Gender perception on the impact of vocational-technical education on the socio-economic development of Urbanizing Port Harcourt Metropolis, Rivers State, Nigeria

Published: May 11, 2022


Purpose: The study is aimed at determining the impact of vocational-technical education on youths’ socio-economic development.

Methodology of Research: Descriptive design was adopted in carrying out the study, with 4 research questions and hypotheses, 6,003 students of the population from the 12 vocational-technical schools in the state, a sample of 400 students, reliability coefficient of 0.72. Mean and standard deviation were used to answer the research questions; z-test was used to test the null hypotheses at a 0.05 Alpha level of significance.

Results: The study revealed that vocational-technical education brings about economic development, skill acquisition, employment opportunities, aside from poverty reduction in Port Harcourt Metropolis. The study recommends the provision of infrastructure, adequate funding, and proper implementation of policies in vocational-technical schools in Rivers State, Nigeria.

Limitations: This study was limited to the 12 existing public technical-vocational schools in Rivers State, Nigeria. Variables such as skills acquisition, economic development, employment opportunities, and poverty reduction were examined.

Contribution: The study will expose the youths to various opportunities and possibilities, helping them to channel their strength and energy to reasonable economic activities. By so doing, social vices will be controlled.

1. Education
2. Metropolis
3. Socio-economic development
4. Technical
5. Urbanization
6. Vocational
1 . Temple Probyne Abali
2 . Charles Echeonwu
How to Cite
Abali, T. P., & Echeonwu, C. (2022). Gender perception on the impact of vocational-technical education on the socio-economic development of Urbanizing Port Harcourt Metropolis, Rivers State, Nigeria. Journal of Social, Humanity, and Education, 2(3), 197–210.


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  1. Adeniye, B.A. (2016). The role of entrepreneurship education in vocational and technical education. Retrieved on 13th January,2016. From
  2. Amegayibor, G. K. (2021). Training and development methods and organizational performance: A case of the local government organization in Central Region, Ghana. Journal of Social, Humanity, and Education, 2(1), 35-53.
  3. Anyaegbu, U. (2017). Enterprenueral skill acquisisition and employment introduction. Retrieved on 24th October, 2017. Retrieved from
  4. Asnul, D. M. and. Ruluzam, Y. (2010). Sustainable framework for technical and vocational education in Malaysia. Journal of Procedia-social and Behavioural Sciences. (9), 1233 – 1237. Retrieved 21st January, 2018, from
  5. Baker, A. R. and Hanafi, I. (2007). Assessing employability skills of technical-vocational skills in Malaysia. Journal of Social Sciences 3(4), 202-207.
  6. Beke, C. (2010). Speech on the Youth Restiveness and unfriendly business environment in Rivers State. Presented on 92.3 Nigerians Info, 16th August, 2010.
  7. Bello, M. I., Danjuma, I. M., & Adamu, A.Y (2007). A survey of vocational training needs of 15 – 25 years old out – of – school youths in Bauchi Metropolis. International Journal of career and Technical education. (23)(1) 2007. Retrieved27thJanuary2018.From
  8. Carlos, B. (2016). Youth entrepreneurship: Ottawa portfolio in talent development. Retrieved 16th November, 2016, from https://timreviewcalarticle/394.
  9. Dike, E. V (2005). Technical and vocational education to Nigeria’s Development. Retrieved on 2nd January, 2018, from News8534.html
  10. Echeonwu, C (2018). Vocational-Technical Education and Youths’ Empowerment in Rivers State. A Dissertation submitted to the Department of Educational Foundations, University of Port Harcourt.
  11. Fayemi, J. A. (2012) Youth Empowerment and poverty alleviation, the experience in Ogun State, Nigeria. Journal of Research in National Development (10)(2). Retrieved from (92 681)
  12. Federal Republic of Nigeria, FRN (2001). National Youth Policy. Retrieved 6th September, 2017,from
  13. Federal Republic of Nigeria FRN, (2014). National Policy on Technical and Vocational Education. 6th Edition. NERDEC. Lagos.
  14. Federal Republic of Nigeria, FRN (2014). Policy on Education. Lagos. NERDC Press.
  15. Hoffman, F. (2015). Youth Economic Development Programme a formula for success. Retrieved 10th January, 2017, from -for-success-856856.
  16. Kimberly, A. (2017) What is the definition of Unemployment? Retrieved 23rd October, 2017. From
  17. Mohammad, B. (2014). Function of Technical and vocational education: an empirical study in Bushehr city. Journal of Social and behavoural Sciences 143, 265-269.
  18. Mwesigwa, D., Bogere, M., & Anastassova, L. (2021). Integrated policy formulation processes in local governments: A case study in mid-western Uganda. Journal of Governance and Accountability Studies, 1(2), 83-101.
  19. National Bureau of Statistics, NBS (2017). Unemployment Highest in Rivers State. Retrieved 11th February 2018. From
  20. Obiefuna, C.A. (2003). The school-industry linkage: An insight into the Technology curriculum of the Nigerian Universities. Nigerian Journal of curriculum studies, 10(2), 255-258
  21. Olajide, S. E. (2015). Repositioning technical and vocational education towards eradicating unemployment in Nigeria. International Journal of vocational and technical education. (7) (6). Retrieved 22nd January 2018. From’.
  22. Olin, Y. K., Kase, P., & Toda, H. (2021). The role of traditional institutions in implementing the empowerment policy of Oetulu village, Musi district, Timor Tengah Utara regency. Journal of Governance and Accountability Studies, 1(2), 145-161.
  23. Ome-Egonu, A.; Kinikanwo S. P (2014). Unemployment and youth restiveness in Rivers State, Retrieved on 21st October, 2017.
  24. Ozohu, S (2006) The Nigerian Youth In Contemporary Political Development: Relevance, Challenges, And Role Expectation. The Constitution: A journal of constitution Development 69 (4): 97-111.
  25. Princewill, T. (2017). Militancy, Kidnapping oil bunkering, and murder are ill-winds that blows no good. Vanguard report of 25th November, 2017.
  26. Rivers State Ministry of Youths Development, RSMYD (2016): History of the Ministry of Youth Development. Retrieved 22nd October, 2017. From https//rivers
  27. Uduak,. E. M. and Ekong, C. U (2016). Skills acquisition and unemployment reduction in Nigeria. A case study of National Directorate of Employment (NDE) in Akwa-Ibom State. International Journal of Economics and Management Science, (5), 352.
  28. UNESCO and ILO (2002). Technical and vocational education and training for 21st century. UNESCO and ILO Recommendations. Retrieved 22nd January 2018. From /443/596
  29. UNESCO (2015). What do we mean by youth? Retrieved 10th January, 2016. From (2002).
  30. Williams, C. Kanen, B. Claudia, (2013) Maximizing the impact of youth entrepreneurship support in different contexts. Retrieved on 17th November, 2016 from -youth-entrepreneurship-support-different contexts.
  31. World Bank (2015). Press release on the Youth employment Needs urgent global action. Retrieved on 27/8/
  32. Zahedy, M. R., Jafari, S. A., & Ramezan, M. (2021). Examining the quality of work life: empirical testing indicators in the public organisation. Annals of Human Resource Management Research, 1(2), 99-111.