Consumers' purchase behavior in Bangladesh: green products perspectives
Purpose: This study aimed to identify the influential aspects of consumers' purchase behavior of green products perspectives in Bangladesh.
Research methodology: The study was quantitative in nature. The main methodology chosen for this study was the questionnaire survey method (online survey). Primary data were gained through a structured questionnaire survey from 324 Bangladeshi respondents using a seven-point Likert scale from strongly disagree to strongly agree. Data were analyzed by statistical package for social science (SPSS) 25.0.
Results: The study results found all the variables are significant with Consumers' green purchase behavior in Bangladesh. As the interpretation of descriptive and regression analyses, Environmental consciousness is the most influential factor in Consumers' green purchase behavior in Bangladesh. Other independent variables like Environmental Responsibility, Environmental Knowledge, Product Quality, Environmental Protection, Social Appeal, Green Advertisement also have positive & significant influences respectively.
Limitation: The research was conducted & focused on Bangladesh only, so the study result may not be applicable in any other geographical location. The study was also limited by the sample size of 324 which is not representative of all customers in Bangladesh. There may have other variables except for the variables that are measured in this research.
Contribution: The result and analyses of the study will be supportive for the researchers, government, marketing specialist, and business people to gain an insight into Consumers' green buying behavior in Bangladesh and direct them to find out other significant factors related to Consumers' green purchase behavior so that they can formulate their strategies & policies regarding environmental and consumption issues.
Keywords: Green product, Green purchase, Consumer behavior, Sustainable product, Environmentally friendly, Green marketing
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Albayrak, T., Aksoy, S. and Caber, M. (2013). The effect of environmental concern and scepticism on green purchase behaviour. Marketing Intelligence and Planning, 31(1), 27-39.
Aman, A. L., Harun, A. and Hussein, Z. (2012). The influence of environmental knowledge and concern on green purchase intention the role of attitude as a mediating variable. British Journal of Arts and Social Sciences, 7(2), 145-167.
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Ginsberg, J. M and Bloom P.N. (2004). Choosing the Right Green Marketing Strategy, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). Sloan management Review, 79- 84
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Griskevicius, V., Tybur, J.M. and Bergh, B.V. (2010). Going green to be seen: status, reputation, and conspicuous conservation, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 98(3), 392-404.
H’Mida, S. (2009). Factors contributing in the formation of consumers’ environmental consciousness and shaping green purchasing decisions. Computers & Industrial Engineering, CIE 2009: International Conference, IEEE, pp.957–962.
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Jain, Sanjay & Kaur, Gurmeet. (2004). Green Marketing: An Attitudinal and Behavioural Analysis of Indian Consumers. Global Business Review - Global Bus Rev. 5, 187-205. 10.1177/097215090400500203.
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Tsiotsou, R., (2006). The role of perceived product quality and overall satisfaction on purchase intentions. International Journal of Consumer Studies, 30(2), 207-217.
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- Aman, A. L., Harun, A. and Hussein, Z. (2012). The influence of environmental knowledge and concern on green purchase intention the role of attitude as a mediating variable. British Journal of Arts and Social Sciences, 7(2), 145-167.
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- D'Souza (2006). Green Products and Corporate Strategy: An Empirical Investigation. Society and Business Review 1(2), 144–157.2007.
- Escalas, J.E. and Bettman, J.R. (2005). Self-construal, reference groups and brand meaning. Journal of Consumer Research, 32(3), 378-389.
- Forkink, A. (2010). Perception, awareness, and acceptance of green kitchen cleaners: go green market research. Online report. Retrieved 24 June 2012,
- Fryxell, G. E., and. Lo, C. W., (2003). The influence of environmental knowledge and values on managerial behaviours on behalf of the environment: an empirical examination of managers in China. Journal of Business Ethics, 46(1), 45-69.
- Gadenne, D., Sharma, B., Kerr, D. and Smith, T. (2011). The influence of consumers’ environmental beliefs and attitudes on energy saving behaviour. Energy Policy, 39(12), 7684-7694.
- Ginsberg, J. M and Bloom P.N. (2004). Choosing the Right Green Marketing Strategy, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). Sloan management Review, 79- 84
- Grier, S.A. and Deshpande, R. (2001). Social dimensions of consumer distinctiveness: the influence of social status on group identity and advertising persuasion, Journal of Marketing Research, 38(2), 216-224.
- Griskevicius, V., Tybur, J.M. and Bergh, B.V. (2010). Going green to be seen: status, reputation, and conspicuous conservation, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 98(3), 392-404.
- H’Mida, S. (2009). Factors contributing in the formation of consumers’ environmental consciousness and shaping green purchasing decisions. Computers & Industrial Engineering, CIE 2009: International Conference, IEEE, pp.957–962.
- Han, H., Hsu, L. and Sheu, C. (2010). Application of the theory of planned behaviour to green hotel choice: testing the effect of environmental friendly activities. Tourism Management, 31(3), 325-334.
- Hair, J.F., Black, W.C., Babin, B.J., & Anderson, R.E. (2010). Multivariate Data analysis. Seventh edition. Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River, New Jersey.
- Hartmann, P. & Apaolaza Ibañez, V. (2006). Green value added. Marketing Intelligence and Planning, 24(7), 673-680.
- Haytko D, Matulich E. (2008). Green advertising and environmentally responsible consumer behaviour: linkages examined. Journal of Management and Marketing Research, 7(1), 2–11.
- Hendershot, S. (2009). Is green enough to lure clients? Crain’s Chicago Business, 32(28), 16.
- Hossain, A., & Khan, M. Y. H. (2018). Green marketing mix effect on consumers buying decisions in Bangladesh. Marketing and Management of Innovations, 10(4), 298- 306.,waste%20and%20maximizing%20resource%20efficiency.
- Jain, Sanjay & Kaur, Gurmeet. (2004). Green Marketing: An Attitudinal and Behavioural Analysis of Indian Consumers. Global Business Review - Global Bus Rev. 5, 187-205. 10.1177/097215090400500203.
- Kalafatis, S. P., Pollard, M., East, R. & Tsogas, M. H. (1999). Green marketing and Ajzen’s theory of planned behavior: a cross-market examination. Journal of Consumer Marketing, 16, 441-460
- Kang, G.D. and James, J. (2007). Revisiting the concept of a societal orientation: conceptualization and delineation. Journal of Business Ethics, 73(3), 301–318.
- Kawitkar, S. S. (2013). Impact of eco-friendly products on consumer behavior. International Indexed & Refereed Research Journal, 40, 42 – 44.
- Kilbourne, W. and Pickett, G. (2008). How materialism affects environmental beliefs, concern, and environmentally responsible behaviour, Journal of Business Research, 61(9), 885-893.
- Kleine, R.E. III, Kleine, S.S. and Kernan, J.B. (1993). Mundane consumption and the self: a social-identity perspective. Journal of Consumer Psychology, 2(3), 209-235.
- Lee K. (2009). Gender differences in Hong Kong adolescent consumers’ green purchasing behaviour. Journal of Consumer Marketing, 26(2), 87–96.
- Lee, D.H. (1990). Symbolic interactionism: some implications for consumer self-concept and product symbolism research. Advances in Consumer Research, 17(1), 386-392.
- Lee, K. (2008). Opportunities for Green Marketing: Young Consumers. Marketing Intelligence and Planning, 26(6), 573-586.
- Lee, K. (2009). Gender differences in Hong Kong adolescent consumers’ green purchasing behaviour, Journal of Consumer Marketing, 26(2), 87-96.
- Lin, P.-C, and Y.-H. Huang (2012). The influence factors on choice behavior regarding green products based on the theory of consumption values. Journal of Cleaner Production, 22(1), 11-18.
- Luchs, M. G. et al. (2010). The sustainability liability: potential negative effects of ethicality on product preference. Journal of Marketing, 74, 18–31.
- Maichum, K., Parichatnon, S. and. Peng, K.-C (2016). Application of the extended theory of planned behavior model to investigate purchase intention of green products among Thai consumers. Sustainability, 8(10), 1077.
- Mina Okada, E. and Mais, E.L. (2010). Framing the ‘Green’ alternative for environmentally conscious consumers. Sustainability Accounting, Management and Policy Journal, 1(2), 222–234.
- Noor, N. A., & Muhammad, A. (2012). Emerging green product buyers in Malaysia: Their profiles and behaviors. Clute Institute International Conference, June, 2012, Rome, Italy.
- Noor, N., Muhammad, A., Kassim, A., C. Jamil, N. Mat, N. Mat, and H. Salleh, (2012). Creating green consumers: how environmental knowledge and environmental attitude lead to green purchase behaviour? International Journal of Arts and Sciences, 5(1), 55-71.
- Nyborg K, Howarth R, Brekke K. (2006). Green consumers and public policy: on socially contingent moral motivation. Resource and Energy Economics, 28(4), 351–366.
- Oliver, J.D. and Lee, S. (2010). Hybrid car purchase intentions: a cross-cultural analysis, Journal of Consumer Marketing, 27(2), 96-103.
- Ozaki, R. and Sevastyanova, K. (2011). Going hybrid: an analysis of consumer purchase motivations, Energy Policy, 39(5), 2217-2227.
- Paetz A, Dutschke E, Fichtner W. (2012). Smart homes as a means to sustainable energy consumption: a study of consumer perceptions. Journal of Consumer Policy, 35(1), 23–41.
- Parasuraman, A., Zeithaml, V.A. and Berry, L.L. (1985). A conceptual model of service quality and its implications for future research. The Journal of Marketing, 49(4), 41–50.
- Parasuraman, A., Zeithaml, V.A. and Berry, L.L. (1988). Servqual: a multiple-item scale for measuring consumer perc. Journal of Retailing, 64(1), 12.
- Petrick, J. F., (2002). Development of multi-dimensional scale for measuring the perceived value of a service. Journal of Leisure Research, 34(2), 119-134.
- Pickett-Baker, J. and Ozaki, R. (2008). Pro-environmental products: marketing influence on consumer purchase decision. Journal of Consumer Marketing, 25(5), 281-293.
- Ramayah, T., Lee, J. W. C. & Mohamad, O. (2010). Green product purchase intention: some insights from a developing country. Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 54, 1419-1427.
- Rashid, N. R. N. A. (2009). Awareness of eco-label in Malaysia green marketing initiative. International Journal of Business and Management, 4(8), 132-141.
- Schlegelmilch, B.B., Bohlen, G.M. and Diamantopoulos, A. (1996). The link between green purchasing decisions and measures of environmental consciousness. European Journal of Marketing, 30(5), 35–55.
- Sen, S., Zeynep, G.-C. and Vicki, M. (2001). Withholding consumption: a social dilemma perspective on consumer boycotts, Journal of Consumer Research, 28(3), 399-417.
- Sharma, K. and Bansal, M. (2013). Environmental consciousness, its antecedents and behavioural Outcomes. Journal of Indian Business Research, 5(3), 198–214.
- Siddique M.Z.R. & Hossain A. (2018). Sources of consumers’ awareness toward green products and its impact on purchasing decision in Bangladesh. Journal of Sustainable Development, 11(3), 9-22.
- Simon, F. L. (1992). Marketing green products in the triad. The Columbia Journal of World Business, 268-285.
- Snoj, B., Korda, A.P. and Mumel, D. (2004). The relationships among perceived quality, perceived risk and perceived product value. Journal of Product and Brand Management, 13(3), 156–167.
- Stutzman, T. M. and Green, S. B., (1982). Factors affecting energy consumption: two field tests of the Fishbein-Ajzen model. The Journal of Social Psychology, 117(2), 183-201
- Sua, J. C. P., Wang, L., & Ho J. C. (2012). The impacts of technology evolution on market structure for green products. Mathematical and Computer Modelling, 55, 1381–1400.
- Tsay, Y. Y., (2009). The impacts of economic crisis on green consumption in Taiwan, in Proc. The Portland International Conference on Management of Engineering & Technology, 2367-2374,
- Tsiotsou, R., (2006). The role of perceived product quality and overall satisfaction on purchase intentions. International Journal of Consumer Studies, 30(2), 207-217.
- Van Doorn, J., & Verhoef, P. C. (2011). Willingness to pay for organic products: Differences between virtue and vice foods. International Journal of Research in Marketing, 28(3), 167-180.
- Vermeir, I. and Verbeke, W. (2004). Sustainable food consumption: exploring the consumer ‘attitude-behavioural intention’ gap”, Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics, 19(2), 169-194.
- Vicente-Molina, M. A. Fernández-Sáinz, A., and Izagirre-Olaizola, J. (2013). Environmental knowledge and other variables affecting pro-environmental behaviour: comparison of university students from emerging and advanced countries. Journal of Cleaner Production, 61, 130-138, 2013.
- Wahid, N. A., Rahbar, E., & Tan, S. S. (2011). Factors influencing the green purchase behavior of Penang environmental volunteer. International Business Management, 5 (1), 38 – 49.
- Wang, P., Liu, Q., and Qi, Y. (2014). Factors influencing sustainable consumption behaviors: a survey of the rural residents in China. Journal of Cleaner Production, 63,152-165.
- Zeithaml, V. A., (1988). Consumer Perceptions of Price, Quality, and Value: A Means-End Model and Synthesis of Evidence. Journal of Marketing, 52(3), 2-22.
- Zeithaml, V.A., Berry, L.L. and Parasuraman, A. (1996). The behavioral consequences of service Quality. The Journal of Marketing, 60(2), 31–46.
- Zelezny L, Chua P, Alrich C. (2000). Elaborating on gender differences in environmentalism. Journal of Social Issues, 56(3), 443–457.
- Zelezny, L.C. and Schultz, P.W. (2000). Psychology of promoting environmentalism: promoting Environmentalism. Journal of Social Issues, 56(3), 365–371.
- Zuraidah, R., Hashima, H.N., Yahya, K.W. and Mohamad, S.A. (2012). Environmental conscious behaviour among male and female Malaysian consumers, OIDA International Journal of Sustainable Development, 4(8), 55-64.