A quantitative research of learning habits of secondary school students: An observational study in Dhaka Division

Published: Feb 6, 2024


Purpose: This study aimed to identify the significant factors influencing the learning habits of secondary-level students.

Research methodology: This study examined the learning habits of 120 students from 12 high schools in three categories throughout three surrounding cities in the Dhaka Division. This study used a descriptive survey research design. A Purposive sampling approach was applied to select three districts from the Dhaka division, and 12 secondary schools were selected from the three districts. These 120 respondents were chosen using a simple random sampling method belonging to classes 6–10 and ages 12–16.

Results: The average age was 14.0 2.3 years. The majority of the students (39.2%, n = 47) came from families with limited income, and most of their mothers were not working (77.5%, n = 93). Furthermore, most students (39.2%, n = 47) were from poor-class families. Among the three factors influencing learning habits, two (gender and residence status) were statistically significant, but working mothers were statistically insignificant.

Limitations: The results of this study may not accurately reflect the entire situation because data from only 120 students from three districts in the Dhaka division were collected.

Contribution: There is no statistical relationship between study habits and students’ mothers’ job status. However, gender and residence had an important influence on students’ learning habits.

Novelty: The researcher suggests that educators and school authorities work together to convince students how to build efficient study routines and boost their academic and future achievements.

1. Study Habit
2. Student
3. Residence Status
4. Gender
5. Mother Jobs Status
1 . Bipul Kumar Sarker
2 . Nityananda Gain
3 . Sanjoy Kumar Saha
4 . Nilima Bala Mondal
5 . Iftekhar Ifte
How to Cite
Sarker, B. K., Gain, N., Saha, S. K., Mondal, N. B., & Ifte, I. (2024). A quantitative research of learning habits of secondary school students: An observational study in Dhaka Division. Journal of Social, Humanity, and Education, 4(2), 117–127. https://doi.org/10.35912/jshe.v4i2.1677


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    Alavi, H., Lesani, M., & Mahdavinia, J. (2017). Study habits and achievements: A comparison of medical and paramedical students. Int J Indian Psychol, 4(93), 70-75.

    Arora, R. (2016). Academic achievement of adolescents in relation to study habits. The International Journal of Indian Psychology, 3(2), 47-54.

    Chadha, C., & Chadha, C. (2015). Effect of High and Low Television Viewing on Study Habits of Adolescent Students. 4(2).

    Chand, S. (2013). Study habits of secondary school students in relation to type of school and type of family. International journal of social science & interdisciplinary research, 2(7), 90-96.

    Daniel, K., & Felix, K. (2014). The impact of school environment and peer influence on students’ academic performance in Vihige County, Kenya. International Journal of Humanities and Social Science, 4(5), 36, 42.

    Ebele, U. F., & Olofu, P. A. (2017). Study Habit and Its Impact on Secondary School Students' Academic Performance in Biology in the Federal Capital Territory, Abuja. Educational Research and Reviews, 12(10), 583-588.

    Gahir, S., Sahu, S., & Sahoo, S. (2022). Relationship between Study Habits and Academic Achievement of Secondary School Students. Contemporary Research in Education and English Language Teaching, 4(1), 1-9.

    Gakhar, S., & Bains, G. (2011). A study of self-concept and study habits of students of arts and science streams. MIER Journal of Educational Studies Trends and Practices, 78-86.

    Jafari, H., Aghaei, A., & Khatony, A. (2019). Relationship between study habits and academic achievement in students of medical sciences in Kermanshah-Iran. Advances in Medical Education and Practice, 637-643.

    Jayanthi, J., & Srinivasan, K. (2015). Influence of home environment on academic achievement in mathematics. IOSR Journal of Mathematics, 11(4), 26-31.

    Julius, M., & Evans, A. S. (2015). Study of the relationship between study habits and academic achievement of students: A case of Spicer Higher Secondary School, India. International Journal of Educational Administration and Policy Studies, 7(7), 134-141.

    Khan, R. M. A., Iqbal, N., & Tasneem, S. (2015). The Influence of Parents Educational Level on Secondary School Students Academic Achievements in District Rajanpur. Journal of Education and Practice, 6(16), 76-79.

    Khan, Z. N. (2016). Factors Effecting on Study Habits. Online Submission, 3(1), 145-150.

    Klizait?, J., & Arlauskien?, R. (2015). Students’ attitude towards self-study: a case of college study programmes in social sciences. Sveikatos ir socialini? moksl? taikomieji tyrimai: sand?ra ir s?veika, 12, 2-10.

    Marcus, O. (2016). Availability of basic technical learning materials in Biology in selected secondary schools in Lagos State. Paper presented at the Proceedings of the Annual Conference of Science Teachers Association of Nigeria, 41, 263.

    Marcus, O. (2016). Environmental variables and students’ reading habits in secondary schools. Unpublished M. Ed. Thesis University of Calabar.

    Mendezabal, M. J. N. (2013). Study habits and attitudes: the road to academic success. Open Science Repository Education(open-access), e70081928.

    Mphale, L. M., & Mhlauli, M. B. (2014). An Investigation on students academic performance for junior secondary schools in Botswana. European Journal of Educational Research, 3(3), 111-127.

    Neji, H. A., Ukwetang, J. O., & Nja, C. O. (2014). Evaluating the Adequacy of laboratory facilities on students' academic Performance in Secondary School in Calabar, Nigeria. Journal of Research and Method of Education, 3(4), 11-14.

    Nuthana, P., & Yenagi, G. V. (2009). Influence of study habits, self-concept on academic achievement of boys and girls. Karnataka Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 22(5), 1135-1138.

    Palpani, K. (2012). Promising Reading Habits an Creating Literate Social. International Reference Research Journal, 3(2), 91.

    Peregrino, L. P., Javillonar, M. G., Caballes, D. G., Necio, C. R., & Ramirez, A. B. (2022). Assessment of school Learning Continuity Plan (LCP) implementation: Basis for policy formulation. Journal of Social, Humanity, and Education, 2(3), 211-224.

    Promila, A. (2014). Study Habits of Senior Secondary School Students in Relation to Gender and Aacademic Stream. Global International Research Thoughts, 1-6.

    Rajakumar, M., & Soundararajan, M. (2012). A study on higher secondary students’ study habits in Tirunelveli district. Indian J. Innovations Dev, 1(4), 203-207.

    Sarker, B. K. (2023). Enhanced Student Class Attendance by Using Concept of Flipped Classroom Approach. Journal of Social, Humanity, and Education, 3(2), 105-117.

    Sarker, B. K., & Uchinlayen, U. (2020). The Impact of Class Attendance on Academic Performance of BBA Professional Students: An Observational Study. International Journal of Science and Business, 4(1), 285-291.

    Sharma, K. (2017). Home environment & study habit of secondary school students. International Journal Educational Research Study, 2(12), 842-848.

    Siddiqui, M., & Fatima, T. (2014). Study of academic achievement in relation to study habits and achievement motivation among Muslim and Non Muslim adolescents. Paripex-Indian Journal of Research, 3(4), 66-69.

    Singh, A. (2019). A study of study habits of senior secondary school students. Int J Humanit Soc Sci Invent (Online), 8(6), 23-28.

    Taqui, A. A. (2019). The Perspective of Kuwaiti Students towards the Effectiveness and Value of Self-Study. International Education Studies, 12(9), 105-116.

    Upadhayay, S. (2017). A study of academic achievement among senior secondary school students in relation to study habits. Indian journal of research, 6(3), 560-562.

  1. Alavi, H., Lesani, M., & Mahdavinia, J. (2017). Study habits and achievements: A comparison of medical and paramedical students. Int J Indian Psychol, 4(93), 70-75.
  2. Arora, R. (2016). Academic achievement of adolescents in relation to study habits. The International Journal of Indian Psychology, 3(2), 47-54.
  3. Chadha, C., & Chadha, C. (2015). Effect of High and Low Television Viewing on Study Habits of Adolescent Students. 4(2).
  4. Chand, S. (2013). Study habits of secondary school students in relation to type of school and type of family. International journal of social science & interdisciplinary research, 2(7), 90-96.
  5. Daniel, K., & Felix, K. (2014). The impact of school environment and peer influence on students’ academic performance in Vihige County, Kenya. International Journal of Humanities and Social Science, 4(5), 36, 42.
  6. Ebele, U. F., & Olofu, P. A. (2017). Study Habit and Its Impact on Secondary School Students' Academic Performance in Biology in the Federal Capital Territory, Abuja. Educational Research and Reviews, 12(10), 583-588.
  7. Gahir, S., Sahu, S., & Sahoo, S. (2022). Relationship between Study Habits and Academic Achievement of Secondary School Students. Contemporary Research in Education and English Language Teaching, 4(1), 1-9.
  8. Gakhar, S., & Bains, G. (2011). A study of self-concept and study habits of students of arts and science streams. MIER Journal of Educational Studies Trends and Practices, 78-86.
  9. Jafari, H., Aghaei, A., & Khatony, A. (2019). Relationship between study habits and academic achievement in students of medical sciences in Kermanshah-Iran. Advances in Medical Education and Practice, 637-643.
  10. Jayanthi, J., & Srinivasan, K. (2015). Influence of home environment on academic achievement in mathematics. IOSR Journal of Mathematics, 11(4), 26-31.
  11. Julius, M., & Evans, A. S. (2015). Study of the relationship between study habits and academic achievement of students: A case of Spicer Higher Secondary School, India. International Journal of Educational Administration and Policy Studies, 7(7), 134-141.
  12. Khan, R. M. A., Iqbal, N., & Tasneem, S. (2015). The Influence of Parents Educational Level on Secondary School Students Academic Achievements in District Rajanpur. Journal of Education and Practice, 6(16), 76-79.
  13. Khan, Z. N. (2016). Factors Effecting on Study Habits. Online Submission, 3(1), 145-150.
  14. Klizait?, J., & Arlauskien?, R. (2015). Students’ attitude towards self-study: a case of college study programmes in social sciences. Sveikatos ir socialini? moksl? taikomieji tyrimai: sand?ra ir s?veika, 12, 2-10.
  15. Marcus, O. (2016). Availability of basic technical learning materials in Biology in selected secondary schools in Lagos State. Paper presented at the Proceedings of the Annual Conference of Science Teachers Association of Nigeria, 41, 263.
  16. Marcus, O. (2016). Environmental variables and students’ reading habits in secondary schools. Unpublished M. Ed. Thesis University of Calabar.
  17. Mendezabal, M. J. N. (2013). Study habits and attitudes: the road to academic success. Open Science Repository Education(open-access), e70081928.
  18. Mphale, L. M., & Mhlauli, M. B. (2014). An Investigation on students academic performance for junior secondary schools in Botswana. European Journal of Educational Research, 3(3), 111-127.
  19. Neji, H. A., Ukwetang, J. O., & Nja, C. O. (2014). Evaluating the Adequacy of laboratory facilities on students' academic Performance in Secondary School in Calabar, Nigeria. Journal of Research and Method of Education, 3(4), 11-14.
  20. Nuthana, P., & Yenagi, G. V. (2009). Influence of study habits, self-concept on academic achievement of boys and girls. Karnataka Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 22(5), 1135-1138.
  21. Palpani, K. (2012). Promising Reading Habits an Creating Literate Social. International Reference Research Journal, 3(2), 91.
  22. Peregrino, L. P., Javillonar, M. G., Caballes, D. G., Necio, C. R., & Ramirez, A. B. (2022). Assessment of school Learning Continuity Plan (LCP) implementation: Basis for policy formulation. Journal of Social, Humanity, and Education, 2(3), 211-224.
  23. Promila, A. (2014). Study Habits of Senior Secondary School Students in Relation to Gender and Aacademic Stream. Global International Research Thoughts, 1-6.
  24. Rajakumar, M., & Soundararajan, M. (2012). A study on higher secondary students’ study habits in Tirunelveli district. Indian J. Innovations Dev, 1(4), 203-207.
  25. Sarker, B. K. (2023). Enhanced Student Class Attendance by Using Concept of Flipped Classroom Approach. Journal of Social, Humanity, and Education, 3(2), 105-117.
  26. Sarker, B. K., & Uchinlayen, U. (2020). The Impact of Class Attendance on Academic Performance of BBA Professional Students: An Observational Study. International Journal of Science and Business, 4(1), 285-291.
  27. Sharma, K. (2017). Home environment & study habit of secondary school students. International Journal Educational Research Study, 2(12), 842-848.
  28. Siddiqui, M., & Fatima, T. (2014). Study of academic achievement in relation to study habits and achievement motivation among Muslim and Non Muslim adolescents. Paripex-Indian Journal of Research, 3(4), 66-69.
  29. Singh, A. (2019). A study of study habits of senior secondary school students. Int J Humanit Soc Sci Invent (Online), 8(6), 23-28.
  30. Taqui, A. A. (2019). The Perspective of Kuwaiti Students towards the Effectiveness and Value of Self-Study. International Education Studies, 12(9), 105-116.
  31. Upadhayay, S. (2017). A study of academic achievement among senior secondary school students in relation to study habits. Indian journal of research, 6(3), 560-562.