Indonesian traveler study: analyze the role of the big five personalities on hard adventure traveler type

Published: Dec 25, 2020


Purpose: This study aims to determine the role of big five personalities simultaneously and partially towards the tendency of hard adventure travelers.

Research methodology: This study will also look at the five traits found in the big five personalities which tend to play a role in the hard adventure traveler. This research is a replication study of Kristin Scott and John C. Mowen with a quantitative approach involving 1,558 subjects with a purposive sampling technique. Big five personality was measured using the big five infentory scale, while the hard adventure type would be measured using a scale from Scott & Mowen. Data analysis of this study using multiple regression techniques.

Results: The results showed that there is a role of big five personalities that is simultaneous towards traveler's hard adventure type of 7,6%, whereas partially openness, extraversion, and neuroticism trait had a role towards the type of hard adventure, where openness trait had the biggest role towards hard adventure type.

Limitations: Based on the magnitude of the role generated in this study, there are still other factors that can influence traveler's decision making to choose the traveling type, so that these other factors are expected to explore more.

Contribution: This research can be a reference in the development of tourist attraction marketing by taking into account visitors' personality types.

1. Big 5 personalities
2. Hard adventure
3. Traveling type
1 . Lusy Asa Akhrani
2 . Chintya Fatima Dewi
How to Cite
Akhrani, L. A., & Dewi, C. F. (2020). Indonesian traveler study: analyze the role of the big five personalities on hard adventure traveler type. Journal of Sustainable Tourism and Entrepreneurship, 2(2), 83–94.


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  1. Akhrani, L.A., Alhad, M.A., Najib, A., Almira, H., Maulida, S.A., Dewi, C.F., and Yolandakhrani, C. (2020). Hallo traveler, how happy are you? Psychological well-being traveler ditinjau dari big-five personality dan traveling type. JIPT (Jurnal Ilmiah Psikologi Terapan), 8(2), 160-176.
  2. Akhrani, L.A. & Najib, A. (2020). Tell me who you are and i will tell you where to go: Examining the role of big five personality in soft-adventure traveling type. GeoJournal of Tourism and Geosites, 32(4), 1299–1303.
  3. Adiakurnia, M. I. (2018, April 14). Catat! Inilah tren traveling milenial tahun 2018. Retrieved Maret 5, 2019, from
  4. Beaton, D., Bombardier, C., Guillemin, F., & Ferraz, M. (2000). Guidelines for the process of cross-cultural adaptation of self-report measures. SPINE, 24(24), 3186-3191.
  5. Corr, P. J., & Matthews, G. (2009). The Cambridge handbook of personality psychology. New York: Cambridge University Press.
  6. Ewert, A. (1987). Research in outdoor adventure: overview and analysis. The bradford papers anual, II, 15-28.
  7. Feist, J., & Feist, G. J. (2009). Theories of personality. United States: The McGraw-Hill Companies.
  8. Friedman, H., & Schustack, M. (2006). Kepribadian teori klasik dan riset modern. (Edisi ketiga jilid 1). Jakarta: Erlangga.
  9. Gibson, H., & Yiannakis, A. (2002). Tourist roles needs and the lifecourse. Pergamon, 358-383.
  10. Goldberg, L.R. (1990). An alternative "description of personality": The Big-Five factor structure. Journal of personality and social psychology, 59(6), 1216
  11. Hidayat, F. (2014, Mei 13). Survei : Perempuan lebih suka traveling sendiri. Retrieved Maret 5, 2019, from BeritaSatu:
  12. Jani, D. (2014). Relating travel personality to Big Five Factors of personality. Tourism, 62(4), 347-359.
  13. John, O., & Srivastava, S. (1990). The big-five trait taxonomy : History, measurement, and theoretical perspectives. Handbook of personality: Theory and research, 2, 102-138.
  14. Kambuna, D. (2013). Perbedaan backpacker, solo traveler, dan conventional traveler. Retrieved from Meanwhile Traveler.
  15. Kurniawan, I. (2015, September 19). E-paper. Retrieved Januari 6, 2019, from Harian Ekonomi Neraca:
  16. Mill, R. C. (2009). Tourism, the international business. Zurich: Jacobs Foundation.
  17. Pertiwi, N. L. (2011, Maret 30). Wisata alam semakin diminati wisatawan. Retrieved Januari 18, 2019,
  18. Pervin, L., Cervone, D., & John, O. (2010). Psikologi kepribadian teori dan penelitian. (Edisi kesembilan). Jakarta: Kencana.
  19. Plog, S. (2001). Why destination area rise and fall in popularity. Travelers' Psychographics, 42, 13-24.
  20. Ramdhani, N. (2012). Adaptasi bahasa dan budaya inventori big five. Jurnal Psikologi, 39(2), 189-207.
  21. Santika, I. G. (2015). Hubungan indeks massa tubuh (IMT) dan umur terhadap daya tahan umum (kardiovaskuler) mahasiswa putra semester II kelasa fakultas pendidikan olahraga dan kesehatan ikip pgri bali tahun 2014. Jurnal pendidikan kesehatan rekreasi. Volume 1, 42-47.
  22. Schneider, P. P., & Vogt, C. A. (2012). Applying the 3M model of personality and motivation to adventure travelers. Journal of travel research, 51(6), 704-716. http://doi: 10.1177/0047287512451134
  23. Schott, C. (2007). Selling adventure tourism: a Distribution channels perspective. International Journal of Tourism Research, 9, 257-274. http://doi: 10.1002/jtr.610
  24. Scott, K., & Mowen, J. C. (2007). Travelers and their traits: A hierarchical model approach. Consumer Behaviour, 6, 146-157. http://doi: 10.1002/cb.214
  25. Swarbrooke, J., Beard, C., Leckie, S., & Pomfret, G. (2003). Adventure tourism the new frontier. Oxford: Butterworth Heinemann.
  26. Wulandari, A., & Rehulina, M. (2013). Hubungan antara Lima Faktor Kepribadian (The Big Five Personality) dengan Makna Hidup pada Orang dengan Human Immunodefciency Virus. Jurnal Psikologi Klinis dan Kesehatan Mental, 2(1), 41-47.