Community-based tourism: concepts, opportunities and challenges

Published: Dec 25, 2020


Purpose: The community-based tourism concept needs to be understood deeply. We need to know and predict the opportunities and challenges that exist and will occur in the future in developing the community and tourism as a mutualism. This research analyzed the theories to describe it and derive conclusions for the basic concepts of community-based tourism as well as further explore the cases of applying these concepts to gain opportunities and challenges from community-based tourism

Research methodology: This study is a conceptual article using the literature review method

Results: This study elaborates the concepts, opportunities and challenges of the community-based tourism paradigm.

Limitations: This study is a secondary data-based analysis (literature review) on the concept of community-based tourism in the social and cultural context of the community, as well as the opportunities and challenges of its application to tourism development

Contribution: This study provides an in-depth and comprehensive view of community-based tourism to assist in exploring approaches and theories in community-based tourism research and planning and policymaking in the tourism sector, especially in the local community aspect.

1. Tourism
2. Community
3. Community-based tourism
4. Concepts
5. Challenges
1 . Aditha Agung Prakoso
2 . Eugenius Pradipto
3 . Muhammad Sani Roychansyah
4 . Bima Setya Nugraha
How to Cite
Prakoso, A. A., Pradipto, E., Roychansyah, M. S., & Nugraha, B. S. (2020). Community-based tourism: concepts, opportunities and challenges. Journal of Sustainable Tourism and Entrepreneurship, 2(2), 95–107.


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    Adimihardja, K. (1999). Petani: Merajut tradisi era globalisasi. Mendayagunakan sistem pengetahuan lokal dalam pembangunan yang berwawasan lingkungan dan berkelanjutan. Humaniora.

    Ahimsa-Putra, H. S. (2013). Budaya bangsa, jati diri dan integrasi nasional: Sebuah teori. Jejak Nusantara, 1, 6–19.

    APEC. (2014). APEC tourism ministerial meeting: Seoul declaration on an APEC Tourism Charter.

    Blackstock, K. (2005). A critical look at community based tourism. Community Development Journal, 40(1), 39–49.

    Campbell, L. M., & Vainio-Mattila, A. (2003). Participatory Development and community-based conservation: Opportunities missed for lessons learned? Human Ecology, 3(3), 239–248.

    Carr, A., Ruhanen, L., & Whitford, M. (2016). Indigenous peoples and tourism: the challenges and opportunities for sustainable tourism. Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 24(8–9), 1067–1079.

    Crow, G., & Allen, G. (1994). Community Life: An Introduction to Local Social Relations. Harvester-Wheatsheaf.

    Dangi, T. B., & Jamal, T. (2016). An integrated approach to "sustainable community-based tourism." Sustainability (Switzerland), 8(5).

    Deller, S. (2010). Rural poverty, tourism and spatial heterogeneity. Annals of Tourism Research, 37(1), 180–205.

    Denman, R. (2001). Guidelines for community-based ecotourism development (W. International (ed.)).

    Dimitrovski, D. D., Todorovic, A. T., & Valjarevic, A. (2012). Rural tourism and regional development : Case study of development. 14, 288–297.

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    Koentjaraningrat. (2015). Pengantar Ilmu Antropologi. Rineka Cipta.

    Kottak, C. P. (2011). Cultural anthropology: Appreciating cultural diversity. The McGraw-Hill Companies.

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    Mtapuri, O., & Giampiccoli, A. (2016). Towards a comprehensive model of community-based tourism development. South African Geographical Journal, 98(1), 154–168.

    Mualisin, I. (2007). Model pengembangan pariwisata berbasis masyarakat di kota Yogyakarta. Jurnal Penelitian Bappeda Kota Yogyakarta, 2(2), 34–36.

    Murphy, P. E. (1988). Community driven tourism planning. Tourism Management, 9(2), 96–104.

    Musavengane, R. (2015). Does social capital really enhance community based ecotourism? A review of the literature. African Journal of Hospitality, Tourism and Leisure, 4(41).

    Nair, V., & Hamzah, A. (2015). Successful community-based tourism approaches for rural destinations. Worldwide Hospitality and Tourism Themes, 7(5), 429–439.

    Nechifor, C. I. (2014). Tourism and sustainable development. Implications at local community level. Economica, 10(5), 1–36.

    Nurhidayati, S. E., & Fandeli, C. (2012). Penerapan prinsip Community Based Tourism ( CBT ) dalam pengembangan agrowisata di Kota Batu, Jawa Timur. Jejaring Administrasi Publik, IV(1), 36–46.

    Radcliffe‐Brown, A. . (1952). Structure and Function in Primitive Society. Cohen and West Ltd.

    Saarinen, J., & Manwa, H. (2008). Tourism as a Socio-cultural encounter: Host-guest relations in tourism development in Botswana. Botswana Notes and Records, 39(January), 43–53.

    Salazar, N. B. (2012). Community-based cultural tourism: Issues, threats and opportunities. Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 20(1), 9–22.

    Sebele, L. S. (2010). Community-based tourism ventures, benefits and challenges: Khama Rhino Sanctuary Trust, Central District, Botswana. Tourism Management, 31(1), 136–146.

    Siwi, M. (2012). Konsep Komunitas dan masyarakat dalam perspektif sosiologi. Departemen SKPM IPB.

    Sunaryo, B. (2013). Kebijakan pembangunan destinasi pariwisata konsep dan aplikasinya di Indonesia. Gava Media.

    Tolkach, D., & King, B. (2015). Strengthening community-based tourism in a new resource-based island nation: Why and how? Tourism Management, 48, 386–398.

    Veriasa, T. O., & Waite, M. (2017). Memahami Konsep “Pengembangan Komunitas”. Pusat Pengkajian Perencanaan dan Pengembangan Wilayah (P4W). Institut Pertanian Bogor.

    Walkowski, M. da C., Pires, P. dos S., & Tricárico, L. T. (2019). Community-based tourism initiatives and their contribution to sustainable local development. Journal of Sustainable Tourism and Entrepreneurship, 1(1), 55–67.

    Wang, L. en, Cheng, S. kui, Zhong, L. sheng, Mu, S. lin, Dhruba, B. G. C., & Ren, G. zhu. (2013). Rural tourism development in China: Principles, models and the future. Journal of Mountain Science, 10(1), 116–129.

    Weaver, D. (2010). Community-based tourism as strategic dead-end. Tourism Recreation Research, 35(2), 206–208.

    Widayanti, S. (2012). Pemberdayaan masyarakat : Pendekatan teoritis. Ilmu Kesejahteraan Sosial, 1(1), 87–102.

    Xi, J., Wang, X., Kong, Q., & Zhang, N. (2015). Spatial morphology evolution of rural settlements induced by tourism: A comparative study of three villages in Yesanpo tourism area, China. Journal of Geographical Sciences, 25(4), 497–511.

    Ying, T., & Zhou, Y. (2007). Community, governments and external capitals in China's rural cultural tourism: A comparative study of two adjacent villages. Tourism Management, 28(1), 96–107.

    Yotsumoto, Y., Han, J., & Hatada, N. (2016). An overview of Japanese tourism - based community development: Definitions and successes. Politic and Economic, 25(2), 177–195.

  1. Adimihardja, K. (1999). Petani: Merajut tradisi era globalisasi. Mendayagunakan sistem pengetahuan lokal dalam pembangunan yang berwawasan lingkungan dan berkelanjutan. Humaniora.
  2. Ahimsa-Putra, H. S. (2013). Budaya bangsa, jati diri dan integrasi nasional: Sebuah teori. Jejak Nusantara, 1, 6–19.
  3. APEC. (2014). APEC tourism ministerial meeting: Seoul declaration on an APEC Tourism Charter.
  4. Blackstock, K. (2005). A critical look at community based tourism. Community Development Journal, 40(1), 39–49.
  5. Campbell, L. M., & Vainio-Mattila, A. (2003). Participatory Development and community-based conservation: Opportunities missed for lessons learned? Human Ecology, 3(3), 239–248.
  6. Carr, A., Ruhanen, L., & Whitford, M. (2016). Indigenous peoples and tourism: the challenges and opportunities for sustainable tourism. Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 24(8–9), 1067–1079.
  7. Crow, G., & Allen, G. (1994). Community Life: An Introduction to Local Social Relations. Harvester-Wheatsheaf.
  8. Dangi, T. B., & Jamal, T. (2016). An integrated approach to "sustainable community-based tourism." Sustainability (Switzerland), 8(5).
  9. Deller, S. (2010). Rural poverty, tourism and spatial heterogeneity. Annals of Tourism Research, 37(1), 180–205.
  10. Denman, R. (2001). Guidelines for community-based ecotourism development (W. International (ed.)).
  11. Dimitrovski, D. D., Todorovic, A. T., & Valjarevic, A. (2012). Rural tourism and regional development?: Case study of development. 14, 288–297.
  12. Dolezal, C. (2011). Community-based tourism in Thailand: (Dis-)Illusions of authenticity and the necessity for dynamic concepts of culture and power. ASEAS - Austrian Journal of South-East Asian Studies, 4(1), 129–138.
  13. Gezici, F., Yazgan Gül, A., & Alkay, E. (2006). Analyzing coastal development pattern of tourism in Turkey. 46th Congress of European Regional Science Association 30 August- 3 September 2006 Volos, Greece, May 2014, 1–26.
  14. Ghaderi, Z., & Henderson, J. C. (2012). Sustainable rural tourism in Iran: A perspective from Hawraman Village. Tourism Management Perspectives, 2–3, 47–54.
  15. Goodwin, H., & Santili, R. M. (2009). Community-based tourism: A Success? International Centre for Responsible Tourism, Leeds Metropolitan University.
  16. Hadiwijoyo, S. S. (2012). Perencanaan pariwisata perdesaan berbasis masyarakat: Sebuah pendekatan konsep. Graha Ilmu.
  17. Hasanah, M. (2017). Pengelolaan pariwisata alam berbasis masyarakat. Universitas Hasanudin.
  18. Hausler, N. (2005). Definition of community based tourism. Tourism Forum International at the Reisepavillon.
  19. Inskeep, E. (1991). Tourism Planning: an Integrated and Sustainable Development Approach. Van Nostrand Reinhold.
  20. Johnson, P. A. (2010). Realizing rural community based tourism development: Prospects for social-economy enterprises. Journal of Rural and Community Development, 5(1), 150–162.
  21. Koentjaraningrat. (2015). Pengantar Ilmu Antropologi. Rineka Cipta.
  22. Kottak, C. P. (2011). Cultural anthropology: Appreciating cultural diversity. The McGraw-Hill Companies.
  23. Liu, C.-Z. (2010). Rural development and rural tourism in Taiwan. Asian Journal of Arts and Sciences, 1(2), 211–227. internal-pdf:// rural areas, rural tourism.pdf
  24. Malinowski, B. (1922). Argonauts of the western pacific: An account of native enterprise and adventure in the archipelagoes of Melanesian New Guinea (First Edit). G. Routledge & Sons.
  25. Marpaung, B. O. (2016). Communication strategy planning of fisherman kampung Medan Belawan as a tourist destination. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 234, 344–352.
  26. Mathieson, A., & Wall, G. (1982). Tourism economy physical and social impact. Longman Group.
  27. Mtapuri, O., & Giampiccoli, A. (2016). Towards a comprehensive model of community-based tourism development. South African Geographical Journal, 98(1), 154–168.
  28. Mualisin, I. (2007). Model pengembangan pariwisata berbasis masyarakat di kota Yogyakarta. Jurnal Penelitian Bappeda Kota Yogyakarta, 2(2), 34–36.
  29. Murphy, P. E. (1988). Community driven tourism planning. Tourism Management, 9(2), 96–104.
  30. Musavengane, R. (2015). Does social capital really enhance community based ecotourism? A review of the literature. African Journal of Hospitality, Tourism and Leisure, 4(41).
  31. Nair, V., & Hamzah, A. (2015). Successful community-based tourism approaches for rural destinations. Worldwide Hospitality and Tourism Themes, 7(5), 429–439.
  32. Nechifor, C. I. (2014). Tourism and sustainable development. Implications at local community level. Economica, 10(5), 1–36.
  33. Nurhidayati, S. E., & Fandeli, C. (2012). Penerapan prinsip Community Based Tourism ( CBT ) dalam pengembangan agrowisata di Kota Batu, Jawa Timur. Jejaring Administrasi Publik, IV(1), 36–46.
  34. Radcliffe?Brown, A. . (1952). Structure and Function in Primitive Society. Cohen and West Ltd.
  35. Saarinen, J., & Manwa, H. (2008). Tourism as a Socio-cultural encounter: Host-guest relations in tourism development in Botswana. Botswana Notes and Records, 39(January), 43–53.
  36. Salazar, N. B. (2012). Community-based cultural tourism: Issues, threats and opportunities. Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 20(1), 9–22.
  37. Sebele, L. S. (2010). Community-based tourism ventures, benefits and challenges: Khama Rhino Sanctuary Trust, Central District, Botswana. Tourism Management, 31(1), 136–146.
  38. Siwi, M. (2012). Konsep Komunitas dan masyarakat dalam perspektif sosiologi. Departemen SKPM IPB.
  39. Sunaryo, B. (2013). Kebijakan pembangunan destinasi pariwisata konsep dan aplikasinya di Indonesia. Gava Media.
  40. Tolkach, D., & King, B. (2015). Strengthening community-based tourism in a new resource-based island nation: Why and how? Tourism Management, 48, 386–398.
  41. Veriasa, T. O., & Waite, M. (2017). Memahami Konsep “Pengembangan Komunitas”. Pusat Pengkajian Perencanaan dan Pengembangan Wilayah (P4W). Institut Pertanian Bogor.
  42. Walkowski, M. da C., Pires, P. dos S., & Tricárico, L. T. (2019). Community-based tourism initiatives and their contribution to sustainable local development. Journal of Sustainable Tourism and Entrepreneurship, 1(1), 55–67.
  43. Wang, L. en, Cheng, S. kui, Zhong, L. sheng, Mu, S. lin, Dhruba, B. G. C., & Ren, G. zhu. (2013). Rural tourism development in China: Principles, models and the future. Journal of Mountain Science, 10(1), 116–129.
  44. Weaver, D. (2010). Community-based tourism as strategic dead-end. Tourism Recreation Research, 35(2), 206–208.
  45. Widayanti, S. (2012). Pemberdayaan masyarakat?: Pendekatan teoritis. Ilmu Kesejahteraan Sosial, 1(1), 87–102.
  46. Xi, J., Wang, X., Kong, Q., & Zhang, N. (2015). Spatial morphology evolution of rural settlements induced by tourism: A comparative study of three villages in Yesanpo tourism area, China. Journal of Geographical Sciences, 25(4), 497–511.
  47. Ying, T., & Zhou, Y. (2007). Community, governments and external capitals in China's rural cultural tourism: A comparative study of two adjacent villages. Tourism Management, 28(1), 96–107.
  48. Yotsumoto, Y., Han, J., & Hatada, N. (2016). An overview of Japanese tourism - based community development: Definitions and successes. Politic and Economic, 25(2), 177–195.