The effect of using e-money and self-control on student financial management
Purpose: This study aims to determine the effect of E-Money Use and Self-Control on Student Financial Management (Case Study on FEB Students of PGRI University Palembang).
Methods: This study used a quantitative research methodology. The population in this study was active SI FEB students at PGRI University Palembang with a sample size of 107 respondents. The sampling technique is simple random sampling, that is, taking sample members randomly and using the Yamane formula. The sources and techniques for collecting data in this study were primary data by distributing questionnaires to respondents and secondary data by collecting documentation and literature relevant to the research. The data analysis technique used was the normality test, heteroscedasticity test, multicolonearity test, coefficient of determination (R2) test, and hypothesis testing was performed using the t-test and F test.
Result: The t-test results obtained an e-money value of 2.499> 1.983 and self-control value of 7.610> 1.983, while the F-test results also obtained a value of 71.370> 3.08, indicating that e-money and self-control have a significant effect on financial management both partially and simultaneously. This is also reinforced by the coefficient of determination test with a value of 0.579 or 57.9%, with a very strong relationship category, and the remaining 42.1% is obtained from other variables that are not yet known or not classified in this regression analysis.
Limitations: The research was only conducted at FEB Student PGRI University Palembang and only included e-money effect, self-control student, and financial management
Contribution: The results of this study are expected to contribute to student financial management as well as provide useful references for other researchers and UPGRI in increasing knowledge and abilities in the use of e-money and self-control.