Villages SDG's response to mental health: Better late than never

Published: Feb 6, 2024


Purpose: This article presents village-based mental health policies in response to sustainable development goals.

Research methodology: A qualitative research approach was used in conjunction with library research.

Results: According to the findings of this study, the focus of development goals, namely living a healthy and affluent life, has not been on mental health. Furthermore, there are findings on advocacy, research and innovation, partnership, and integration of mental health and other SDGs.

Contribution: Based on the findings of this study, several recommendations were made, including developing wise mental health policies in rural areas, increasing mental health commitments and budgets, mobilizing communities to respond to rural mental health policies, and improving treatment facilities and mental health response services.

Novelty: Although the goals of sustainable development place a special emphasis on healthy and prosperous lives, insufficient data on mental health have been collected, and mental health policies based on village wisdom have not become a theme that many central and regional governments have implemented.

1. Mental Health
2. Village SDG
3. Good Health and Well-being
Saut Gracer Sijabat
How to Cite
Sijabat, S. G. (2024). Villages SDG’s response to mental health: Better late than never. Journal of Social, Humanity, and Education, 4(2), 129–140.


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    Becker, P. (2014). Sustainability science: Managing risk and resilience for sustainable development: Newnes.

    Bhugra, D., & Bhui, K. (2018). Textbook of cultural psychiatry: Cambridge University Press.

    Bruckauf, Z. (2017). Child and adolescent mental health key indicators of progress toward SDG targets. Retrieved from

    Cockerham, W. C. (2020). Sociology of mental disorder: Routledge.

    Creswell, J. W. (2019). Research Design : Qualitative, Quantitative, and Mixed Methods Approaches (4 ed.): Sage Publications.

    De Silva, M. (2015). Making mental health an integral part of sustainable development: the contribution of a social determinants framework. Epidemiology and Psychiatric Sciences, 24(2), 100-106.

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    DiskominfoPacitan. (2021). Posyandu Untuk ODGJ dan ODNK. Retrieved from

    Dybdahl, R., & Lien, L. (2017). Mental health is an integral part of the sustainable development goals. Prev Med Commun Health, 1(1), 1-3.

    Elizabeth, A. D., & Mwesigwa, D. (2023). Analysis of the contribution of the Youth Livelihood Program towards enhancing Self-Reliance among the Youths in Lira City, Uganda. Journal of Social, Humanity, and Education, 3(2), 157-171.

    Fakir, M. K. J. (2023). Cyberbullying among University Students: A Study on Bangladeshi Universities. Journal of Social, Humanity, and Education, 3(2), 119-132.

    Fauk, N. K., Ernawati, Dent, E., Asa, G. A., & Ward, P. R. (2022). Impact of COVID-19 lockdowns on the activity and mental health of older people in Indonesia: A qualitative study. International journal of environmental research and public health, 19(20), 13115.

    Heymann, J., & Sprague, A. (2023). Meeting the UN Sustainable Development Goals for mental health: why greater prioritization and adequately tracking progress are critical. World Psychiatry, 22(2), 325.

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    Kirmayer, L. J., & Swartz, L. (2013). Culture and global mental health. Global mental health: Principles and practice, 41-62.

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    Lusida, M. A. P., Salamah, S., Jonatan, M., Wiyogo, I. O., Asyari, C. H., Ali, N. D., . . . Ratnadewi, N. K. (2022). Prevalence of and risk factors for depression, anxiety, and stress in non-hospitalized asymptomatic and mild COVID-19 patients in East Java province, Indonesia. PloS one, 17(7), e0270966.

    Madill, A., Bhola, P., Colucci, E., Croucher, K., Evans, A., & Graber, R. (2022). How can we mainstream mental health in research engaging the range of Sustainable Development Goals? A theory of change. PLOS Global Public Health, 2(8), e0000837.

    Marhaban, M. (2022). Bupati Ponorogo Sugiri Sancoko Luncurkan Program Posyandu Kesehatan Jiwa. Times Indonesia. Retrieved from

    McElroy, A. (2018). Medical anthropology in ecological perspective: Routledge.

    Nugraha, D., Salamah, S., Luke, K., Wibowo, Z. K., Witarto, A. P., Deswima, C., . . . Irzaldy, A. (2023). Evaluation of Health-Related Quality of Life and Mental Health in 729 Medical Students in Indonesia During the COVID-19 Pandemic. Medical Science Monitor: International Medical Journal of Experimental and Clinical Research, 29, e938892-938891.

    PANRB. (2022). Memanusiakan ODGJ dengan Inovasi Gelimasjiwo. Retrieved from

    Phina, O. N., Patrick, O. A., & Nwabuike, C. (2022). Emotional Resilience and Employee Performance of Commercial Banks in South-East Nigeria. Annals of Human Resource Management Research, 2(2), 105-115.

    Pilgrim, D., & McCranie, A. (2013). Recovery and mental health: A critical sociological account: Bloomsbury Publishing.

    Project, U. M. (2005). UN Millennium Development Library: Who's Got the Power Transforming Health Systems for Women and Children. Retrieved from

    Rahman, M. M., & Al Amin, M. (2023). Factors affecting depression and suicidal tendency among the students for the educational process. Journal of Social, Humanity, and Education, 3(3), 185-196.

    Rees, E. F., Ennals, P., & Fossey, E. (2021). Implementing an action over inertia group program in community residential rehabilitation services: group participant and facilitator perspectives. Frontiers in psychiatry, 12, 624803.

    Saputra, M., Syamsurizaldi, S., & Aromatica, D. (2022). Inovasi Pelayanan Program Kelurahan Siaga Sehat Jiwa (Rasa Sejiwa) Di Puskesmas Nanggalo Kota Padang. Jurnal Administrasi Publik dan Pembangunan, 3(2), 64-72.

    Scorza, P., Poku, O., & Pike, K. M. (2018). Mental health: taking its place as an essential element of sustainable global development. BJPsych international, 15(4), 72-74.

    Slade, M., Oades, L., & Jarden, A. (2017). Wellbeing, recovery and mental health: Cambridge University Press.

    Staglin, G. (2022). The Role Of Mental Health In Global Sustainable Development. Retrieved from

    Tampubolon, M., Silalahi, F., & Siagian, R. (2021). COVID-19 and mental health policy in Indonesia. Asean Journal of Psychiatry, 22(1), 1-12.

    Uddin, M., & Uddin, B. (2021). The impact of Covid-19 on students’ mental health. Journal of Social, Humanity, and Education, 1(3), 185-196.

    Votruba, N., & Thornicroft, G. (2016). Sustainable development goals and mental health: learnings from the contribution of the FundaMentalSDG global initiative. Global Mental Health, 3.

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  1. Abrahams, D. (2018). Local economic development in South Africa: A useful tool for sustainable development. Local economic development in the changing world, 131-145.
  2. Ardhi N, S. (2022). Stigma Buruk Gangguan Kesehatan Mental Hambat Pemulihan Pasien. Retrieved from
  3. Bappenas. (2022). Panduan Fasilitasi Desa Peduli Kesehatan: Direktorat Jenderal Pembangunan Desa dan Perdesaan Tahun.
  4. Becker, P. (2014). Sustainability science: Managing risk and resilience for sustainable development: Newnes.
  5. Bhugra, D., & Bhui, K. (2018). Textbook of cultural psychiatry: Cambridge University Press.
  6. Bruckauf, Z. (2017). Child and adolescent mental health key indicators of progress toward SDG targets. Retrieved from
  7. Cockerham, W. C. (2020). Sociology of mental disorder: Routledge.
  8. Creswell, J. W. (2019). Research Design : Qualitative, Quantitative, and Mixed Methods Approaches (4 ed.): Sage Publications.
  9. De Silva, M. (2015). Making mental health an integral part of sustainable development: the contribution of a social determinants framework. Epidemiology and Psychiatric Sciences, 24(2), 100-106.
  10. Dianti, A. R. (2022). Inovasi SAMAWA : Program Pelayanan Kesehatan Jiwa untuk Indonesia. Retrieved from
  11. DiskominfoPacitan. (2021). Posyandu Untuk ODGJ dan ODNK. Retrieved from
  12. Dybdahl, R., & Lien, L. (2017). Mental health is an integral part of the sustainable development goals. Prev Med Commun Health, 1(1), 1-3.
  13. Elizabeth, A. D., & Mwesigwa, D. (2023). Analysis of the contribution of the Youth Livelihood Program towards enhancing Self-Reliance among the Youths in Lira City, Uganda. Journal of Social, Humanity, and Education, 3(2), 157-171.
  14. Fakir, M. K. J. (2023). Cyberbullying among University Students: A Study on Bangladeshi Universities. Journal of Social, Humanity, and Education, 3(2), 119-132.
  15. Fauk, N. K., Ernawati, Dent, E., Asa, G. A., & Ward, P. R. (2022). Impact of COVID-19 lockdowns on the activity and mental health of older people in Indonesia: A qualitative study. International journal of environmental research and public health, 19(20), 13115.
  16. Heymann, J., & Sprague, A. (2023). Meeting the UN Sustainable Development Goals for mental health: why greater prioritization and adequately tracking progress are critical. World Psychiatry, 22(2), 325.
  17. Humas. (2020). CPMH Lakukan Advokasi Revolusi Kesehatan Jiwa Melalui Twitter. Retrieved from
  18. Iskandar, A. H. (2020). SDGs desa: percepatan pencapaian tujuan pembangunan nasional berkelanjutan: Yayasan Pustaka Obor Indonesia.
  19. Jenkins, R. (2019). Global mental health and sustainable development 2018. BJPsych international, 16(2), 34-37.
  20. Kaligis, F., Indraswari, M. T., & Ismail, R. I. (2020). Stress during COVID-19 pandemic: mental health condition in Indonesia. Medical Journal of Indonesia, 29(4), 436-441.
  21. Kamau, E., & MacNaughton, G. (2019). The impact of SDG 3 on health priorities in Kenya. Journal of Developing Societies, 35(4), 458-480.
  22. Kemenkes. (2018). Laporan Nasional Riskesdas 2018. Retrieved from
  23. Kemenkes. (2022). Advokasi Kesehatan Jiwa RSJMM Bogor ke BRSLU Budhi Dharma Kota Bekasi. Direktorat Jenderal Pelayanan Kesehatan Kementerian Kesehatan RI. Retrieved from
  24. Kirmayer, L. J., & Swartz, L. (2013). Culture and global mental health. Global mental health: Principles and practice, 41-62.
  25. Lambe, K. H. P. (2022). MENTUYO: Sosiologi Bunuh Diri di Toraja. INews Toraja. Retrieved from
  26. Lund, C. (2020). Mental health and the Sustainable Development Goals. Retrieved from
  27. Lusida, M. A. P., Salamah, S., Jonatan, M., Wiyogo, I. O., Asyari, C. H., Ali, N. D., . . . Ratnadewi, N. K. (2022). Prevalence of and risk factors for depression, anxiety, and stress in non-hospitalized asymptomatic and mild COVID-19 patients in East Java province, Indonesia. PloS one, 17(7), e0270966.
  28. Madill, A., Bhola, P., Colucci, E., Croucher, K., Evans, A., & Graber, R. (2022). How can we mainstream mental health in research engaging the range of Sustainable Development Goals? A theory of change. PLOS Global Public Health, 2(8), e0000837.
  29. Marhaban, M. (2022). Bupati Ponorogo Sugiri Sancoko Luncurkan Program Posyandu Kesehatan Jiwa. Times Indonesia. Retrieved from
  30. McElroy, A. (2018). Medical anthropology in ecological perspective: Routledge.
  31. Nugraha, D., Salamah, S., Luke, K., Wibowo, Z. K., Witarto, A. P., Deswima, C., . . . Irzaldy, A. (2023). Evaluation of Health-Related Quality of Life and Mental Health in 729 Medical Students in Indonesia During the COVID-19 Pandemic. Medical Science Monitor: International Medical Journal of Experimental and Clinical Research, 29, e938892-938891.
  32. PANRB. (2022). Memanusiakan ODGJ dengan Inovasi Gelimasjiwo. Retrieved from
  33. Phina, O. N., Patrick, O. A., & Nwabuike, C. (2022). Emotional Resilience and Employee Performance of Commercial Banks in South-East Nigeria. Annals of Human Resource Management Research, 2(2), 105-115.
  34. Pilgrim, D., & McCranie, A. (2013). Recovery and mental health: A critical sociological account: Bloomsbury Publishing.
  35. Project, U. M. (2005). UN Millennium Development Library: Who's Got the Power Transforming Health Systems for Women and Children. Retrieved from
  36. Rahman, M. M., & Al Amin, M. (2023). Factors affecting depression and suicidal tendency among the students for the educational process. Journal of Social, Humanity, and Education, 3(3), 185-196.
  37. Rees, E. F., Ennals, P., & Fossey, E. (2021). Implementing an action over inertia group program in community residential rehabilitation services: group participant and facilitator perspectives. Frontiers in psychiatry, 12, 624803.
  38. Saputra, M., Syamsurizaldi, S., & Aromatica, D. (2022). Inovasi Pelayanan Program Kelurahan Siaga Sehat Jiwa (Rasa Sejiwa) Di Puskesmas Nanggalo Kota Padang. Jurnal Administrasi Publik dan Pembangunan, 3(2), 64-72.
  39. Scorza, P., Poku, O., & Pike, K. M. (2018). Mental health: taking its place as an essential element of sustainable global development. BJPsych international, 15(4), 72-74.
  40. Slade, M., Oades, L., & Jarden, A. (2017). Wellbeing, recovery and mental health: Cambridge University Press.
  41. Staglin, G. (2022). The Role Of Mental Health In Global Sustainable Development. Retrieved from
  42. Tampubolon, M., Silalahi, F., & Siagian, R. (2021). COVID-19 and mental health policy in Indonesia. Asean Journal of Psychiatry, 22(1), 1-12.
  43. Uddin, M., & Uddin, B. (2021). The impact of Covid-19 on students’ mental health. Journal of Social, Humanity, and Education, 1(3), 185-196.
  44. Votruba, N., & Thornicroft, G. (2016). Sustainable development goals and mental health: learnings from the contribution of the FundaMentalSDG global initiative. Global Mental Health, 3.
  45. WHO. (2018). Global status report on alcohol and health 2018. Retrieved from
  46. WHO. (2023). Integrating mental health in primary health care package. Retrieved from
  47. Wibisono, Y. (2022). Tujuh Posyandu di Ponorogo Tangani Pasien ODGJ. Beritajatim. Retrieved from
  48. Wicaksono, G. S. (2021). 15 Orang Warga Ponorogo Masih Menjalani Pasung di 2021. Jatimnet. Retrieved from
  49. Yakkum. (2023). Aksi Bersama Untuk Advokasi Kesehatan Jiwa Berbasis Masyarakat di Yogyakarta. Retrieved from