Antecedents of destination brand experience

Published: Jun 25, 2020


Purpose: The tourism sector is the leading sector for Indonesia's foreign exchange earnings. The Indonesian government has established six National Tourism Strategy Areas, including Lake Toba, North Sumatra. Development in the Lake Toba tourist area has been carried out, but it does not automatically bring tourists to visit the Lake Toba Tourism Area. The researcher intended to know the factors of the tourist brand experience in Lake Toba. Therefore, this study aims to confirm the factors obtained from a literature study.

Research methodology: The research methodology used is a qualitative study, namely Focus Group Discussion. Participants in the Focus Group Discussion are Government Representatives, Tour Guides, Travel Agencies, and domestic tourists' representatives.

Results: The study results should add to the Tourist Self-expression as a new precursor to the destination brand experience.

Limitation: The study did not involve hospitality and other relevant governments to gain a broader perspective.

Contribution: The results of this study hope to contribute to references for tourism marketing.

Keywords: Brand experience, Destination branding, Tourism marketing, Lake Toba

1. Brand experience
2. Destination branding
3. Tourism marketing
4. Lake Toba
1 . Miska Irani Tarigan
2 . Arlina Nurbaity Lubis
3 . Endang Sulistya Rini
4 . Beby Karina Fawzeea Sembiring
How to Cite
Tarigan, M. I., Lubis, A. N., Rini, E. S., & Sembiring, B. K. F. (2020). Antecedents of destination brand experience. Journal of Sustainable Tourism and Entrepreneurship, 4(1), 47–57.


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    Andereck, K., Bricker, K. S., Kerstetter, D., & Nickerson, N. P. (2006). Connecting experiences to quality: understanding the meanings behind visitors' experiences. In G. Jennings, Quality Tourism Experiences (p. 85). Oxford: Butterworth – Heinnemann.

    Barbour, R. S., & Kitzinger, J. (1999). Focus group research. politics, theory and practice. London: Sage Publication.

    Bhati, A., & Pearce, P. (2017). Tourist attractions in Bangkok and Singapore; linking vandalism and setting characteristics. Tourism management, 63, 15-30.

    Binkhorst, E. (2005). The co-creation tourism experience. Sitges: Whitepaper Co-creation.

    Blain, S., Levy, S., & Ritchie, J. (2005). Destination branding: insight and practices from destination management organizations. Journal of Travel Research, 328-338.

    Boswijk, A., E.Peelen, & T.Thijssen. (2005). Een nieuwe kijk op de experience economy, betekeniisvolle belevenissen. Amsterdam: Pearson Education Benelux.

    Bouchet, Patrick; Lebrun, Anne-Marie; Auvergne, Sarah (2004). Sport tourism consumer experiences: a comprehensive model. Journal of Sport Tourism, (9), 127 -140.

    Brakus, J.J., B.H. Schmitt, and L. Zarantonello. 2009. Brand experience: What is it? How is it measured? Does it affect loyalty? Journal of Marketing 73(3), 52–68.

    Buhalis, D. (2000). Marketing Destination of the Future. Tourism Management, 21(1), 97-116.

    Cai, L. A. (2002). Cooperative branding for rural destinations. Annals of tourism research, 29(3), 720-742.

    Chen, C-F., Tsai, DC. (2007). How destination image and evaluative factors affect behavioral intention? Tourism Management, 28(4), 1115-1122. 2006.07.007

    Chen, C-M., Chen, S.H., & Lee, H.T. (2011). The destination competitiveness of Kinmenn’s tourism industry: Exploring the interrelation –ships between tourist perceptions, service performance, customer satisfaction and sustainable tourism. Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 19(2), 247-264.

    Chi, C.G.Q., & Qu, H. (2008). Examining the structural relationships of destination image, tourist satisfaction and destination loyalty: an integrated approach. Tourism Management, 29(4), 624-636.

    Choi, G., Parsa, H.G., Sigala, M., & Putrevu, S. (2009). Customers’ environmental concerns & behaviors in the lodging industry: a comparison between Greece & the United States. Journal of Quality Assurance in Hospitality & Tourism, 10(2), 93-112.

    Christian, S., & Elena, R. (2015). Creative tourism in destination brand identity. International Journal Vallis Aurea, 1(1), 75-83

    Crouch, G. I., & Ritchie, J. B. (2005). Application of the analytic hierarchy process to tourism choice and decission making: a review and illustration applied to destination competitiveness. Tourism Analysis, 10(1),17-25

    Dewi, L. Zahrasari. (2005). Pengalaman, ekspresi, dan kontrol marah pada orang batak dan Jawa. Jurnal Psikologi Fakultas Psikologi UNIKA Atma Jaya, 16(2).

    Dwyer, L., & Kim, C. W. (2001). Destination competitiveness: development of a model with application to Australia and the Republic of Korea. Canberra: Department of Industry Science and Resources.

    Edmunds, H. (1999). The focus group research handbook. NTC Business Books, Chicago, 7-8.

    Frels, J. K., Shervani, T., & Srivastava, R. K. (2003). The intergrated networks model: explaining resource allocations in network markets. Journal of Marketing, 67, 29-45.

    Gentile, C., & Spiller, N. a. (2007). How to sustain the customer experience: an overview of experience components that co-create value with the customer. European Management Journal, 25(5), 395-410.

    Gopalan, R., & Narayan, B. (2010). Improving customer experience in tourism: a framework for stakeholder collaboration. Socio- Economic Planning Science, 44, 100-112.

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    Lelloltery, H., Pudyatmoko, S., Fandelli, C., & Baiquni, M. (2018). Study of coral reef for marine ecotourism development based on region suitability and carrying capacity in Marsegu Island Nature Tourism Park, Maluku,Indonesia. Biodiversitas Journal of Biological Diversity, 19(3), 1089-1096.

    Lumbanrajam Prihatin., Lubis, Arlina N., Hasibuan, & Baby K. (2017) Sustaining Lake Toba’s Tourism: Role of Creative Industry, Green Tourism Marketing and Tourism Experience. Journal ajba, 12(1), 9.

    Malhotra, N. K. (2007). Marketing research an applied orientation. New Jersey: Pearson Prentice Hall.

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    Morgan, G. (2006). Images of organization. (Updated edition) thousand oaks, CA: Sage Publications, pp. 1-520

    Morgan, N., & Pritchard, A. (2004). Meeting the destination branding challenge. In N. Morgan, A. Prittchard, & R.

    Pride, Destination Branding Creating the Unique Destination Proposition, 2nd edition (p. 60). Oxford: Elsevier Butterworth-Heinemann.

    Morgan, M., Lugosi, P., & Ritchie, B. J. (2010). The tourism and leisure experience. Bristol: Channel View Publication.

    Moscardo, G. (2008). Sustainable tourism innovation: challenging basic assumptions. Tourism and Hospitality Research, 8(1), 4-13.

    Murray, N., Foley, A., & Lynch, P. (2010). Understanding the tourist experience concept. Ireland: Waterford Institute of Technology.

    Murphy, P., Pritchard, M. P., & Smith, B. (2000). The destination product and its impact on traveller perceptions. Tourism management, 21(1), 43-52.

    Nassar-Mcmillan, S. C., & Borders: D. (2002). Use of focus groups in survey item development. The Qualitative Report, 7(1) March.

    Poulsson, S. H., & Kale, S. H. (2004). The experience economy and commercial experiences. The marketing review, 4(3), 267-277.

    Prayag, G., Hosany, S., Muskat, B, & Del Chiappa, G. (2017). Understanding the relationships between tourists’ emotional experiences, perceived overall image, satisfaction, and intention to recommend. Journal of travel research, 56(1), 41-45.

    Pike, S. D. (2007). Consumer-based brand equity for destinations: Practical DMO performance measures. Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing, 22(1), 51-61.

    Phau, I., & Lau, K. C. (2001). Brand personality and consumer self expression: single or dual carriageaway? The Journal of Brand Management, 8, 428.

    Prideaux, B. (2000). The role of the transport system in destination development. Tourism management, 21(1), 53-63.

    Qu, H., Kim, L. H., & Im, H. H. (2010). A model of destination branding: Integrating the concepts of the branding and destination image. Tourism Management, 1-12.

    Rein, I., Kotler, P., & Haider, D. (1993). Marketing places: attracting investment, industry, and tourism to cities, states, and nations. The Free Press.

    Ritchie, J. R. B., & Crouch, G. I. (2000, June). Are destination stars born or made: Must a competitive destination have star genes. In Lights, Camera, Action-31st Annual Conference Proceedings.

    Schmitt, Bernd. (1999). Experiential marketing. The Free Press Now York

    Seaton, A. V., & Palmer, C. (1997). Understanding VFR tourism behavior; the first five years of the United Kingdom tourism survey. Tourism management, 18(6), 345-355.

    Situmorang, et al, (2019). Brand experience analysis – How it relates to brand personality, value, satisfaction and loyalty in TV brands? International Journal of Civil Engineering and Technology.

    Smith, S. W. (2003). Labour economics. Routledge.

    Stewart, D. W., Shamdasani, P. N., Rook, & W, D. (2007). Focus Group Theory and Practice: Second Edition. USA: Sage Publication.

    Suciati, Rina, dan Agung, Ivan Muhammad, 2016, Perbedaan Ekspresi Emosi pada orang Batak, Jawa, Melayu dan Minangkabau. Jurnal Psikologi, 12(2), Desember 2016

    Ureily, N. (2005). The tourist experience: conceptual development. Annals of Tourism Research, 199-216.

    Uriely, N., Yonay, Y., & Sim Chai, D. (2002). Backpacking experience: A type and form analysis. Annals of Tourism Research, 29(2), 520-538.

    Vengesayi, S., & Mavondo, F.T. (2004). Aspects of Reputation and Human Factors as Determinants of Tourist Destination Attractiveness. Marketing Accountabilities and Responsibilities: Proceedings of the Conference. ANZMAC.

    Wulandari, Nuri. (2016). Brand experience in banking industry: direct and indirect relationship to loyalty. Expert Journal of Marketing, 4(1), 1-9, 2015 © 2016 The Author. Published by Sprint Investify. ISSN 2344-6773.

    Xu, J. B. (2010). Perceptions of tourism products. Tourism Management, 607-610.

  1. Andereck, K., Bricker, K. S., Kerstetter, D., & Nickerson, N. P. (2006). Connecting experiences to quality: understanding the meanings behind visitors' experiences. In G. Jennings, Quality Tourism Experiences (p. 85). Oxford: Butterworth – Heinnemann.
  2. Barbour, R. S., & Kitzinger, J. (1999). Focus group research. politics, theory and practice. London: Sage Publication.
  3. Bhati, A., & Pearce, P. (2017). Tourist attractions in Bangkok and Singapore; linking vandalism and setting characteristics. Tourism management, 63, 15-30.
  4. Binkhorst, E. (2005). The co-creation tourism experience. Sitges: Whitepaper Co-creation.
  5. Blain, S., Levy, S., & Ritchie, J. (2005). Destination branding: insight and practices from destination management organizations. Journal of Travel Research, 328-338.
  6. Boswijk, A., E.Peelen, & T.Thijssen. (2005). Een nieuwe kijk op de experience economy, betekeniisvolle belevenissen. Amsterdam: Pearson Education Benelux.
  7. Bouchet, Patrick; Lebrun, Anne-Marie; Auvergne, Sarah (2004). Sport tourism consumer experiences: a comprehensive model. Journal of Sport Tourism, (9), 127 -140.
  8. Brakus, J.J., B.H. Schmitt, and L. Zarantonello. 2009. Brand experience: What is it? How is it measured? Does it affect loyalty? Journal of Marketing 73(3), 52–68.
  9. Buhalis, D. (2000). Marketing Destination of the Future. Tourism Management, 21(1), 97-116.
  10. Cai, L. A. (2002). Cooperative branding for rural destinations. Annals of tourism research, 29(3), 720-742.
  11. Chen, C-F., Tsai, DC. (2007). How destination image and evaluative factors affect behavioral intention? Tourism Management, 28(4), 1115-1122. 2006.07.007
  12. Chen, C-M., Chen, S.H., & Lee, H.T. (2011). The destination competitiveness of Kinmenn’s tourism industry: Exploring the interrelation –ships between tourist perceptions, service performance, customer satisfaction and sustainable tourism. Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 19(2), 247-264.
  13. Chi, C.G.Q., & Qu, H. (2008). Examining the structural relationships of destination image, tourist satisfaction and destination loyalty: an integrated approach. Tourism Management, 29(4), 624-636.
  14. Choi, G., Parsa, H.G., Sigala, M., & Putrevu, S. (2009). Customers’ environmental concerns & behaviors in the lodging industry: a comparison between Greece & the United States. Journal of Quality Assurance in Hospitality & Tourism, 10(2), 93-112.
  15. Christian, S., & Elena, R. (2015). Creative tourism in destination brand identity. International Journal Vallis Aurea, 1(1), 75-83
  16. Crouch, G. I., & Ritchie, J. B. (2005). Application of the analytic hierarchy process to tourism choice and decission making: a review and illustration applied to destination competitiveness. Tourism Analysis, 10(1),17-25
  17. Dewi, L. Zahrasari. (2005). Pengalaman, ekspresi, dan kontrol marah pada orang batak dan Jawa. Jurnal Psikologi Fakultas Psikologi UNIKA Atma Jaya, 16(2).
  18. Dwyer, L., & Kim, C. W. (2001). Destination competitiveness: development of a model with application to Australia and the Republic of Korea. Canberra: Department of Industry Science and Resources.
  19. Edmunds, H. (1999). The focus group research handbook. NTC Business Books, Chicago, 7-8.
  20. Frels, J. K., Shervani, T., & Srivastava, R. K. (2003). The intergrated networks model: explaining resource allocations in network markets. Journal of Marketing, 67, 29-45.
  21. Gentile, C., & Spiller, N. a. (2007). How to sustain the customer experience: an overview of experience components that co-create value with the customer. European Management Journal, 25(5), 395-410.
  22. Gopalan, R., & Narayan, B. (2010). Improving customer experience in tourism: a framework for stakeholder collaboration. Socio- Economic Planning Science, 44, 100-112.
  23. Gunn, C. A. (1988). Tourism planning (No. Ed. 2). Taylor & Francis.
  24. Hakinson, G. (2010). Location branding: a study of branding practices of 12 english cities. Journal of Brand Management, 9(2), p.127
  25. Huang, H .H.-C (2009). Self-identity and consumption: a study of consumer personality, brand personality and brand relationship. University of Warwick.
  26. Huang, S., & Hsu, C. H. (2009). Effects of travel motivation, past experience, perceived constraint, and attitude on revisit intention. Journal of travel research, 48(1), 29-44.
  27. Johnson, J. D. (2006). Residents’ perceptions of tourism development over the early stages of the TALC. (Vol. 1). The Tourism Area Life Cycle.
  28. Kaplowitz, M. D., & Hoehn, J. P. (2001). Do focus group and individual interviews reveal the same information for natural resource valuation? Ecological Economics, 36(2001), 237–247.
  29. Keller, KL, Parameswaran, MG, & Jacob, I., 2011, Strategic brand management: Building, measuring, and managing brand equity. Pearson Education India.
  30. Larsen, S. (2007). Aspects of psychology of the tourist experience. Scandinavian Journal of Hospitality and Tourism, 7(1). 7-18.
  31. Leask, A. (2010). Progress in visitor attraction research: towards more effective manage -ment. Tourism management, 31(2) 155-166.
  32. Lelloltery, H., Pudyatmoko, S., Fandelli, C., & Baiquni, M. (2018). Study of coral reef for marine ecotourism development based on region suitability and carrying capacity in Marsegu Island Nature Tourism Park, Maluku,Indonesia. Biodiversitas Journal of Biological Diversity, 19(3), 1089-1096.
  33. Lumbanrajam Prihatin., Lubis, Arlina N., Hasibuan, & Baby K. (2017) Sustaining Lake Toba’s Tourism: Role of Creative Industry, Green Tourism Marketing and Tourism Experience. Journal ajba, 12(1), 9.
  34. Malhotra, N. K. (2007). Marketing research an applied orientation. New Jersey: Pearson Prentice Hall.
  35. Mascarenhas, O. A., Kesavan, R., & Bernacchi, M. (2006). Lasting customer loyalty: a total customer experience approach. Journal of consumer marketing.
  36. Maxwell, J. A. (1992). Understanding and validity in qualitative research. Harvard Educational Review, 62(3), 279.
  37. Middleton, V. T., Fyall, A., Morgan, M., & Ranchhod, A. (2009). Marketing in travel and tourism 4th edition. Oxford:
  38. Buttenworth - Heinemann.
  39. Morgan, G. (2006). Images of organization. (Updated edition) thousand oaks, CA: Sage Publications, pp. 1-520
  40. Morgan, N., & Pritchard, A. (2004). Meeting the destination branding challenge. In N. Morgan, A. Prittchard, & R.
  41. Pride, Destination Branding Creating the Unique Destination Proposition, 2nd edition (p. 60). Oxford: Elsevier Butterworth-Heinemann.
  42. Morgan, M., Lugosi, P., & Ritchie, B. J. (2010). The tourism and leisure experience. Bristol: Channel View Publication.
  43. Moscardo, G. (2008). Sustainable tourism innovation: challenging basic assumptions. Tourism and Hospitality Research, 8(1), 4-13.
  44. Murray, N., Foley, A., & Lynch, P. (2010). Understanding the tourist experience concept. Ireland: Waterford Institute of Technology.
  45. Murphy, P., Pritchard, M. P., & Smith, B. (2000). The destination product and its impact on traveller perceptions. Tourism management, 21(1), 43-52.
  46. Nassar-Mcmillan, S. C., & Borders: D. (2002). Use of focus groups in survey item development. The Qualitative Report, 7(1) March.
  47. Poulsson, S. H., & Kale, S. H. (2004). The experience economy and commercial experiences. The marketing review, 4(3), 267-277.
  48. Prayag, G., Hosany, S., Muskat, B, & Del Chiappa, G. (2017). Understanding the relationships between tourists’ emotional experiences, perceived overall image, satisfaction, and intention to recommend. Journal of travel research, 56(1), 41-45.
  49. Pike, S. D. (2007). Consumer-based brand equity for destinations: Practical DMO performance measures. Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing, 22(1), 51-61.
  50. Phau, I., & Lau, K. C. (2001). Brand personality and consumer self expression: single or dual carriageaway? The Journal of Brand Management, 8, 428.
  51. Prideaux, B. (2000). The role of the transport system in destination development. Tourism management, 21(1), 53-63.
  52. Qu, H., Kim, L. H., & Im, H. H. (2010). A model of destination branding: Integrating the concepts of the branding and destination image. Tourism Management, 1-12.
  53. Rein, I., Kotler, P., & Haider, D. (1993). Marketing places: attracting investment, industry, and tourism to cities, states, and nations. The Free Press.
  54. Ritchie, J. R. B., & Crouch, G. I. (2000, June). Are destination stars born or made: Must a competitive destination have star genes. In Lights, Camera, Action-31st Annual Conference Proceedings.
  55. Schmitt, Bernd. (1999). Experiential marketing. The Free Press Now York
  56. Seaton, A. V., & Palmer, C. (1997). Understanding VFR tourism behavior; the first five years of the United Kingdom tourism survey. Tourism management, 18(6), 345-355.
  57. Situmorang, et al, (2019). Brand experience analysis – How it relates to brand personality, value, satisfaction and loyalty in TV brands? International Journal of Civil Engineering and Technology.
  58. Smith, S. W. (2003). Labour economics. Routledge.
  59. Stewart, D. W., Shamdasani, P. N., Rook, & W, D. (2007). Focus Group Theory and Practice: Second Edition. USA: Sage Publication.
  60. Suciati, Rina, dan Agung, Ivan Muhammad, 2016, Perbedaan Ekspresi Emosi pada orang Batak, Jawa, Melayu dan Minangkabau. Jurnal Psikologi, 12(2), Desember 2016
  61. Ureily, N. (2005). The tourist experience: conceptual development. Annals of Tourism Research, 199-216.
  62. Uriely, N., Yonay, Y., & Sim Chai, D. (2002). Backpacking experience: A type and form analysis. Annals of Tourism Research, 29(2), 520-538.
  63. Vengesayi, S., & Mavondo, F.T. (2004). Aspects of Reputation and Human Factors as Determinants of Tourist Destination Attractiveness. Marketing Accountabilities and Responsibilities: Proceedings of the Conference. ANZMAC.
  64. Wulandari, Nuri. (2016). Brand experience in banking industry: direct and indirect relationship to loyalty. Expert Journal of Marketing, 4(1), 1-9, 2015 © 2016 The Author. Published by Sprint Investify. ISSN 2344-6773.
  65. Xu, J. B. (2010). Perceptions of tourism products. Tourism Management, 607-610.