Entrepreneurship in the era of society 5.0: Navigating digitalization for innovation and growth
Purpose: This study explores the symbiotic relationship between entrepreneurship and digitalization in Society 5.0, emphasizing the pivotal role of entrepreneurs in navigating and leveraging digital technologies to foster innovation and propel economic development.
Research Methodology: This study uses quantitative methods to explore entrepreneurship in the era of Society 5.0, focusing on digitalization for innovation and growth. The population comprises entrepreneurs in Indonesia who use digital technology in their business. The sample comprised of 200 purposively selected entrepreneurs. Data were collected using an online questionnaire on the use of digital technology, innovation, and business growth. Data analysis, including validation, descriptive analysis, and SEM-PLS, was conducted using Smart PLS. The results are expected to provide insights into digital strategies for business innovation and growth.
Results: The results highlight how entrepreneurs can leverage digital technologies, such as AI, IoT, and big data, to develop innovative products, improve operational efficiency, expand markets, and make better decisions. The benefits include global market access, improved customer experience, and better business sustainability. This makes entrepreneurs more competitive and responsive to market change.
Limitations: Today's entrepreneurship faces limitations, such as technology dependence, adaptation difficulties, data security risks, and the digital divide. Entrepreneurs also encounter global competition, changing regulations, a lack of digital skills, poor technology infrastructure, and funding difficulties. Overcoming these challenges requires support from the government, the private sector, and educational institutions.
Contributions: This research helps institutions develop digital policies and training programs, adds to the global literature on entrepreneurship in the Society 5.0, provides digital strategies for management, and improves entrepreneurs' competencies in utilizing digital technologies. It provides practical guidance to support business innovation and growth in the digital age.

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
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- Fossen, F. M., & Sorgner, A. (2021). Digitalization of work and entry into entrepreneurship. Journal of Business Research, 125, 548-563.
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- George, G., Merrill, R. K., & Schillebeeckx, S. J. (2021). Digital sustainability and entrepreneurship: How digital innovations are helping tackle climate change and sustainable development. Entrepreneurship theory and Practice, 45(5), 999-1027.
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- Jing, Y., Xia, Z., Li, X., Fan, K., & Ming, X. (2024). Empirical Study on The Relationship Between Digitization and Industrial Innovation--Taking Wuhan New Display Industry as An Example. Highlights in Business, Economics and Management, 31, 128-138.
- Juliana, N. O., Hui, H. J., Clement, M., Solomon, E. N., & Elvis, O. K. (2021). The impact of creativity and innovation on entrepreneurship development: evidence from Nigeria. Open Journal of Business and Management, 9(4), 1743-1770.
- Khan, M. A., Mazliham, M., Alam, M. M., Aman, N., Malik, S., Urooj, S. F., & Taj, T. (2022). An empirical mediation analysis of technological innovation based on artificial intelligence in the relationship between economic development and corporate governance mechanism. Frontiers in Environmental Science, 10, 999096.
- Knudsen, M. P., Von Zedtwitz, M., Griffin, A., & Barczak, G. (2023). Best practices in new product development and innovation: Results from PDMA's 2021 global survey. Journal of Product innovation management, 40(3), 257-275.
- Kraus, S., Palmer, C., Kailer, N., Kallinger, F. L., & Spitzer, J. (2019). Digital entrepreneurship: A research agenda on new business models for the twenty-first century. International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior & Research, 25(2), 353-375.
- Kraus, S., Roig-Tierno, N., & Bouncken, R. B. (2019). Digital innovation and venturing: an introduction into the digitalization of entrepreneurship. Review of Managerial Science, 13(3), 519-528.
- Kreiterling, C. (2023). Digital innovation and entrepreneurship: a review of challenges in competitive markets. Journal of innovation and entrepreneurship, 12(1), 49.
- Laboratory, H.-U. (2020). Society 5.0: A people-centric super-smart society: Springer Nature.
- Le, P. B., & Lei, H. (2019). Determinants of innovation capability: the roles of transformational leadership, knowledge sharing and perceived organizational support. Journal of Knowledge Management, 23(3), 527-547.
- Lee, Y.-Y., Falahat, M., & Sia, B.-K. (2019). Impact of Digitalization on the Speed of Internationalization. International Business Research, 12(4), 1-11.
- Ma, X., & Zhang, Y. (2021). Digital innovation risk management model of discrete manufacturing enterprise based on big data analysis. Journal of Global Information Management (JGIM), 30(7), 1-14.
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- Nambisan, S. (2017). Digital entrepreneurship: Toward a digital technology perspective of entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurship theory and Practice, 41(6), 1029-1055.
- Nambisan, S., Wright, M., & Feldman, M. (2019). The digital transformation of innovation and entrepreneurship: Progress, challenges and key themes. Research Policy, 48(8), 103773.
- Panshin, I., Solovieva, O., Kornilova, O., & Eronin, V. (2021). The impact of digitalization on leadership. Paper presented at the Modern Global Economic System: Evolutional Development vs. Revolutionary Leap 11.
- Polunin, G., Kourenkov, V., & Polunina, E. (1998). Corneal transparency and measurement of corneal permeability in excimer laser photorefractive keratectomy (Vol. 14, pp. S230-S234): SLACK Incorporated Thorofare, NJ.
- Rahmawati, M., Ruslan, A., & Bandarsyah, D. (2021). The Era of Society 5.0 as the unification of humans and technology: A literature review on materialism and existentialism. Jurnal Sosiologi Dialektika, 16(2), 151.
- Roberts, E. B., Murray, F., & Kim, J. D. (2019). Entrepreneurship and Innovation at MIT: Continuing Global Growth and Impact. Foundations and Trends in Entrepreneurship, 15(1).
- Rosin, A. F., Proksch, D., Stubner, S., & Pinkwart, A. (2020). Digital new ventures: Assessing the benefits of digitalization in entrepreneurship. Journal of Small Business Strategy (archive only), 30(2), 59-71.
- Sahut, J.-M., Iandoli, L., & Teulon, F. (2021). The age of digital entrepreneurship. Small business economics, 56(3), 1159-1169.
- Satalkina, L., & Steiner, G. (2020). Digital entrepreneurship and its role in innovation systems: A systematic literature review as a basis for future research avenues for sustainable transitions. Sustainability, 12(7), 2764.
- Schneider, S. (2019). The impacts of digital technologies on innovating for sustainability. Innovation for Sustainability: Business Transformations Towards a Better World, 415-433.
- Singh, S., Singh, S., & Dhir, S. (2023). The evolving relationship of entrepreneurship, technology, and innovation: A topic modeling perspective. The International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation, 14657503231179597.
- Sjödin, D. R., Parida, V., Leksell, M., & Petrovic, A. (2018). Smart Factory Implementation and Process Innovation: A Preliminary Maturity Model for Leveraging Digitalization in Manufacturing Moving to smart factories presents specific challenges that can be addressed through a structured approach focused on people, processes, and technologies. Research-Technology Management, 61(5), 22-31.
- Song, D., & Wu, A. (2021). Pursuing international opportunities in a digitally enabled world. Digital Entrepreneurship: Impact on Business and Society, 265-281.
- Song, Z., Zhu, J., & Shi, J. (2023). Evolution Analysis of Green Innovation in Small and Medium-Sized Manufacturing Enterprises. Systems, 11(2), 95.
- Stoica, O., Roman, A., & Rusu, V. D. (2020). The nexus between entrepreneurship and economic growth: A comparative analysis on groups of countries. Sustainability, 12(3), 1186.
- Sudibjo, N., Idawati, L., & Harsanti, H. R. (2019). Characteristics of Learning in the Era of Industry 4.0 and Society 5.0. Paper presented at the International Conference on Education Technology (ICoET 2019).
- Tóth-Pajor, Á., Bed?, Z., & Csapi, V. (2023). Digitalization in entrepreneurship education and its effect on entrepreneurial capacity building. Cogent Business & Management, 10(2), 2210891.
- Ungureanu, A. (2021). The Digitalization Impact on the Entrepreneurial Leadership in the 21st Century. International Journal of Social Relevance & Concern, 9(1), 25-32.
- Wang, Y. (2022). Analyzing the mechanism of strategic orientation towards digitization and organizational performance settings enduring employee resistance to innovation and performance capabilities. Frontiers in psychology, 13, 1006310.
- Zhao, X., & Zhang, J. (2021). The analysis of integration of ideological political education with innovation entrepreneurship education for college students. Frontiers in psychology, 12, 610409.