Assessing household willingness to pay for waste management services in Tamale Metropolis
Purpose: Increasing trends in urbanization have reportedly resulted in an increase in waste generation. Therefore, this study seeks to estimate the amount of domestic waste generated, the factors that influence waste generation among these households, and the willingness of households to pay for abatement in urban and peri-urban areas in Tamale Metropolis.
Research methodology: This study adopted quantitative research approaches with descriptive and inferential methods to assess the determinants of waste generation and the factors influencing households’ willingness to pay in the Tamale Metropolis. A total of 156 households in (12) communities were sampled for this study.
Results: The results revealed that, while the average waste generated in a household was 9.9 kilograms, factors such as age, educational level, household size, WMS, and income influenced the generation of waste by households and their willingness to pay for the management of waste in the metropolis. In terms of abatement of waste, about 41.3 % of the respondents were willing to pay abatement costs for waste disposal with 3.12 USD (GHC 18.10), which is the average amount these people were willing to pay for these services.
Limitations: The study covered only urban and peri-urban suburbs within the metropolis; hence, extending the study to other settlements could have unearthed diverse findings.
Contribution: This study advances knowledge on the quantity and types of solid waste generated in the metropolis and the factors that influence households to pay for waste management services. This study will also inform policymakers in understanding the dynamics of waste management in metropolises to implement policies to address associated problems.

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
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- Addai, K. N., & Danso-Abbeam, G. (2014). Determinants of willingness to pay for improved solid waste management in Dunkwa-on-Offin, Ghana. Journal of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences, 3(1), 1-9.
- Adeleke, O., Akinlabi, S., Jen, T., & Dunmade, I. (2021). An overview of factors affecting the rate of generation and Physical Composition of Municipal Solid Waste. Paper presented at the IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering.
- Adongo, R., Kuuder, C.-J. W., Amoako, E. E., Asare, W., Duwiejuah, A. B., & Arthur, V. (2015). Stakeholder views on waste and its management in Tamale Metropolis, Ghana. Journal of Scientific Research and Reports, 6(5), 340-349.
- Adu-Boahen, K., Atampugre, G., Antwi, K., Osman, A., Osei, K., Mensah, E., & Adu-Boahen, A. (2014). Waste management practices in Ghana: challenges and prospect, Jukwa Central Region. International Journal of Development and Sustainability, 3(3), 530-546.
- Alhassan, H., Asante, F. A., Oteng-Ababio, M., & Bawakyillenuo, S. (2017). Do socio-psychological factors influence households' willingness-to-pay for improved solid waste management services? Evidence from Ghana. International Journal of Green Economics, 11(3-4), 183-203.
- Alim, M. Z. (2023). The role of waste banks in realizing good environmental governance in Bandarlampung City. Journal of Governance and Accountability Studies, 3(1), 51–61.
- Ampofo, S., Soyelle, J., & Abanyie, S. (2016). The Negative Impacts of Poor Municipal Solid Waste Management on Livelihoods in Walewale Township, West Mamprusi District, Ghana: A Social Survey and Assessment.
- Antony, J., & Rao, A. (2010). Contingent Valuation: A Review with Emphasis on Estimation Procedures. Journal of Health and Environmental Sciences, 1(1), 8-16.
- Baabereyir, A. (2009). Urban environmental problems in Ghana: a case study of social and environmental injustice in solid waste management in Accra and Sekondi-Takoradi. University of Nottingham.
- Biyanto, B., Fadlan, F., & Prasetiasari, C. (2023). Management of plastic waste as industrial raw material in the perspective of protecting the environment the environment. Journal of Multidisciplinary Academic and Practice Studies, 1(2), 161-168.
- Boateng, K. S., Agyei-Baffour, P., Boateng, D., Rockson, G. N. K., Mensah, K. A., & Edusei, A. K. (2019). Household willingness-to-pay for improved solid waste management services in four major metropolitan cities in Ghana. Journal of environmental and public health.
- Carson, R. (2012). Contingent valuation: a comprehensive bibliography and history: Edward Elgar Publishing.
- Da Silva, L. M., & Toda, H. (2021). Policy implementation of local governments in waste management in Dili City, Timor Leste. Journal of Governance and Accountability Studies, 1(1), 1-13.
- Davis, R. K. (1963). Recreation planning as an economic problem. Nat. Resources J., 3, 239.
- Denteh, S., Cobbina, S., Adam, W., & Aboka, E. (2018). Household solid waste management: Compositional analysis, storage and collection in the Vittin Target Area, Tamale-Ghana. UDS International Journal of Development, 5(1), 105-116.
- Goswami, M. (2018). Conceptualizing peri-urban-rural landscape change for sustainable management. Retrieved from
- GSS. (2014). District Analytic report: Tamale metropolis. Retrieved from
- Heydari, R., Keshtidar, M., Azimzadeh, S. M., Talebpour, M., & Ramkissoon, H. (2021). Identifying and leveling the effective factors on the development of heritage sports tourism based on interpretive structural modeling approach (ISM). Sport Sciences and Health Research, 13(1), 1-19.
- Kumar, C., Bailey-Morley, A., Kargbo, E., & Sanyang, L. (2022). Waste management in Africa: A review of cities’ experiences.
- Lanibiar, M. (2017). Identification And Assessment Of Waste Management Strategies In Tamale Metropolitan Area
- Mahrum, L., & Jones, C. (2009). Solid waste management problems in North Cyprus and its possible solutions: University of Manchester.
- Manga, V. E., Oru, O. T., & Ngwabie, M. N. (2019). Household perception and willingness to pay for improved waste management service in Mamfe, Cameroon. African Journal of Environmental Science and Technology, 13(9), 354-364.
- Maskey, B., & Singh, M. (2017). Households’ willingness to pay for improved waste collection service in Gorkha municipality of Nepal. Environments, 4(4), 77.
- Miezah, K., Obiri-Danso, K., Kádár, Z., Fei-Baffoe, B., & Mensah, M. Y. (2015). Municipal solid waste characterization and quantification as a measure towards effective waste management in Ghana. Waste management, 46, 15-27.
- Mitchell, R. C., & Carson, R. T. (2013). Using surveys to value public goods: the contingent valuation method: Rff press.
- Mpofu, T. P. (2013). Urbanization and urban environmental challenges in Sub-Saharan Africa. Research Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Management, 2(6), 127-134.
- Obi, F., Ugwuishiwu, B., & Nwakaire, J. (2016). Agricultural waste concept, generation, utilization and management. Nigerian Journal of Technology, 35(4), 957–964-957–964.
- Oduro-Kwarteng, S. (2011). Private Sector Involvement in Urban Solid Waste Collection: UNESCO-IHE PhD Thesis: CRC Press.
- Oyelola, O., & Babatunde, A. (2008). Characterization of domestic and market solid wastes at source in Lagos metropolis, Lagos, Nigeria. African Journal of Environmental Science and Technology, 2(12), 430-437.
- Parajuli, A., & Kanel, K. R. (2016). Application of Contingent Valuation Method in Natural Resource Management in Nepal. Kathmandu Forestry College: Nepal.
- Puopiel, F. (2010). Solid waste management in Ghana: the case of Tamale Metropolitan Area.
- Ravetz, J., Fertner, C., & Nielsen, T. S. (2012). The dynamics of peri-urbanization Peri-urban futures: Scenarios and models for land use change in Europe (pp. 13-44): Springer.
- Seneviratne, S. C., & Kalpani, G. (2020). Environmental management accounting and waste management practices: A case of a manufacturing company. Annals of Management and Organization Research (AMOR), 2(2), 97-112.
- Seth, K., Cobbina, S. J., Asare, W., & Duwiejuah, A. B. (2014). Household demand and willingness to pay for solid waste management service in Tuobodom in the Techiman-North District, Ghana.
- Sizya, R. R. (2015). Analysis of inter-household willingness to pay for solid waste management in Mwanza City, Tanzania.
- Tassie Wegedie, K. (2018). Households solid waste generation and management behavior in case of Bahir Dar City, Amhara National Regional State, Ethiopia. Cogent Environmental Science, 4(1), 1471025.
- Tchobanoglous, G., Theisen, H., & Vigil, S. (1993). Integrated solid waste management: engineering principles and management issues.
- Trang, P. T. T., Dong, H. Q., Toan, D. Q., Hanh, N. T. X., & Thu, N. T. (2017). The effects of socio-economic factors on household solid waste generation and composition: a case study in Thu Dau Mot, Vietnam. Energy Procedia, 107, 253-258.
- UNDP. (2018). Statistical Update 2018: Human Development Indices and Indicators. Retrieved from
- UNEP. (2015). Global Waste Management Outlook. Retrieved from file:///C:/Users/acer/Downloads/-Global_Waste_Management_Outlook-2015Global_Waste_Management_Outlook.pdf.pdf
- Varkey, A. M., & Manasi, S. (2019). A review of peri-urban definitions, land use changes and challenges to development. Urban India, 39(1), 96-146.
- Venkatachalam, L. (2004). The contingent valuation method: a review. Environmental impact assessment review, 24(1), 89-124.
- Volsuuri, E., Owusu-Sekyere, E., & Imoro, A. Z. (2023). Unequal location, unequal access: the spatial analysis of solid waste disposal services in Northern Ghana. Discover Environment, 1(1), 14.
- Worldbank. (2022). Solid Waste Management Brief. Retrieved from
- WVI. (n.d.). Defining urban contexts. Retrieved from