International Journal of Financial, Accounting, and Management

Issued by Goodwood Publishing, this journal is an international journal in the field of finance, accounting, and management. International Journal of Financial, Accounting, and Management (IJFAM) comprises a multitude of activities which together form one of the world's fastest-growing international sectors. This journal takes an interdisciplinary approach and includes all aspects of finance, accounting, and management studies. The journal's contents reflect its integrative approach - including primary research articles, discussion of current issues, case studies, reports, book reviews, and forthcoming meetings.

The journal comprises articles which are relevant to both academics and practitioners, and are the results of anonymous reviews by at least two referees chosen by the editor for their specialist knowledge.

Issued by Goodwood Publishing, this journal is an international journal in the field of finance, accounting, and management. International Journal of Financial, Accounting, and Management (IJFAM) comprises a multitude of activities which together form one of the world's fastest-growing international sectors. This journal takes an interdisciplinary approach and includes all aspects of finance, accounting, and management studies. The journal's contents reflect its integrative approach - including primary research articles, discussion of current issues, case studies, reports, book reviews, and forthcoming meetings.

The journal comprises articles which are relevant to both academics and practitioners, and are the results of anonymous reviews by at least two referees chosen by the editor for their specialist knowledge.



The influence of Debt Equity Ratio (DER), Earning Per Share (EPS), and Price Earning Ratio (PER) on stock price

Purpose: This study aims to determine how the debt-to-equity ratio, earnings per share, price earning ratio, and stock prices are described in consumer goods industry sector companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange for the period 2016-2018. Also, to determine the effect of partially and simultaneously debt to equity ratio, earnings per share, and price earning ratio on stock prices in consumer goods industry sector companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange for the period 2016-2018. Research Methodology: The research method used in this study is an explanatory method. The research method used in this research is explanatory. The sampling technique used in this study is non-probability sampling with a purposive sampling method so that the sample size is 34 companies in the consumer goods industry sector listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange for the period 2016-2018. The analysis method used in this research is panel data regression analysis using Eviews 9. Results: The results showed that the debt to equity ratio, earnings per share, and price earning ratio affected stock prices. Also, the research results show that the magnitude of the influence of the debt to equity ratio, earnings per share, and price earning ratio in contributing to the effect of stock prices is 98.7%. Limitations: The research is limited to just a few factors, namely debt to equity ratio, earnings per share, and price-earnings ratio to stock prices. Besides, this research is only limited to companies in the consumer goods industry that are listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange for the period 2016-2018. Contribution: This research is expected to provide benefits for companies in increasing the company's share price in the capital market from several financial performance factors including debt to equity ratio, earnings per share, and price earning ratio.

Some comments on total factor productivity and its growth in India

Purpose: This paper considers the prospects for constructing a model of Total Factor Productivity (HenceTFP) of investment, technological progress and growth of the technological share in TFP. Research Methodology:  This paper tries to understand the driving factors of TFP by establishing the relations between the factors. Results: Models consider emphasizing investment, technological progress and its impact on TFP and also on relation of investment with TFP and growth of technological share in TFP through the experience process. The claims in models provide a relation between investment and TFP; a relation between technological efficiency and technological progress is formed and their effect on TFP is also established. Limitations: The limitations of the study are that we have considered selected parameters of TFP only. To study TFP completely a fuller model is needed where all the parameters would be considered. Contribution: This study will help to understand TFP and its internal dynamics. A quotient between technological progress and investment is constructed that hampers the growth of technological progress. This gives a caution to the financial institutions about the enhancement of the quotient.

Directors’ stock-purchases on stock performance: Evidence from Colombo Stock Exchange

Purpose: This study examines how directors’ stock-purchase transactions would result in stock performance, assessing whether directors’ stock-purchase transactions are rapidly reflected in stock prices in Colombo Stock Exchange, Sri Lanka. Moreover, it studies how stock-purchase transactions based on directors’ gender, would result in stock performance.  Research Methodology: The analysis covers a period from March 2013 to March 2019, and includes 141 directors’ stock purchases. Research issues are investigated using an event-study methodology. Results: Significant negative abnormal returns follow directors’ stock-purchase transactions, which indicates they are not rapidly reflected in stock prices. Gender-wise, male directors’ stock-purchase transactions result in significantly negative abnormal returns, whereas for its female counterpart, no significantly abnormal returns are observed. Further, both male and female directors’ stock-purchase transactions are not rapidly reflected in stock prices. Limitation: The study does not consider the number of shares purchased. Certain director stock purchases have to be omitted due to a lack of data. Contribution: Policy-makers could implement actions to prevent harmful trading activities and to improve the reporting timelines of directors' stock purchases. Consequently, the information asymmetry could be minimized. Hence, investors could engage in stock purchases confidently, which results in mitigating the company’s cost of capital.

Examining the determinants of loan default among microfinance banks’ borrowers in Kano State, Nigeria

Purpose: The study examines how the personal and business characteristics of micro, small and medium enterprise (MSMEs) borrowers of microfinance banks influence loan default, using Kano State as a case study. Research Methodology: The study employed a survey research method and the sample was drawn through multistage stratified random sampling and comprised 544 beneficiaries of microfinance banks selected from 10 local governments across the state. Data was collected using questionnaires and analyzed using Logit and Probit models with the aid of STATA 13 software. Results: The findings revealed that family size, gender, and business age are significant determinants of loan default. Borrowers’ marital status and age as well as the size and location of business were found to be insignificant in predicting loan default among microfinance MSME borrowers. Limitations: Part of the limitations of this study is the difficulty involved in getting the required information from the sampled microfinance beneficiaries. This research considered only personal and business characteristics of microfinance banks’ borrowers as determinants of loan default in some selected areas of Kano State. Findings in other areas may differ. Contributions: This study contributes to the area of microfinance research by adding more value to the knowledge and literature existing in this field. Managers of microfinance banks will also find the outcome of this research useful as it will assist them in understanding the appropriate strategies to adopt in minimizing the default rate of their clients.

Choice of location for Foreign Direct Investment by multinational corporations: Do tax burden matter?

Purpose: This paper investigated the effect of the tax burden on the inflow of FDI into the continent. The study employed a panel data set of 48 SSA countries covering a period of 2009 to 2018. Research methodology: In other to account for the endogeneity problems associated with most financial data, we employed a dynamic panel two-step-system-GMM. Results: The result indicates that tax burden is a negative determinant of the inflow of FDI. In other words, multinational corporations attach a significant premium to countries with low tax burdens than those with a high tax burden. Similarly, an increase in the mobility of labour is a negative determinant of the inflow of FDI into the continent. All the economic and financial freedom indices included in the model have a positive and significant influence on the inflow of FDI into the continent. A sustainable tax policy that will lessen the tax burden on foreign investors should be formulated to enhance the inflow of FDI into the continent. Limitations: This study employed Dynamic System GMM which can produce variant results depending on the choice of instrument. Contribution: This study provides insight on the role of fiscal policy particularly taxation in explaining the inflow of FDI. Policymakers, multinational corporations, and other players in the global FDI market will appreciate the influence that tax exerts on FDI inflow.

Are internal controls important in financial accountability? (Evidence from Lira District Local Government, Uganda)

Purpose: The study examined the importance of internal control systems in financial accountability in Lira District Local Government, Uganda. Specifically, the study determined the importance of control activities, control environment, and monitoring of controls on financial accountability.  Research methodology: A correlational design to establish the relationships between internal control systems and financial accountability, and regression analysis to explain the importance of internal controls on financial accountability were adopted. Results: Internal control systems account for 55.4% of the variations in financial accountability. Specifically, control environment and monitoring controls bear significant effects on financial accountability while control activities do not. Contribution: This is one of the original studies to assess Lira District Local Government. The study validates the contingent theory and extends its application in public administration. Limitations: The input of stakeholders from the community was ignored. Future researchers should consider investigating the role of community participation on the performance of district local governments in Uganda.