Pressures of jobseekers after graduation: Evidences from a public university of Bangladesh
Purpose: The goal of this study is to present the results for job seekers who have graduated from public universities.
Methodology/approach: Quantitative and qualitative methods were used in this study. The data were gathered from 200 job-seeker students at Begum Rokeya University, Rangpur (BRUR), between February and May 2022. The study adopted a purposive sampling technique to select respondents and seven case studies to draw qualitative conclusions. The study also employed The chi-squared test was used to test the hypotheses..
Results/Findings: The results of the hypothesis are as follows: there is a strong relationship between economic crisis and highly salaried jobs ( ); a medium relationship between more time to complete graduation and the pressure on job career ( ); a medium relationship between lower preparation for a job and more participants than job capacity ( ); and finally, a medium relationship between cultural influence on respondents’ behavior and alienation from family and relatives ( ). This study also discovered that pressure on students comes from a variety of sources, including family, workplace, cultural hegemony, and academic pressure. Finally, the study concludes that students may reduce demands, the government can increase employment, and jobless youth may develop self-servicing possibilities for living.
Limitations: The researchers had limitations because, even without these findings, the environment and appropriateness might be advantageous for graduates instead of pressures. Another barrier is time and money.
Contribution: Students, job seekers, and society at large who are concerned about unemployment and the programs that may address it both domestically and internationally will find the research to be helpful.

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Amegayibor, G. K. (2021). The effect of demographic factors on employees’ performance: A case of an owner-manager manufacturing firm. Annals of Human Resource Management Research, 1(2), 127-143.
Atitsogbe, K. A., Mama, N. P., Sovet, L., Pari, P., & Rossier, J. (2019). Perceived employability and entrepreneurial intentions across university students and job seekers in Togo: The effect of career adaptability and self-efficacy. Frontiers in psychology, 10, 180.
Babicka-Wirkus, A., Wirkus, L., Stasiak, K., & Koz?owski, P. (2021). University students’ strategies of coping with stress during the coronavirus pandemic: Data from Poland. PloS one, 16(7), e0255041.
Blustein, D. L., Chaves, A. P., Diemer, M. A., Gallagher, L. A., Marshall, K. G., Sirin, S., & Bhati, K. S. (2002). Voices of the forgotten half: The role of social class in the school-to-work transition. Journal of Counseling psychology, 49(3), 311.
Cho, S., & Hayter, C. S. (2020). Under pressure: A systematic review of stress and its impact among graduate students. Science and Public Policy, 47(6), 758-771.
Costa, C., Briguglio, G., Mondello, S., Teodoro, M., Pollicino, M., Canalella, A., . . . Fenga, C. (2021). Perceived stress in a gender perspective: a survey in a population of unemployed subjects of Southern Italy. Frontiers in public health, 9, 640454.
Davis, J. R. (2014). A little goes a long way: Pressure for college students to succeed. The Journal of Undergraduate Research, 12(1), 2.
DeOrtentiis, P. S., Van Iddekinge, C. H., & Wanberg, C. R. (2022). Different starting lines, different finish times: The role of social class in the job search process. Journal of applied psychology, 107(3), 444.
Durkheim, E. (1897). Le suicide: étude de sociologie: Alcan.
Ebuka, A. A., Ngozi, N. H., Obianuju, C., & Peace, N. N. (2022). Job Crafting, a brain drain antidote in Public Universities in Nigeria. Annals of Human Resource Management Research, 2(1), 1-13.
Economics, T. (2023). Bangladesh Unemployment Rate.
Gallea, J. I., Medrano, L. A., & Morera, L. P. (2021). Work-related mental health issues in graduate student population. Frontiers in neuroscience, 15, 593562.
Hafezi, A., & Etemadinia, S. (2022). Investigating the relationship between homework and academic achievement in elementary students. Journal of Social, Humanity, and Education, 2(3), 185-195.
Islam, M. A., Barna, S. D., Raihan, H., Khan, M. N. A., & Hossain, M. T. (2020). Depression and anxiety among university students during the COVID-19 pandemic in Bangladesh: A web-based cross-sectional survey. PloS one, 15(8), e0238162.
Kemsley, J. (2017). Grappling with graduate student mental health and suicide. Chem. Eng. News, 95(32), 28-33.
Kim, J., Oh, J., & Rajaguru, V. (2022). Job-seeking anxiety and job preparation behavior of undergraduate students. Paper presented at the Healthcare.
Li, Y., Kang, T., & Guo, J. (2021). The Relationship Between Subjective Socioeconomic Status and Job-Seeking Self-Efficacy: The Mediating Role of Pressure. Paper presented at the 7th International Conference on Social Science and Higher Education (ICSSHE 2021).
Lim, A. Y., Lee, S.-H., Jeon, Y., Yoo, R., & Jung, H.-Y. (2018). Job-seeking stress, mental health problems, and the role of perceived social support in university graduates in Korea. Journal of Korean Medical Science, 33(19).
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Mæhlisen, M. H., Pasgaard, A. A., Mortensen, R. N., Vardinghus-Nielsen, H., Torp-Pedersen, C., & Bøggild, H. (2018). Perceived stress as a risk factor of unemployment: a register-based cohort study. BMC public health, 18, 1-11.
Mamun, M. A., Akter, S., Hossain, I., Faisal, M. T. H., Rahman, M. A., Arefin, A., . . . Hossain, S. (2020). Financial threat, hardship and distress predict depression, anxiety and stress among the unemployed youths: A Bangladeshi multi-city study. Journal of Affective Disorders, 276, 1149-1158.
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Masud, N. A., Mensah, J., Subarna, M. T. N., & Hasan, M. (2023). A comprehensive review of international students' perceptions of the learning environment in relation to academic achievement. Journal of Social, Humanity, and Education, 3(3), 219-236.
Merton, R. K. (1938). Social structure and anomie. American sociological review, 3(5), 672-682.
Milon, M., Islam, M. R., & Khan, M. A. R. (2021). Employability skills of business graduates in job markets of Bangladesh: investigating weaknesses and suggesting improvements. International Journal of Management and Accounting, 3, 20-27.
Mousavi, M. P., Sohrabpour, Z., Anderson, E. L., Stemig-Vindedahl, A., Golden, D., Christenson, G., . . . Bu?hlmann, P. (2018). Stress and mental health in graduate school: How student empowerment creates lasting change. Journal of Chemical Education, 95(11), 1939-1946.
Nasir, K. B., & Neger, M. (2022). Students’ attitude towards online education system: A comparative study between Public and Private Universities in Bangladesh. Journal of Social, Humanity, and Education, 2(2), 167-183.
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Porru, F., Schuring, M., Bültmann, U., Portoghese, I., Burdorf, A., & Robroek, S. J. (2022). Associations of university student life challenges with mental health and self-rated health: A longitudinal study with 6 months follow-up. Journal of Affective Disorders, 296, 250-257.
Rafi, M. A., Mamun, M. A., Hsan, K., Hossain, M., & Gozal, D. (2019). Psychological implications of unemployment among Bangladesh Civil Service job seekers: a pilot study. Frontiers in psychiatry, 10, 578.
Rahman, M. M., & Al Amin, M. (2023). Factors affecting depression and suicidal tendency among the students for the educational process. Journal of Social, Humanity, and Education, 3(3), 185-196.
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Rashid, H. (2019). Why Bangladesh Civil Service (BCS) Remains Lucrative as Career? A Gender Based Analysis. JKKNIU Journal of Social Science, 2(3).
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Saha, C., & Barman, R. (2015). Drought and Livelihoods: Understanding the Impacts on Dryland Smallholders' and their Adaptation Challenges in Northern Bangladesh. The Journal of social studies, 147, 49-72.
Salami, C. (2013). Youth unemployment in Nigeria: A time for creative intervention. International Journal of Business and Marketing Management, 1(2), 18-26.
Shaw, A. J. (2012). The value of work experience in outcomes for students: An investigation into the importance of work experience in the lives of female undergraduates and postgraduate job seekers. Journal of Vocational Education & Training, 64(2), 155-168.
Taylor, S. D., Charlton, J. P., & Ranyard, R. (2012). Ethnic and gender differences in the labour market perceptions of post?higher education job seekers:‘Double jeopardy’or ‘ethnic prominence’? Journal of Occupational and organizational Psychology, 85(2), 353-369.
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- Amegayibor, G. K. (2021). The effect of demographic factors on employees’ performance: A case of an owner-manager manufacturing firm. Annals of Human Resource Management Research, 1(2), 127-143.
- Atitsogbe, K. A., Mama, N. P., Sovet, L., Pari, P., & Rossier, J. (2019). Perceived employability and entrepreneurial intentions across university students and job seekers in Togo: The effect of career adaptability and self-efficacy. Frontiers in psychology, 10, 180.
- Babicka-Wirkus, A., Wirkus, L., Stasiak, K., & Koz?owski, P. (2021). University students’ strategies of coping with stress during the coronavirus pandemic: Data from Poland. PloS one, 16(7), e0255041.
- Blustein, D. L., Chaves, A. P., Diemer, M. A., Gallagher, L. A., Marshall, K. G., Sirin, S., & Bhati, K. S. (2002). Voices of the forgotten half: The role of social class in the school-to-work transition. Journal of Counseling psychology, 49(3), 311.
- Cho, S., & Hayter, C. S. (2020). Under pressure: A systematic review of stress and its impact among graduate students. Science and Public Policy, 47(6), 758-771.
- Costa, C., Briguglio, G., Mondello, S., Teodoro, M., Pollicino, M., Canalella, A., . . . Fenga, C. (2021). Perceived stress in a gender perspective: a survey in a population of unemployed subjects of Southern Italy. Frontiers in public health, 9, 640454.
- Davis, J. R. (2014). A little goes a long way: Pressure for college students to succeed. The Journal of Undergraduate Research, 12(1), 2.
- DeOrtentiis, P. S., Van Iddekinge, C. H., & Wanberg, C. R. (2022). Different starting lines, different finish times: The role of social class in the job search process. Journal of applied psychology, 107(3), 444.
- Durkheim, E. (1897). Le suicide: étude de sociologie: Alcan.
- Ebuka, A. A., Ngozi, N. H., Obianuju, C., & Peace, N. N. (2022). Job Crafting, a brain drain antidote in Public Universities in Nigeria. Annals of Human Resource Management Research, 2(1), 1-13.
- Economics, T. (2023). Bangladesh Unemployment Rate.
- Gallea, J. I., Medrano, L. A., & Morera, L. P. (2021). Work-related mental health issues in graduate student population. Frontiers in neuroscience, 15, 593562.
- Hafezi, A., & Etemadinia, S. (2022). Investigating the relationship between homework and academic achievement in elementary students. Journal of Social, Humanity, and Education, 2(3), 185-195.
- Islam, M. A., Barna, S. D., Raihan, H., Khan, M. N. A., & Hossain, M. T. (2020). Depression and anxiety among university students during the COVID-19 pandemic in Bangladesh: A web-based cross-sectional survey. PloS one, 15(8), e0238162.
- Kemsley, J. (2017). Grappling with graduate student mental health and suicide. Chem. Eng. News, 95(32), 28-33.
- Kim, J., Oh, J., & Rajaguru, V. (2022). Job-seeking anxiety and job preparation behavior of undergraduate students. Paper presented at the Healthcare.
- Li, Y., Kang, T., & Guo, J. (2021). The Relationship Between Subjective Socioeconomic Status and Job-Seeking Self-Efficacy: The Mediating Role of Pressure. Paper presented at the 7th International Conference on Social Science and Higher Education (ICSSHE 2021).
- Lim, A. Y., Lee, S.-H., Jeon, Y., Yoo, R., & Jung, H.-Y. (2018). Job-seeking stress, mental health problems, and the role of perceived social support in university graduates in Korea. Journal of Korean Medical Science, 33(19).
- Lim, J.-Y., & Lee, Y.-M. (2019). Exit duration and unemployment determinants for Korean graduates. Journal for Labour Market Research, 53(1), 1-14.
- Lund, C., Brooke-Sumner, C., Baingana, F., Baron, E. C., Breuer, E., Chandra, P., . . . Kieling, C. (2018). Social determinants of mental disorders and the Sustainable Development Goals: a systematic review of reviews. The Lancet Psychiatry, 5(4), 357-369.
- Mæhlisen, M. H., Pasgaard, A. A., Mortensen, R. N., Vardinghus-Nielsen, H., Torp-Pedersen, C., & Bøggild, H. (2018). Perceived stress as a risk factor of unemployment: a register-based cohort study. BMC public health, 18, 1-11.
- Mamun, M. A., Akter, S., Hossain, I., Faisal, M. T. H., Rahman, M. A., Arefin, A., . . . Hossain, S. (2020). Financial threat, hardship and distress predict depression, anxiety and stress among the unemployed youths: A Bangladeshi multi-city study. Journal of Affective Disorders, 276, 1149-1158.
- Marks, S. R. (1974). Durkheim's theory of anomie. American Journal of Sociology, 80(2), 329-363.
- Masud, N. A., Mensah, J., Subarna, M. T. N., & Hasan, M. (2023). A comprehensive review of international students' perceptions of the learning environment in relation to academic achievement. Journal of Social, Humanity, and Education, 3(3), 219-236.
- Merton, R. K. (1938). Social structure and anomie. American sociological review, 3(5), 672-682.
- Milon, M., Islam, M. R., & Khan, M. A. R. (2021). Employability skills of business graduates in job markets of Bangladesh: investigating weaknesses and suggesting improvements. International Journal of Management and Accounting, 3, 20-27.
- Mousavi, M. P., Sohrabpour, Z., Anderson, E. L., Stemig-Vindedahl, A., Golden, D., Christenson, G., . . . Bu?hlmann, P. (2018). Stress and mental health in graduate school: How student empowerment creates lasting change. Journal of Chemical Education, 95(11), 1939-1946.
- Nasir, K. B., & Neger, M. (2022). Students’ attitude towards online education system: A comparative study between Public and Private Universities in Bangladesh. Journal of Social, Humanity, and Education, 2(2), 167-183.
- NEWAGE. (2022). 3.6m to stay unemployed in 2022: ILO. Retrieved from
- Nickerson, C. (2023). Merton’s Strain Theory of Deviance and Anomie in Sociology. Retrieved from
- Porru, F., Schuring, M., Bültmann, U., Portoghese, I., Burdorf, A., & Robroek, S. J. (2022). Associations of university student life challenges with mental health and self-rated health: A longitudinal study with 6 months follow-up. Journal of Affective Disorders, 296, 250-257.
- Rafi, M. A., Mamun, M. A., Hsan, K., Hossain, M., & Gozal, D. (2019). Psychological implications of unemployment among Bangladesh Civil Service job seekers: a pilot study. Frontiers in psychiatry, 10, 578.
- Rahman, M. M., & Al Amin, M. (2023). Factors affecting depression and suicidal tendency among the students for the educational process. Journal of Social, Humanity, and Education, 3(3), 185-196.
- Rasheduzzaman, M., Al Mamun, F., Faruk, M. O., Hosen, I., & Mamun, M. A. (2021). Depression in Bangladeshi university students: The role of sociodemographic, personal, and familial psychopathological factors. Perspectives in Psychiatric Care, 57(4), 1585-1594.
- Rashid, H. (2019). Why Bangladesh Civil Service (BCS) Remains Lucrative as Career? A Gender Based Analysis. JKKNIU Journal of Social Science, 2(3).
- Rothwell, A., Jewell, S., & Hardie, M. (2009). Self-perceived employability: Investigating the responses of post-graduate students. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 75(2), 152-161.
- Saha, C., & Barman, R. (2015). Drought and Livelihoods: Understanding the Impacts on Dryland Smallholders' and their Adaptation Challenges in Northern Bangladesh. The Journal of social studies, 147, 49-72.
- Salami, C. (2013). Youth unemployment in Nigeria: A time for creative intervention. International Journal of Business and Marketing Management, 1(2), 18-26.
- Shaw, A. J. (2012). The value of work experience in outcomes for students: An investigation into the importance of work experience in the lives of female undergraduates and postgraduate job seekers. Journal of Vocational Education & Training, 64(2), 155-168.
- Taylor, S. D., Charlton, J. P., & Ranyard, R. (2012). Ethnic and gender differences in the labour market perceptions of post?higher education job seekers:‘Double jeopardy’or ‘ethnic prominence’? Journal of Occupational and organizational Psychology, 85(2), 353-369.
- UN. (2023). 8 Decent Work and Economic Growth. Retrieved from
- UNESCO. (2018). One in Five Children, Adolescents and Youth is Out of School. Fact Sheet No. 48, UIS/FS/2018/ED/48. Retrieved from
- Worldbank. (2022). Labor force, total - Bangladesh. Retrieved from