Journal of Multidisciplinary Academic Business Studies

Journal of Multidisciplinary Academic Business Studies Published by Goodwood Publishing, Journal of Multidisciplinary Academic Business Studies is an online peer-reviewed, open access scholarly journal, which publishes critical and original analysis from researchers and academic practitioners on various business issues. Journal of Multidisciplinary Academic Business Studies welcomes high-quality manuscripts covering original research articles, review articles, book reviews, case reports, and discussions aimed at advancing both theoretical and practical development on areas business

Current Issue

Journal of Multidisciplinary Academic Business Studies Published by Goodwood Publishing, Journal of Multidisciplinary Academic Business Studies is an online peer-reviewed, open access scholarly journal, which publishes critical and original analysis from researchers and academic practitioners on various business issues. Journal of Multidisciplinary Academic Business Studies welcomes high-quality manuscripts covering original research articles, review articles, book reviews, case reports, and discussions aimed at advancing both theoretical and practical development on areas business



Business model development for hospital pharmacy services case study: Edelweiss Hospital

Purpose: Innovation in healthcare services is an important strategy in providing a competitive advantage to healthcare facilities in Indonesia. Pharmacy services hold significant value within the overall hospital services and are the most complex services in the hospital. The objective of this research is to identify the gap between the profile of pharmacy service users and the pharmacy services provided, to discover the value proposition of pharmacy services, and to develop a business model for pharmacy services. Method: The research methodology used is qualitative with a case study strategy and an abductive development approach. Data were collected through in-depth interviews with 6 (six) patients with outpatient insurance coverage and 6 (six) pharmacy staff. Results: The results of data collection involved data reduction and data analysis, which generated ideas that were used as value propositions in the business model canvas development component, to be proposed as the final part of the research objectives. The business model canvas was tested for desirability, feasibility, and viability with 5 (five) patients and 5 (five) pharmacists.The research results indicate that there are 2 (two) main gaps, including long waiting times in pharmacy services and a lack of information about queue status in pharmacy services. At least 4 (four) value propositions for pharmacy services have been developed, including improvements in service speed, transparency of service information with a notification system, stock certainty, and a better patient experience with a fast and clear service approach. Recommendation: The research is expected to provide practical recommendations for hospital management and can be conducted more effectively by using a formulated prototype so that the ideation results can be tested directly.

Analysis of acceptance and use of the NCX application using the UTAUT2 modification model at Telkom Indonesia

Purpose: The purpose of this study is to gain an understanding of user assessments of the variables that influence the use of the NCX application and to test the influence of these factors on behavioral intention and use behavior. This study analyzed the acceptance and use of the NCX application in the Telkom CFU Enterprise environment using the modified UTAUT2 model. The CFU Enterprise is the customer segment that is the focus of this study, with ICT services and platforms that include connectivity, IT and cloud services, digital services, and others. In carrying out its functions, the CFU Enterprise is supported by NCX, which is a customer relationship management application.   Method: This application can be used to manage the customer data. This study uses the modified UTAUT2 model, which is a development of the UTAUT2 model that adds compatibility and personal innovativeness constructs. Results: This study is expected to provide useful insights to increase the adoption and use of the NCX application in the Telkom CFU Enterprise environment.

The influence of compensation and motivation on the performance of civil servants at The Population and Civil Registry Office of Bandung District

Purpose: This study aims to analyze the conditions of compensation, motivation, and employee performance, and to determine the effect of compensation and motivation on employee performance.   Method: This study was conducted at the Population and Civil Registration Service of Bandung Regency. The independent variables of this study are compensation and motivation, while the dependent variable is employee performance. Employees at the Population and Civil Registration Service of Bandung Regency were used as the population in this study. Sampling was carried out using the Simple Probability technique distributed to 60 employees. This type of research is quantitative research and uses descriptive analysis and SEM-PLS for processing data to test the relationship between variables. The hypothesis in this study is that compensation has a significant effect on employee performance and motivation has a significant effect on employee performance. Results: The results of this study indicate that compensation has a positive but insignificant effect on performance, while motivation has a significant positive effect on performance. In addition, compensation and motivation are proven to have a significant positive effect on performance. This means that increasing fair compensation and work motivation given to employees together can significantly improve employee performance. The results of this study are expected to provide in-depth insight into the dynamics that can affect performance at the Population and Civil Registration Service of Bandung Regency. This finding emphasizes the importance of a combination of compensation and motivation improvement strategies in creating a work environment that will support optimal performance.

Towards the financial well-being of Gen-Z: A study at Tri Ratna School – Jakarta with Locus of Control as a mediation variable

Purpose: This study aimed to analyze the influence of financial literacy and lifestyle on financial well-being among Generation Z (Gen-Z), with locus of control as a mediating variable. In this study, locus of control refers to an individual's belief in internal and external influences in making decisions or taking actions, which is expected to mediate the relationship between financial literacy, lifestyle, and financial well-being. Research methodology: The data used in this study were collected through a survey of students, teachers, and staff members of Gen-Z at Tri Ratna School-Jakarta, aged between 16 and 27 years. The analysis was conducted using Partial Least Structural Equation Model (PLS-SEM) analysis to test the relationships between variables. Results: The findings of this study are expected to provide insights into the importance of financial literacy and the influence of lifestyle in shaping the financial well-being of Gen-Z as well as the role of locus of control in strengthening or weakening these influences. The findings are expected to serve as a reference for financial education and the development of more effective policies to improve the financial well-being of younger generations in Indonesia, particularly Tri Ratna School-Jakarta.

The effect of marketing mix on purchasing decisions modified with variables of education level and monthly allowance (Study on By.U products)

Purpose: The cellular operator industry in responding to the need for connectivity and digital services continues to evolve. Answering these challenges, Telkomsel as the largest operator in Indonesia continues to strive to provide the best service in the midst of competition. One of them is the youth segment as a great potential and in terms of market is still not dominant. In Central Jakarta, Telkomsel's youth market segment is still not dominant. The presence of by.U which specifically targets this segment is a solution to increase customers. In improving the market and competitiveness, companies develop marketing elements that are combined into a marketing mix. This study aims to determine how Telkomsel with by.U products affects consumer purchasing decisions through a marketing mix consisting of product, price, place, promotion, people, process, and physical evidence.   Method: This research uses quantitative methods, namely conducting research through data collection using questionnaires. The data analysis technique used is partial least square structural equation modeling with SmartPLS software. Results: In this study, 7Ps elements in the marketing mix that have a positive and significant effect on purchase intention, namely price, promotion, people, and process. In addition, the moderating variables in this study, namely the level of education and student pocket money, also have a positive and significant effect. So that to increase the market with the by.U product, Telkomsel must continue to pay attention to strategies related to promotion and price, especially discounts and promotional materials that exist both offline and online. It was also found that the need for internet service quality by.U should be a special concern for companies to answer the need for videos, music, and games.

Financial contagion analysis on asset return of S&P 500 Index, Shanghai Index, and Hang Seng Index with Jakarta Composite Index for the period 2017 – 2023

Purpose: Using the co-volatility contagion test investigation method developed by Fry-McKibbin (2018), this study analyzes financial contagion, which is how risk and instability spread from one market to another, especially during periods of economic crises.   Method: The subject of this research is the asset return of four global stock markets represented by the S&P 500 Index (SPX, United States), the Shanghai Composite Index (SCI, China), the Hang Seng Index (HSI, Hong Kong), and the Jakarta Composite Index (JCI/JCI, Indonesia) from January 2017 to December 2023. Results: Utilizing the contagion co-volatility test developed by Fry-McKibbin (2018), this study successfully finds contagion from the SPX, SCI, and HSI indices to the JCI index with varying co-volatility values. The difference in co-volatility values between the SPX and JCI indices is significantly positive; it decreases during a crisis, meaning that both indices tend to move in the same direction and independently during periods of global uncertainty. Meanwhile, the difference in the co-volatility values between the SCI and JCI indices is significantly negative, indicating that the index tends to move in opposite directions during a crisis or independently. However, the magnitude is small during non-crisis and crisis periods. For the HSI and JCI, the difference in the co-volatility values is also significantly negative and decreases. This shows that the Hong Kong and Indonesian markets are becoming less connected with each market moving in opposite directions, reflecting different sensitivities to global uncertainty risk. These differences in market characteristics can provide valuable insights for market participants, investors, and policymakers, enhancing their understanding of risk preferences and volatility transmission between stock markets, thereby supporting informed investment decision making based on historical data analysis.

Litigation and non-litigation approaches in Islamic Banking Syariah resolution

Purpose: Financial institutions, which function as intermediaries in the economy, have an important role in facilitating the flow of funds between those who have excess funds and those who lack funds. One form of financial institution that is growing rapidly in Indonesia is Islamic banking, which operates based on Islamic sharia principles, such as mudharabah, to support fair and riba-free financing. However, in its implementation, disputes often arise between customers, banks, and entrepreneurs, especially related to the implementation of mudharabah contracts. To handle this kind of dispute, Law No. 21 of 2008 on Sharia Banking provides two channels for dispute resolution: first, through litigation in the Religious Court, and second, through non-litigation channels, namely by using alternative dispute resolution institutions such as the National Sharia Arbitration Board (BASYARNAS).   Results: The arrangement of this dispute resolution mechanism is very important to maintain integrity and compliance with sharia principles, ensure legal certainty, and provide a sense of security for all parties involved in Islamic banking transactions in Indonesia.

The effect of sales promotion and hedonic shopping motivation on impulse buying behavior and the impact to customer loyalty in social commerce TikTok shop

Purpose: TikTok Shop was launched with the aim of helping small and medium businesses in Indonesia develop their business digitally. Since its launch, TikTok Shop has been committed to becoming a platform that can be used by local business owners, especially SMEs, to develop their businesses on digital platforms. TikTok Shop has become the most popular social commerce platform in Indonesia, with 45% of Indonesians using it to shop. However, because of the large number of TikTok Shop users, this has resulted in an increase in impulse buying which has become a positive value for the company from China. TikTok is widely used by teenagers aged 10-25 years. At this age, it is very suitable to be a marketing target for the products being promoted. The most popular products on TikTok Shop are fashion products. Several factors that encourage impulse buying at TikTok Shop are consumer character and lifestyle, price perception, motivation, promotions, discounts, and positive emotions that influence spontaneous purchasing decisions. The influence of promotions and preference purchasing motivation can influence customer impulse buying behavior and will lead to customer loyalty. This research aims to determine whether there is a significant influence on sales promotion and hedonic shopping motivation of fashion product buyers on impulse buying behavior which can have an impact on customer loyalty and a simultaneous influence between these variables on buyers in the Tiktok Shop marketplace. Research Methodology: Quantitative method used in this study with individual analysis units, data collection was done through a questionnaire with a valid sample of 400 respondents. Data analysis techniques use the Structural Equation Model (SEM) and Partial Least Squares (PLS) using the SmartPLS 4.0 application.

The effect of financial literacy, financial experience, financial self-efficacy on consumption behavior with financial technology as a mediating variable in the millennial generation

Purpose: This study aims to examine the Influence of Financial Literacy, Financial Experience, Financial Self Efficacy on Consumption Behavior with Financial Technology as a Mediating Variable in the Millennial Generation. Research Methodology: The population determined in this study are all individuals who are active e-commerce users who are accustomed to online transactions. The sample will be taken using a purposive sampling technique. In this study, data collection was carried out by means of a survey through the distribution of questionnaire surveys (questionnaires) distributed to respondents to be filled in. The data analysis technique in this study uses the Warp PLS (Partial Least Square) structural equation model. Hypothesis testing is used to explain the direction of the relationship between independent variables and dependent variables. SmartPLS 3.0 program. Results: Based on the results of the Effect Size (F-Square) test, the results of the study obtained on Financial Literacy (X1) on Consumption Behavior (Y) obtained a value of 0.171, so that these results can identify that it has a Medium influence, because the value is greater than 0.15. Financial Experience (X2) on Consumption Behavior (Y) obtained a value of 0.191, so with these results it can be identified as having a Medium influence, because its value is greater than 0.15. Financial Experience (X2) mediated by Financial Technology (Z) obtained a value of 0.208, so with these results it can be identified as having a Medium influence, because its value is greater than 0.15. Financial Self Efficacy (X3) on Consumption Behavior (Y) obtained a value of 0.373, so with these results it can be identified as having a Large influence, because its value is greater than 0.35. Financial Self Efficacy (X3) mediated by Financial Technology (Z) obtained a value of 0.496, so with these results it can be identified as having a Large influence, because its value is greater than 0.35. Financial Technology (Z) which mediates Consumption Behavior (Y) obtained a value of 0.244, so with these results it can be identified as having a Medium influence, because its value is greater than 0.15.