Implementation of Prudential Principles in Providing Credit Loans to Shopee Marketplace Consumers
Purpose: The aim of this study is to analyze the application of the prudence principle for finance companies in providing credit loans to shop marketplace consumers.
Research methodology: This study employs a normative empirical method using a descriptive analysis approach. Secondary data were acquired through meticulous literature review and subjected to qualitative analysis. Rigorous literature selection ensured data validity. The outcomes of the analysis served as the basis for accurate conclusions within the research.
Results: The findings and discussion of this study encompassed two pivotal dimensions. The first is the urgency to implement the prudence principle in extending credit loans within the Shopee marketplace. This includes the implications and practical implementation of the principles of financial transactions on the platform. Second, it identifies the challenges associated with applying prudence to credit loan provisions.
Limitations: Providing credit loans to shop marketplace consumers does not fully implement prudence. In practice, this principle emphasizes that Shopee requires in-depth analysis before providing credit loans to its consumers. Shopees should carry out a comprehensive analysis to provide credit loans, which includes character analysis, capability analysis, capital analysis, collateral analysis, and analysis of economic conditions, proactively to reduce the risks that may occur. during the process of granting credit and repayment.
Contribution: This study provides a comprehensive understanding of the prudence principle in the context of extending credit loans to consumers within the framework of the Shopee e-commerce platform.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
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- Inggarwati, M. P., Celia, O., & Arthanti, B. D. (2020). Online single submission for cyber defense and security in Indonesia. Lex Scientia Law Review, 4(1), 83-95.
- Khan, M. M. R. (2021). Women and Sports: View from Stereotyping and Gender Differentials Perspectives. Journal of Sports and Physical Education Studies, 1(1), 01-04.
- Khan, M. M. R., & Sultana, R. (2021). Shift in the role of criminology in criminal law: Reflecting the doctrinal change. Annals of Justice and Humanity, 1(1), 1-10.
- Medlimo, R. A. (2022). Inovasi Pemberdayaan Industri Kreatif Nasional Sebagai Upaya Pemulihan Perekonomian Nasional Ditinjau Berdasarkan Konsep Pentahelix. Maliyah: Jurnal Hukum Bisnis Islam, 12(2), 56-72.
- Medlimo, R. A., Septania, A. D., Hapsari, H. O., Zuleika, M. F., & Agustin, T. (2022). Measuring the future of NFT as digital asset in realizing economic revitalization. Annals of Justice and Humanity, 1(2), 59-67.
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- Nirmalapurie, N. A. (2019). Perlindungan Hukum Bagi Para Pihak Dalam Penggunaan Fitur Paylater Pada Aplikasi Gojek. Universitas Airlangga.
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- Purba, J., Rohaini, R., & Septiana, D. (2018). Penyelesaian Sengketa Online Marketplace Antara Penjual dan Pembeli Melalui Online Dispute Resolution. Pactum Law Journal, 2(01), 537-549.
- Rosadi, S. D., & Pratama, G. G. (2018). Urgensi Perlindungan Data Privasi Dalam Era Ekonomi Digital Di Indonesia. Veritas et Justitia, 4(1).
- Zulfiani, Y. N. (2021). Prevention of personal data privacy leakage in e-government, as the government’s responsibility. Annals of Justice and Humanity, 1(1), 29-37.