Journal of Multidisciplinary Academic Business Studies

Journal of Multidisciplinary Academic Business Studies Published by Goodwood Publishing, Journal of Multidisciplinary Academic Business Studies is an online peer-reviewed, open access scholarly journal, which publishes critical and original analysis from researchers and academic practitioners on various business issues. Journal of Multidisciplinary Academic Business Studies welcomes high-quality manuscripts covering original research articles, review articles, book reviews, case reports, and discussions aimed at advancing both theoretical and practical development on areas business

Current Issue

Journal of Multidisciplinary Academic Business Studies Published by Goodwood Publishing, Journal of Multidisciplinary Academic Business Studies is an online peer-reviewed, open access scholarly journal, which publishes critical and original analysis from researchers and academic practitioners on various business issues. Journal of Multidisciplinary Academic Business Studies welcomes high-quality manuscripts covering original research articles, review articles, book reviews, case reports, and discussions aimed at advancing both theoretical and practical development on areas business



Customer satisfaction performance evaluation at PT PLN (Persero) West Java using the Malcolm Baldrige criteria for performance excellence

Purpose: The purpose of this research is to assess and determine whether a system implemented for customers is in accordance with needs. This requires a comprehensive and integrated performance evaluation related to Customer Focus using malcolm balance criteria for performance excellence (MBCfPE). Method: This research was conducted in PLN West Java using qualitative and quantitative methods. Data and information related to conditions in the company were obtained through interviews, document reviews, and employee surveys. Results: PLN West Java implemented the MBCfPE Customer Focused criteria effectively. The customer service process refers to the criteria required by MBCfPE so that it can support the achievement of excellent customer satisfaction performance results. Based on these results, there are several recommendations for improvement that PLN West Java should carry out to improve the customer service process so that it can improve customer satisfaction performance, support business continuity, and increase competitiveness. Limitations: This research only focuses on the management of PLN West Java's Customer Focus, which is reflected in the customer focus criteria categories and customer focus results based on MBCfPE. This study does not evaluate other criteria categories in MBCfPE, namely leadership, strategic planning, measurement analysis and knowledge management, workforce, operations, and results (except customer focus results criteria). Contributions: This research contributes to the performance management literature by showing how the Malcolm Baldrige Criteria for Performance Excellence (MBCfPE) can be implemented effectively in companies or organizations to ensure excellent performance.

Reliability improvement process case study: PT HMS Tbk

Purpose: This study investigates the impact of unplanned and planned downtimes on PR (Production Reliability) performance in the tobacco industry, focusing on a company facing challenges due to COVID-19. Methodology/approach: A mixed-method approach is employed, combining quantitative data analysis of production lines (Q1 2024) with qualitative interviews. Root cause analysis (Current Reality Tree) and prioritization (Analytical Hierarchy Process) are used to identify and evaluate solutions. Results/findings: The research reveals maintenance focus on critical parts only and untested new materials as key contributors to low PR. Limitations: The study focuses on one company during a specific timeframe. Contribution: This research proposes a framework for improving PR by recommending a comprehensive maintenance plan, thorough material testing, and an implementation plan based on the PDCA cycle. This is expected to lead to enhanced PR, reduced downtimes, and improved operational efficiency.

Strategic decision analysis to enhance labor productivity affected by sick leave absenteeism in the manufacturing industry

Purpose: This research aims to determine the application of the concept of obedience and application of the concept of the Rule of Law (Rechtstaat) and the concept of Trias Politica to the Constitutional Court Decision Number: 90/PUU-XXI/2023 concerning the age limit for presidential and vice-presidential candidates and how the implementation and principles of individual freedom in the rule of law are implemented in Indonesia. Method: The research was conducted using normative research methods (doctrinal research) using a conceptual approach. Results: The research results show that the Constitutional Court's decision requires an approach to the concept of the Rule of Law (Rechstaat) and the Trias Politica concept so that there is no deviation from power and is able to  face the dynamics of change that occur in society, as well as making laws that are more autonomous from intervention by other authorities such as political interests. So that the implementation of the concept of the rule of law in the context of a rule of law can be interpreted and obeyed by all citizens. Limitations: The main aim of applying the concept of the rule of law (Rechtstaat) and the concept of Trias politica is to limit the power of authority so as to produce a legal science teaching that is centered on rights.

Stock valuation before and after the COVID-19 pandemic: Free Cash Flow to Firm (FCFF) and relative valuation approach with Discounted Cash Flow (DCF) valuation method

Purpose: This study compares the valuation of hospital companies in the healthcare sector in Indonesia before and during the Covid-19 pandemic on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX). Global crises, including the Covid-19 pandemic, have had a significant impact on stock prices in the IDX and have affected company valuations. Therefore, it is important to study the valuation of stocks in the healthcare sector, especially in hospital companies that are directly related to the pandemic. This research is expected to provide important lessons about stock valuation in the future if a similar phenomenon occurs. Method: This research focuses on the period before Covid-19 and the period during the peak of Covid-19, specifically in July 2021. This study compared the stock valuations of three hospital companies: HEAL, MIKA, and SILO. The valuation methods used are Discounted Cash Flow using the Free Cash Flow to Firm model and Relative Valuation using PBV and PER. Results: From the research results, it is known that there has been an increase in the intrinsic value (value per share) of SILO, MIKA, and HEAL from the period before Covid-19 and after the peak of Covid-19 in either pessimistic, moderate, and optimistic scenarios. This increase in intrinsic value is followed by an increase in share prices. MIKA’s valuation did not change in the three scenarios, whereas SILO and HEAL changed only in moderate scenarios. In the relative valuation analysis, there was an increase in PER for SILO, HEAL, and MIKA before and after the peak of Covid-19.

Proposed improvements on performance management system at PT JIEP by using balanced scorecard

Purpose: This study delves into the vital topic of performance management in the realm of human resources. Given the increasing demand for effective performance management systems in organizations, this study aims to bridge the gap between current practices and the need for a holistic approach that aligns individual goals with organizational objectives. Method: To achieve this, we employed a mixed-method approach, gathering data through surveys and interviews from a diverse range of employees and managers. Statistical techniques were used to analyze the data and provide insights into the effectiveness of the proposed model. Results: We expect our results to validate the proposed model, demonstrating clear improvements in employee and organizational performance metrics when implemented. The findings reveal strong correlations between the use of our model and enhanced performance outcomes. This study’s contribution to performance management is noteworthy. It introduces a comprehensive, adaptable model that can be applied across different organizations, offering both academic insights and practical solutions. This research not only advances theoretical knowledge but also provides a valuable tool for practitioners aiming to enhance performance management practices in their organizations.

Proposed contract manufacturing strategy for Baby Food Industry using Kepner-Tregoe and Analytic Hierarchy Process (Ahp) Approach

Purpose: The aim of this study is to select the best contract manufacturing strategy to ensure sustainable growth and fulfillment of MA baby food at PT. S.A. Methods: This study used qualitative and quantitative research methods. The qualitative approach involves conducting interviews and forum group discussions (FGD) with Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) to determine the root cause of problems using Kapner Tragoe and Why Tree Diagram analysis and to determine the criteria and alternative solutions for this problem. The quantitative approach uses the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) to select the best alternative solution. Results: Using the AHP method, the most important criteria that could influence the decision-making process were schedule (32.95%), cost (30.31%), delivery (16.44%), capacity (8.66%), ability (6.79%), and quality (4.86%). The best alternative solution for the short term to resolve the business issue is “Produce in existing contract manufacturing and distribute using 3rd party trader (58,09%)”. This alternative solution will ensure fulfillment and prevent sales losses of 96 billion but with a trade-off of a 10% increase in costs. Meanwhile, the best alternative solutions for  long term is “Terminate existing Manufacture & Produce in Alternative Local Contract Manufacture in Indonesia (31,55%)”. This alternative solution provides cost savings equivalent to 8.8% of the existing COGS and ensures sustainable growth and fulfillment of MA baby food at PT. S.A.

Factors influencing news purchasing in Tempo

Purpose: This study explores the factors that influence purchasing decisions regarding tempo-paid news, namely, individual factors, psychology, and product knowledge. The payment decision variables measured in this research are purchase intention, willingness to pay, and choice of profit model for tempo-paid news. Method: This research used a survey method with a purposive sample of 200 non-paid tempo users. The questionnaire consisted of closed choice questions. Data were analyzed by cross-tabulation analysis and chi-square test using the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS). Results: The findings indicate that individual, psychological, and product knowledge have a significant relationship with purchase intention. Only psychological and product knowledge factors had a significant relationship with willingness to pay. Meanwhile, individual, psychological, and product knowledge factors have a significant relationship with the choice of profit model. This study only reviews the factors that influence purchasing decisions among Tempo non-paid news readers from March to April 2024. Limitations: This research was limited to Tempo's paid products, not to other paid news products. Therefore, further research is needed to determine the factors that can influence purchasing decisions on paid news. Nevertheless, the findings provide an initial picture of the factors that influence the purchase of paid news in the Indonesian market, where the model is still young. Contributions: The findings of this research can provide input for future researchers in the marketing discipline or the mass media industry in Indonesia regarding the development of paid news-based business models.

The significance of brand positioning to UX design business growth

Purpose: This study illustrates the significant branding enhancement for PT Laluasa Cipta Asia using the concept of brand positioning strategy, specifically for one of their business units called Gizalab, which focuses on User Experience design services. The primary objective of this study is to evaluate the current service process to identify strengths and weaknesses, understand customer behavior, and analyze the competitive landscape. The most significant insights from the research process relate to a company’s branding problem. Eventually, the necessary strategy is to enhance brand perception and position the company to boost its business growth. Method: The main methods used in this study were market surveys, competitor analysis, and in-depth interviews. The author used a market survey to discover how the target market perceives existing brand perceptions. This understanding is important as the basis for a creative brand-positioning strategy. To enrich the study, the author also determined external factors that influence and impact the company’s business using the competitor analysis method. Results: While VRIO analysis emphasizes what valuable resources are from the company’s point of view, in-depth interviews reveal a gap in what matters to customers and the target market. Several key insights were found through in-depth interviews, one of which is the poor performance of the company’s branding strategies. The research results indicate that the existing Gizalab’s branding as a user experience design expert is not perceived as intended, and is currently not convincing the target market.

Risk identification and decision-making analysis in lower-ranking coal handling: A FMEA and AHP

Purpose: This study addresses the challenges posed by the increasing proportion of lower-ranking coal through proactive risk management in the Coal Preparation Plant (CPP) area of the PT. XYZ. Previous failures in handling lower-ranking coal have led to production delays and have negatively impacted the coal handling process. The analysis focuses on identifying, assessing, and prioritizing risks, and formulating optimal solutions to minimize their impact. Method: The methodology incorporates FMEA for risk identification and ranking, and proposes the top three risks and alternative solutions. Then, it proceeds with The Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP), guided by criteria from Value-Focused Thinking (VFT), to determine the most optimal solution. Results: The top three identified risks and their corresponding solutions are as follows: (1) sticky material adherence to the drawdown hopper and chute wall causing material flow blockage and overfill, addressed by installing a booster pump on the existing water suppression system. (2) The accumulation of fine coal in closed spaces causes equipment burning, mitigated through periodic clean-up using a new portable blower or water. (3) Burning coal, causing fires inside the tunnel, was resolved by installing a thermal camera monitoring system. Limitations: The scope of the research will be limited to the specific area of the Coal Processing Plant (CPP) in the company and will be based on the characteristics of the lower-ranking coal in the company. Contributions: This study provides valuable guidelines for CPP stakeholders to minimize disruptions and improve the overall effectiveness of coal-handling activities.

Business Ecosystem Development in Corporate Business Strategy

Purpose: The objective of this research is to identify the parties involved in the agro-business ecosystem in Kabupaten Bandung and determine the factors influencing the development of strategies at PT BANDUNG DAYA SENTOSA as a Regional Government-Owned Enterprise (BUMD) operating in the Agribusiness sector. Research methodology: This study uses a business ecosystem approach to map the roles and parties involved in the agro-business ecosystem in Kabupaten Bandung. This study employed a qualitative research method with a case study design. Results: Through multi-agent-based ecosystem modeling and business model reconfiguration, it can be concluded that adaptability and collaboration among actors in the agribusiness ecosystem in Kabupaten Bandung are key to success. The Regional Government-Owned Enterprise Bandung Daya Sentosa (BDS) has the potential to become an innovation hub and enhance its role through the development of innovative agricultural products and utilization of digital technology. Implementation: The agricultural sector plays a crucial role in the community economy in Kabupaten Bandung. The agricultural sector in Kabupaten Bandung is the third-largest contributor to the Gross Regional Domestic Product (PDRB) after manufacturing and trade (Master Plan for the Economy of Kab. Bandung 2021-2026: 2021).

The implementation of Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) to select the best vendor for bio-efficacy trials (case study: the xyz agrochemical company)

Purpose: The pesticide industry is highly regulated by various regulations and requirements. Getting a distribution permit for a pesticide depends on the results of bio-efficacy trials carried out by institutions outside the company (vendors). These vendors must be selected from a list that has been made by the Ministry of Agriculture. Choosing a vendor is quite a difficult endeavor because not all vendors have the same competencies. Research Methodology: One method to choose a vendor among several vendors based on various criteria hierarchically that meets the requirements is to use the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) method. This thesis presents the results of the trial of the use of the AHP method in the XYZ Agrochemical Company using a qualitative and quantitative approach by collecting primary data through questionnaires and interviews with a team of Research and Development experts from the XYZ Agrochemical Company. Results: The results of the case study at the XYZ Agrochemical Company show the practical application of the AHP model in real-world vendor selection scenarios, providing an overview of the relative significance of each criterion and its impact on the overall decision-making process. Limitations: Secondary data was obtained from government regulations, company reports, and relevant literature to form vendor profiles, organizational capabilities, and pesticide regulations that apply specifically to Indonesia. Contribution: Through the AHP framework, based on the results of the interview, a hierarchical structure of evaluation criteria in selecting vendors was established, including expertise, past performance, laboratory and field facilities, timely delivery, in conducting bio-efficacy trials, and vendor responsiveness in communicating.

Embrace the sea, saving the community's economy Akar Island, Setokok Village, Batam

Purpose: The community's efforts to support and develop the family economy. This community was previously unaware that this type of rengkam seaweed could be utilized and would increase family income, which encouraged the author to conduct this research. Research Methodology: This study used a quantitative method. Quantitative research involves collecting questionnaire data, and the data results are in the form of statistical data, which are then used in hypothesis testing. Quantitative research will establish a cause-and-effect relationship between independent and dependent variables, and researchers intend to understand social situations in depth. Results: From the overall analysis, it can be concluded that all indicators of Motivation, Education, Skills and Economic Growth are valid and significant. And if you look at the structural model above, it shows that the Regression Weights have all the variables having a significant influence. The Goodness of Fit results show four good criteria: one that is not good and three that are marginal; thus, the model above can be declared as a good model, and to obtain even better results, it can be modified as necessary.

Evaluation of tax debt management for bankrupt taxpayers in Indonesia

Purpose: This study aims to evaluate tax debt management for taxpayers who are bankrupt in Indonesia, based on successful tax debt management. Method: This study is a literature review that compiles and synthesizes data from Indonesian Tax Collection Law with Distress Warrant Law, General Tax Provisions and Procedures Law, Bankruptcy and Postponement of Debt Payment Obligations Law, Minister of Finance Regulation. This study also integrates previous research to evaluate tax debt management for bankrupt taxpayers in Indonesia, based on successful tax debt management. Results: Persuasive communication with bankrupt taxpayers is deemed nonessential in the context of tax debt management within bankruptcy proceedings. Standardized procedures were in place within the Directorate General of Taxes prior to resorting to law enforcement measures for debt collection from bankrupt taxpayers. These measures encompass a spectrum of enforcement tactics, including asset confiscation, imposition of travel restrictions (exit bans), and detainment in extreme circumstances. The Directorate General of Taxes assesses various criteria to determine the viability of collecting debt from bankrupt taxpayers, considering factors such as economic feasibility and practicality. Limitations: This study did not conduct a comparative analysis of tax debt management for bankrupt taxpayers in Indonesia and similar practices in other countries. Such a comparison would elucidate how different jurisdictions address tax debt management for bankrupt taxpayers, and could offer valuable insights for overcoming collection challenges specific to Indonesia. By examining common practices in other countries, this study provides recommendations tailored to the Indonesian context to improve the effectiveness of tax debt collection from bankrupt taxpayers. Contribution: This study enriches the literature on how the Directorate General of Taxes manages bankrupt taxpayers to pay their debts.

Analysis of working capital in relation with income of the small weaving industry in Kupang City

Purpose: This study aims to determine whether working capital has an effect on the income of the Small Weaving Industry in Kupang City. Research Methodology: This study used a quantitative descriptive approach. This research was conducted in the Small Weaving Industry in Kupang City, which has a total population of 49 weavers. Saturated samples were obtained. Data collection methods included questionnaires, interviews, documentation, and observation. The data analysis technique uses financial theory related to working capital and income. Results: The results showed that working capital has an effect on the income of small industrial weavers in Kupang City because the greater the amount of working capital spent, the greater the income earned. Therefore, it is recommended that weavers maintain working capital conditions so that the production process can be increased by itself and the income will increase.

Influence occupational health safety and work discipline on employee productivity at the energy and mineral resources department of South Sumatra

Purpose: This study aims to determine how the productivity of employees of the Energy and Mineral Resources Agency is measured based on health safety and work discipline. Research Methodology: Quantitative methods were used, and the data collection techniques used in this study were observation, documentation, and questionnaire distribution. While the data analysis techniques in the study were analyzed using normality test, multicollinearity test, heroskedacity test, multiple linear analysis, correlation coefficient analysis, determination coefficient analysis, and hypothesis testing which consists of t test (partial) and f test (simultaneous). Results: The results of the hypothesis testing concluded that partial occupational health safety has a positive and significant effect on employee productivity at the Energy and Mineral Resources Office of South Sumatra Province. Work discipline had a positive and significant effect on employee productivity at the Energy and Mineral Resources Office of South Sumatra Province. Simultaneously, occupational health safety variables and work discipline had a positive and significant effect on employee productivity at the Energy and Mineral Resources Office of South Sumatra Province. Limitations: The research was conducted only at the Energy and Mineral Resources Office of South Sumatra Province and only included occupational health safety variables, work discipline, and employee productivity. Contribution: The results of this study are expected to contribute to increasing labor productivity, as well as provide useful references for other researchers and UPGRI in increasing knowledge and abilities in the world of labor.

Prioritizing the product development roadmap of Zains SAAS using Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP)

Purpose: This study aims to prioritize the development of Zains using the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP). Research Methodology: focusing on the key factors influencing development priorities, and combines qualitative data from a Focus Group Discussion (FGD) with the Board of Directors (BOD) of CNT and quantitative data from digital surveys. Qualitative data provide insights into strategic priorities, challenges, and development goals, while quantitative data obtained through the AHP method determine the relative importance of various criteria and alternatives. This study identifies the key criteria for product development, including market demand, financial impact, technological relevance, operational efficiency, compliance, and security. Affinity Diagrams and TOWS Matrix were used to analyze qualitative data from the FGD. The proposed alternatives include mobile application feature enhancements, AI-powered financial insights integration, and enhanced security features.The AHP results indicate that the integration of AI-powered financial insights is the primary alternative in the Zains development roadmap. Results: These findings provide insights for CNT to optimize the development of Zains and to maintain their relevance and competitiveness in the SaaS market. These recommendations are beneficial for other SaaS providers facing similar challenges.

Analysis of the effect of dividend policy and profitability on stock price

Purpose: This study tests the hypothesis of the effect of dividend policy and profitability on stock prices in food and beverage subsector companies listed on the IDX. Research Methodology: The population in this study was Food and Beverage subsector companies listed on the IDX 2020-2022. The sampling technique was purposive, with a total sample of 15 companies. The analysis techniques included the classical assumption test, multiple linear regression analysis, coefficient of determination (R2) test, t-test, and model feasibility test (F-test). Quantitative research method was used. The variables used were dividend policy, profitability, and stock prices. Results: The results of the normality test of normally distributed variables, the results of multicolonierity, heterokedasitas, and autocorrelation tests did not have multicollinearity, heterokedasitas, or autocorrelation problems. The results of hypothesis testing concluded that simultaneously, there is an effect of dividend policy and profitability on stock prices with a sig value of 0.00 <0.05; partially, there is an effect of dividend policy on stock prices with a sig value of 0.021 <0.05, and there is an effect of profitability on stock prices with a sig value of 0.000 <0.05. Limitations: This research is aimed only at Food and Beverage subsector companies listed on the IDX during the period 2020-2022. Contribution: This research is expected to be useful as a reference material in the same research and further research at PGRI University Palembang and is expected to be used as input for research sites to make decisions about the effect of dividend policy and profitability on stock prices in food and beverage subsector companies listed on the IDX.

Business process improvement in call center operations at XYZ Malaysia through the implementation of Lean Six Sigma methodologies

Purpose: This study explores the application of Lean Six Sigma methodologies to improve the business process in call center operations at XYZ Malaysia to enhance service quality and increase customer satisfaction. This study emphasizes the importance of adopting Lean Six Sigma. Research Methodology: This study employed a mixed-method approach that utilized both qualitative and quantitative data. Qualitative data explores challenges and customer satisfaction levels, while quantitative data assesses the impact of Lean Six Sigma on specific metrics used by the call center. Results: The study concludes that implementing Lean Six Sigma can significantly improve call center operations by mapping the current process, analyzing the challenges comprehensively, and generating possible root causes and solutions to help call center operations enhance efficiency, reduce AHT, and boost customer satisfaction. The findings suggest that Lean Six Sigma methodologies can provide a structured approach to problem-solving and process enhancement, enabling call centers to achieve higher performance standards. Recommendations for future research include expanding the scope to other languages supported by XYZ Malaysia and exploring the long-term impact of Lean Six Sigma on overall business performance. This study provides valuable insights for call center managers and practitioners seeking to improve their business operations. The findings underscore the potential of Lean Six Sigma to drive continuous improvement, ensuring that call center operations not only meet but also exceed customer expectations. Ultimately, this approach is expected to set new standards for customer care and call center management, particularly in the English-speaking market, contributing to XYZ Malaysia's vision of delivering outstanding customer experiences through exceptional service quality.