next generation of faculty: Graduate school as socialization to the academic career. The journal of higher education, 73(1), 94-122.

    Austin, A. E. (2010). Reform efforts in STEM doctoral education: Strengthening preparation for scholarly careers. Higher Education: Handbook of Theory and Research: Volume 25, 91-128.

    Balam, E. M., & Shannon, D. M. (2010). Student ratings of college teaching: A comparison of faculty and their students. Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education, 35(2), 209-221.

    Balyejjusa, S. M. (2015). Uganda’s vision 2040 and human needs promotion. Africa Development, 40(4), 61-90.

    Bedggood, R. E., & Donovan, J. D. (2012). University performance evaluations: what are we really measuring? Studies in higher education, 37(7), 825-842.

    Bista, K., & Cox, D. W. (2014). Cohort-based doctoral programs: What we have learned over the last 18 years. International Journal of Doctoral Studies, 9, 1.

    Choi, J., Hecht, G. W., & Tayler, W. B. (2013). Strategy selection, surrogation, and strategic performance measurement systems. Journal of Accounting Research, 51(1), 105-133.

    Collins, J. (2009). Lifelong learning in the 21st century and beyond. Radiographics, 29(2), 613-622.

    Cross, M., & Backhouse, J. (2014). Evaluating doctoral programmes in Africa: Context and practices. Higher Education Policy, 27, 155-174.

    Davies, R. (2008). The Bologna process: the quiet revolution in nursing higher education. Nurse education today, 28(8), 935-942.

    Elfert, M. (2015). UNESCO, the Faure report, the Delors report, and the political utopia of lifelong learning. European Journal of Education, 50(1), 88-100.

    Etomaru, I., Bakkabulindi, K. F. E., & Balojja, T. D. (2023). Trajectory of doctoral education and training in Uganda. Higher Education, 1-16.

    Freeman, R. E. (2010). Strategic management: A stakeholder approach: Cambridge university press.

    Galbraith, C. S., & Merrill, G. B. (2012). Faculty research productivity and standardized student learning outcomes in a university teaching environment: A Bayesian analysis of relationships. Studies in higher education, 37(4), 469-480.

    Gale, N. K., Heath, G., Cameron, E., Rashid, S., & Redwood, S. (2013). Using the framework method for the analysis of qualitative data in multi-disciplinary health research. BMC medical research methodology, 13(1), 1-8.

    Harvey, C., Kelly, A., Morris, H., & Rowlinson, M. (2010). Academic journal quality guide. London: The Association of Business Schools.

    Hattie, J., & Marsh, H. W. (1996). The relationship between research and teaching: A meta-analysis. Review of educational research, 66(4), 507-542.

    Johnson, O., Constance, T., & Chrysostom, O. (2021). Analysis of Stakeholders Involvement in the Implementation of the MA Literature Curriculum at Kabale University Using E-Learning Approach. East African Journal of Education Studies, 3(1), 199-210.

    Jowi, J. O. (2021). Doctoral training in African universities: recent trends, developments and issues. Journal of the British Academy, 9(1), 159-181.

    Kasozi, A. (2015). The status of research at three Ugandan universities. North–South Knowledge Networks.

    Kasozi, A. (2019). Creation of the Next Generation of Thinkers and Innovators: Doctoral Training in Ugandan Universities. Makerere Journal of Higher Education, 10(2), 3-17.

    Kimoga, J. (2021). State-Public University Contractual Relationship Impact on Student’s Accessibility Rights: The Agency Theory Perspective. East African Journal of Education Studies, 4(1), 48-60.

    Lam-Lagoro, J., Ocitti, J., & Abooki, P. N. (2017). Massification and quality of research, publications and community engagement in higher education: A case of Gulu University.

    Leech, N. L., Gullett, S., Cummings, M. H., & Haug, C. A. (2022). The Challenges of Remote K-12 Education during the COVID-19 Pandemic: Differences by Grade Level. Online Learning, 26(1), 245-267.

    Lindsay, R., Breen, R., & Jenkins, A. (2002). Academic research and teaching quality: The views of undergraduate and postgraduate students. Studies in higher education, 27(3), 309-327.

    Liu, O. L. (2012). Student evaluation of instruction: In the new paradigm of distance education. Research in higher education, 53, 471-486.

    Long, R., Crawford, A., White, M., & Davis, K. (2009). Determinants of faculty research productivity in information systems: An empirical analysis of the impact of academic origin and academic affiliation. Scientometrics, 78(2), 231-260.

    Lunyolo, O., Bakkabulindi, F. E., & Tusiime, H. M. (2019). Adapting Leech’s Model to Explore Predictors of Successful Doctoral Student Completion in Makerere University: A Concept Paper. East African Journal of Education Studies, 1(1), 33-41.

    Mamdani, M. (2012). Define and rule: Native as political identity: Harvard University Press.

    Marzam, M., Elpina, D., Rusdinal, R., Ananda, A., & Gistituati, N. (2022). Comparison of Indonesian and Malaysian character education. Journal of Social, Humanity, and Education, 2(2), 115-128.

    McAlpine, L., & Austin, N. (2018). Humanities PhD graduates: Desperately seeking careers? Canadian Journal of Higher Education, 48(2), 1-19.

    Mugizi, W. (2018). The role of higher education in achieving Uganda vision 2040. Elixir International Journal, 115, 49831-49837.

    Muriisa, R. K., & Bergen, D. (2015). The State of Doctoral Education in Social Sciences in Uganda: Experiences and Challenges of Doctoral Training at Mbarara University of Science and Technology 2003-2010i.

    Muwagga, A. M. (2011). Reflections on the philosophy behind the different universities in Uganda.

    Nabutto, C. L. (2014). Staff training and development in Ugandan private chartered university libraries.

    Nakanjako, D., Katamba, A., Kaye, D. K., Okello, E., Kamya, M. R., Sewankambo, N., & Mayanja-Kizza, H. (2014). Doctoral training in Uganda: evaluation of mentoring best practices at Makerere university college of health sciences. BMC medical education, 14, 1-8.

    NCHE. (2014). Quality assurance framework for Uganda universities.

    NCHE. (2020). Recognised higher education training institutions [in Uganda] as at March 2020. (pp. 30, 47): National Council for Higher Education.

    Nerad, M., & Heggelund, M. (2011). Toward a global PhD?: Forces and forms in doctoral education worldwide: University of Washington Press.

    NPA. (2013). Uganda vision 2040. Retrieved from,inadequate%20infrastructure%2C%20small%20market%2C%20lack

    Okoth, P. G. (2012). Research as a cornerstone of quality assurance in University Education with specific reference to Uganda Martyrs University. Journal of science and sustainable development, 5(1), 37-55.

    Oyugi, J. L. (2020). Supervision of doctoral candidates at Kyambogo University: Supervisor–doctoral student perspectives on roles, approaches and type of relationship. Net Journal of Social Sciences, 8, 29-42.

    Parker, J. (2008). Comparing research and teaching in university promotion criteria. Higher education quarterly, 62(3), 237-251.

    Puzantian, H., & Darwish, H. (2021). Redesigning a PhD measurement course for a new era in nursing science. Journal of Professional Nursing, 37(2), 387-390.

    Salmi, J. (2009). The challenge of establishing world-class universities: World Bank Publications.

    Sama, R., Adegbuyi, J. Y., & Ani, M. I. (2021). Teaching to the curriculum or teaching to the test. Journal of Social, Humanity, and Education, 1(2), 103-116.

    Schapper, J., & Mayson, S. E. (2010). Research?led teaching: Moving from a fractured engagement to a marriage of convenience. Higher education research & development, 29(6), 641-651.

    Shin, J. C., Kehm, B. M., & Jones, G. A. (2018). The increasing importance, growth, and evolution of doctoral education. Doctoral education for the knowledge society: Convergence or divergence in national approaches?, 1-10.

    Siswanto, H., Hasan, H., Sowiyah, S., & Ridwan, R. (2020). The influence of principal performance on teachers’ pedagogical competence. Journal of Social, Humanity, and Education (JSHE), 1(1), 13-26.

    Ssempebwa, J., Teferra, D., & Eduan, S. A. (2019). Gaps in the decision-making system at Makerere University, Uganda. Africa Education Review, 16(4), 112-126.

    Stack, S. (2003). Research productivity and student evaluation of teaching in social science classes: A research note. Research in higher education, 44, 539-556.

    Sunarti, V., Hafizah, H., Rusdinal, R., Ananda, A., & Gistituati, N. (2022). Comparison of Indonesian and Finnish Education Curriculum. Journal of Social, Humanity, and Education, 2(2), 141-152.

    Teichler, U., Arimoto, A., & Cummings, W. K. (2013). The changing academic profession. Dordrecht etc: Springer.

    Tierney, W. G., & Lanford, M. (2016). Conceptualizing innovation in higher education. Higher education: Handbook of theory and research, 1-40.

    Trafford, V., & Leshem, S. (2009). Doctorateness as a threshold concept. Innovations in education and teaching international, 46(3), 305-316.

    UG. (2001). Universities and Other Tertiary Institutions Act: Uganda Government.

    UG. (2012). Universities and Other Tertiary Institutions Act: Uganda Government.

    UNCST. (2012). The Careers and Productivity of Doctorate Holders (CDH) Survey: Uganda Report 2012. Kampala: Uganda National Council for Science and Technology.

    UNESCO. (2014). UNESCO roadmap for implementing the Global Action Programme on Education for Sustainable Development. Retrieved from

    UNESCO. (2015). UNESCO Science Report: Towards 2030: UNESCO Publishing.

    Wamala, R., Ocaya, B., & Oonyu, J. C. (2012). Extended Candidature and Non-Completion of a Ph. D. at Makerere University, Uganda. Contemporary Issues in Education Research, 5(3), 175-184.

    Wamala, R., & Ssembatya, V. A. (2013). Scholarly Productivity in Developing Countries: An Analysis of Levels and Patterns among Doctoral Holders in Uganda. Contemporary Issues in Education Research, 6(2), 163-172.

    Wamala, R., & Ssembatya, V. A. (2015). Productivity in academia: An assessment of causal linkages between output and outcome indicators. Quality Assurance in Education, 23(2), 184-195.

  1. Adula, M., Kant, S., & Birbirsa, Z. A. (2022). Systematic Literature Review on Human Resource Management Effect on Organization Performance. Annals of Human Resource Management Research, 2(2), 131-146.
  2. Adyanga, F. A., Sekiwu, D., & Ankunda, G. (2022). Integration of Quality into University Academic Programs for National Development in Uganda Reimagining Development Education in Africa (pp. 209-228): Springer.
  3. Akena, F. A. (2012). Critical analysis of the production of Western knowledge and its implications for Indigenous knowledge and decolonization. Journal of Black Studies, 43(6), 599-619.
  4. Akuffo, H., Freeman, P., Johansson, E., Obua, C., Ogwal-Okeng, J., & Waako, P. (2014). Doctoral education and institutional research capacity strengthening: An example at Makerere University in Uganda (2000–2013). Higher Education Policy, 27, 195-217.
  5. Andres, L., Bengtsen, S. S., del Pilar Gallego Castaño, L., Crossouard, B., Keefer, J. M., & Pyhältö, K. (2015). Drivers and Interpretations of Doctoral Education Today: National Comparisons. Frontline Learning Research, 3(3), 5-22.
  6. Arnold, I. J. (2008). Course level and the relationship between research productivity and teaching effectiveness. The journal of economic education, 39(4), 307-321.
  7. Asiimwe, J. A. (2019). Understanding Doctoral Supervision: Concepts and Experiences Of Selected Supervisors and Ph. D. Graduates in Uganda. MIER Journal of Educational Studies Trends and Practices, 134-146.
  8. Austin, A. E. (2002). Preparing the next generation of faculty: Graduate school as socialization to the academic career. The journal of higher education, 73(1), 94-122.
  9. Austin, A. E. (2010). Reform efforts in STEM doctoral education: Strengthening preparation for scholarly careers. Higher Education: Handbook of Theory and Research: Volume 25, 91-128.
  10. Balam, E. M., & Shannon, D. M. (2010). Student ratings of college teaching: A comparison of faculty and their students. Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education, 35(2), 209-221.
  11. Balyejjusa, S. M. (2015). Uganda’s vision 2040 and human needs promotion. Africa Development, 40(4), 61-90.
  12. Bedggood, R. E., & Donovan, J. D. (2012). University performance evaluations: what are we really measuring? Studies in higher education, 37(7), 825-842.
  13. Bista, K., & Cox, D. W. (2014). Cohort-based doctoral programs: What we have learned over the last 18 years. International Journal of Doctoral Studies, 9, 1.
  14. Choi, J., Hecht, G. W., & Tayler, W. B. (2013). Strategy selection, surrogation, and strategic performance measurement systems. Journal of Accounting Research, 51(1), 105-133.
  15. Collins, J. (2009). Lifelong learning in the 21st century and beyond. Radiographics, 29(2), 613-622.
  16. Cross, M., & Backhouse, J. (2014). Evaluating doctoral programmes in Africa: Context and practices. Higher Education Policy, 27, 155-174.
  17. Davies, R. (2008). The Bologna process: the quiet revolution in nursing higher education. Nurse education today, 28(8), 935-942.
  18. Elfert, M. (2015). UNESCO, the Faure report, the Delors report, and the political utopia of lifelong learning. European Journal of Education, 50(1), 88-100.
  19. Etomaru, I., Bakkabulindi, K. F. E., & Balojja, T. D. (2023). Trajectory of doctoral education and training in Uganda. Higher Education, 1-16.
  20. Freeman, R. E. (2010). Strategic management: A stakeholder approach: Cambridge university press.
  21. Galbraith, C. S., & Merrill, G. B. (2012). Faculty research productivity and standardized student learning outcomes in a university teaching environment: A Bayesian analysis of relationships. Studies in higher education, 37(4), 469-480.
  22. Gale, N. K., Heath, G., Cameron, E., Rashid, S., & Redwood, S. (2013). Using the framework method for the analysis of qualitative data in multi-disciplinary health research. BMC medical research methodology, 13(1), 1-8.
  23. Harvey, C., Kelly, A., Morris, H., & Rowlinson, M. (2010). Academic journal quality guide. London: The Association of Business Schools.
  24. Hattie, J., & Marsh, H. W. (1996). The relationship between research and teaching: A meta-analysis. Review of educational research, 66(4), 507-542.
  25. Johnson, O., Constance, T., & Chrysostom, O. (2021). Analysis of Stakeholders Involvement in the Implementation of the MA Literature Curriculum at Kabale University Using E-Learning Approach. East African Journal of Education Studies, 3(1), 199-210.
  26. Jowi, J. O. (2021). Doctoral training in African universities: recent trends, developments and issues. Journal of the British Academy, 9(1), 159-181.
  27. Kasozi, A. (2015). The status of research at three Ugandan universities. North–South Knowledge Networks.
  28. Kasozi, A. (2019). Creation of the Next Generation of Thinkers and Innovators: Doctoral Training in Ugandan Universities. Makerere Journal of Higher Education, 10(2), 3-17.
  29. Kimoga, J. (2021). State-Public University Contractual Relationship Impact on Student’s Accessibility Rights: The Agency Theory Perspective. East African Journal of Education Studies, 4(1), 48-60.
  30. Lam-Lagoro, J., Ocitti, J., & Abooki, P. N. (2017). Massification and quality of research, publications and community engagement in higher education: A case of Gulu University.
  31. Leech, N. L., Gullett, S., Cummings, M. H., & Haug, C. A. (2022). The Challenges of Remote K-12 Education during the COVID-19 Pandemic: Differences by Grade Level. Online Learning, 26(1), 245-267.
  32. Lindsay, R., Breen, R., & Jenkins, A. (2002). Academic research and teaching quality: The views of undergraduate and postgraduate students. Studies in higher education, 27(3), 309-327.
  33. Liu, O. L. (2012). Student evaluation of instruction: In the new paradigm of distance education. Research in higher education, 53, 471-486.
  34. Long, R., Crawford, A., White, M., & Davis, K. (2009). Determinants of faculty research productivity in information systems: An empirical analysis of the impact of academic origin and academic affiliation. Scientometrics, 78(2), 231-260.
  35. Lunyolo, O., Bakkabulindi, F. E., & Tusiime, H. M. (2019). Adapting Leech’s Model to Explore Predictors of Successful Doctoral Student Completion in Makerere University: A Concept Paper. East African Journal of Education Studies, 1(1), 33-41.
  36. Mamdani, M. (2012). Define and rule: Native as political identity: Harvard University Press.
  37. Marzam, M., Elpina, D., Rusdinal, R., Ananda, A., & Gistituati, N. (2022). Comparison of Indonesian and Malaysian character education. Journal of Social, Humanity, and Education, 2(2), 115-128.
  38. McAlpine, L., & Austin, N. (2018). Humanities PhD graduates: Desperately seeking careers? Canadian Journal of Higher Education, 48(2), 1-19.
  39. Mugizi, W. (2018). The role of higher education in achieving Uganda vision 2040. Elixir International Journal, 115, 49831-49837.
  40. Muriisa, R. K., & Bergen, D. (2015). The State of Doctoral Education in Social Sciences in Uganda: Experiences and Challenges of Doctoral Training at Mbarara University of Science and Technology 2003-2010i.
  41. Muwagga, A. M. (2011). Reflections on the philosophy behind the different universities in Uganda.
  42. Nabutto, C. L. (2014). Staff training and development in Ugandan private chartered university libraries.
  43. Nakanjako, D., Katamba, A., Kaye, D. K., Okello, E., Kamya, M. R., Sewankambo, N., & Mayanja-Kizza, H. (2014). Doctoral training in Uganda: evaluation of mentoring best practices at Makerere university college of health sciences. BMC medical education, 14, 1-8.
  44. NCHE. (2014). Quality assurance framework for Uganda universities.
  45. NCHE. (2020). Recognised higher education training institutions [in Uganda] as at March 2020. (pp. 30, 47): National Council for Higher Education.
  46. Nerad, M., & Heggelund, M. (2011). Toward a global PhD?: Forces and forms in doctoral education worldwide: University of Washington Press.
  47. NPA. (2013). Uganda vision 2040. Retrieved from,inadequate%20infrastructure%2C%20small%20market%2C%20lack
  48. Okoth, P. G. (2012). Research as a cornerstone of quality assurance in University Education with specific reference to Uganda Martyrs University. Journal of science and sustainable development, 5(1), 37-55.
  49. Oyugi, J. L. (2020). Supervision of doctoral candidates at Kyambogo University: Supervisor–doctoral student perspectives on roles, approaches and type of relationship. Net Journal of Social Sciences, 8, 29-42.
  50. Parker, J. (2008). Comparing research and teaching in university promotion criteria. Higher education quarterly, 62(3), 237-251.
  51. Puzantian, H., & Darwish, H. (2021). Redesigning a PhD measurement course for a new era in nursing science. Journal of Professional Nursing, 37(2), 387-390.
  52. Salmi, J. (2009). The challenge of establishing world-class universities: World Bank Publications.
  53. Sama, R., Adegbuyi, J. Y., & Ani, M. I. (2021). Teaching to the curriculum or teaching to the test. Journal of Social, Humanity, and Education, 1(2), 103-116.
  54. Schapper, J., & Mayson, S. E. (2010). Research?led teaching: Moving from a fractured engagement to a marriage of convenience. Higher education research & development, 29(6), 641-651.
  55. Shin, J. C., Kehm, B. M., & Jones, G. A. (2018). The increasing importance, growth, and evolution of doctoral education. Doctoral education for the knowledge society: Convergence or divergence in national approaches?, 1-10.
  56. Siswanto, H., Hasan, H., Sowiyah, S., & Ridwan, R. (2020). The influence of principal performance on teachers’ pedagogical competence. Journal of Social, Humanity, and Education (JSHE), 1(1), 13-26.
  57. Ssempebwa, J., Teferra, D., & Eduan, S. A. (2019). Gaps in the decision-making system at Makerere University, Uganda. Africa Education Review, 16(4), 112-126.
  58. Stack, S. (2003). Research productivity and student evaluation of teaching in social science classes: A research note. Research in higher education, 44, 539-556.
  59. Sunarti, V., Hafizah, H., Rusdinal, R., Ananda, A., & Gistituati, N. (2022). Comparison of Indonesian and Finnish Education Curriculum. Journal of Social, Humanity, and Education, 2(2), 141-152.
  60. Teichler, U., Arimoto, A., & Cummings, W. K. (2013). The changing academic profession. Dordrecht etc: Springer.
  61. Tierney, W. G., & Lanford, M. (2016). Conceptualizing innovation in higher education. Higher education: Handbook of theory and research, 1-40.
  62. Trafford, V., & Leshem, S. (2009). Doctorateness as a threshold concept. Innovations in education and teaching international, 46(3), 305-316.
  63. UG. (2001). Universities and Other Tertiary Institutions Act: Uganda Government.
  64. UG. (2012). Universities and Other Tertiary Institutions Act: Uganda Government.
  65. UNCST. (2012). The Careers and Productivity of Doctorate Holders (CDH) Survey: Uganda Report 2012. Kampala: Uganda National Council for Science and Technology.
  66. UNESCO. (2014). UNESCO roadmap for implementing the Global Action Programme on Education for Sustainable Development. Retrieved from
  67. UNESCO. (2015). UNESCO Science Report: Towards 2030: UNESCO Publishing.
  68. Wamala, R., Ocaya, B., & Oonyu, J. C. (2012). Extended Candidature and Non-Completion of a Ph. D. at Makerere University, Uganda. Contemporary Issues in Education Research, 5(3), 175-184.
  69. Wamala, R., & Ssembatya, V. A. (2013). Scholarly Productivity in Developing Countries: An Analysis of Levels and Patterns among Doctoral Holders in Uganda. Contemporary Issues in Education Research, 6(2), 163-172.
  70. Wamala, R., & Ssembatya, V. A. (2015). Productivity in academia: An assessment of causal linkages between output and outcome indicators. Quality Assurance in Education, 23(2), 184-195.