Customers emotional intelligence and satisfaction: The mediation of bankers emotional labour
Purpose: There is high competition in the Nigerian banking system, with banks challenged by engaging in best practices that will lead to customer satisfaction. This study examines the effect of customers’ emotional intelligence on their satisfaction with selected banks in Nigeria operating in Jos, Plateau. It also assesses customers’ perceptions of banker emotional labor as a mediating factor.
Research Methodology: Sample for the study was 341 drawn from customers of Access, UBA, and GT Bank within Jos Metropolis who completed a survey on emotional intelligence, perceived emotional labor, and customer satisfaction.
Results: The study found a significant relationship between perceived emotional labor and customer satisfaction and between emotional intelligence and perceived emotional labor. The relationship between emotional intelligence and customer satisfaction is not significant. However, emotional labor was found to be a full mediator in the relationship between emotional intelligence and customer satisfaction.
Limitations: There is a limitation in sample size in the study. The actual number of customers from the three banks could not be ascertained.
Contribution: The study concluded that bank customer satisfaction is a product of high emotional intelligence when these customers also have a high perception of emotional labor. It is recommended that banks provide brief emotional intelligence training tips for their customers.
Novelty: The study has shown that as much as employee emotional intelligence is important to customer satisfaction, customers’ EI is as important.
Keywords: Customers, satisfaction, emotional intelligence, emotional labour

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- Aturu-Aghedo, C., & Eucharia, U. (2023). Emotional Labour: An Undervalued Human Resources Asset in Nigerian Public Sector Organizations. Saudi J Bus Manag Stud, 8(9), 231-237.
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- Li, W. (2023). Multivariate Analysis of Employee Emotional Labor on Customer Reuse Intention of Express Delivery Enterprises. Paper presented at the Proceedings of the 2nd International Academic Conference on Blockchain, Information Technology and Smart Finance (ICBIS 2023).
- Makudza, F., Sandada, M., Chuchu, T., & Maziriri, E. T. (2021). The differential effects of emotional labour on boundary spanners of international banks in Zimbabwe. Journal of Critical Reviews, 8(2), 1200-1210.
- Mansouri, S., & Tajrobehkar, M. (2015). Studying the Role of Self-awareness and Self-esteem in Predicting Job Satisfaction and Job Performance of Teachers of Elementary Schools in the City of Kerman. J. Appl. Environ. Biol. Sci, 5(10), 142-148.
- Musa, W. (2020). The Role of Emotional Intelligence in Effective and Efficient Financial Service Delivery in the Banking Sector. Available at SSRN 3675636.
- Nkemakolam, J. N., Igbolekwu, C. O., Nwogu, E. C., Nnanna, N. O., Asaleye, A. J., Bamidele, R., & Arisukwu, O. (2021). Psychosocial predictors of emotional labour among employees of merged and acquired banks in Ibadan, South-West, Nigeria. Heliyon, 7(9).
- Okpara, A., & Edwin, A. (2014). Workplace emotional intelligence and return on investment in the Nigerian banking industry. Journal of Management Marketing and Logistics, 1(4).
- Oliver, R. L. (1999). Whence consumer loyalty? Journal of marketing, 63(4_suppl1), 33-44.
- Roland, S. F., & Olalekan, A. J. (2020). Employees' emotional intelligence and service delivery to customers: A comparative study of selected deposit money banks in Nigeria and Liberia. The Business & Management Review, 11(1), 268-277.
- Tariq, M. Z., Bhatti, G. A., Khan, N. A., & Qadir, M. (2021). Impact of consumer emotional intelligence on satisfaction with life during the COVID-19 pandemic. European Journal of Psychology Open.
- Uzonwanne, F. (2015). Emotional intelligence among bankers in southwest Nigeria. International Journal of Economic and Business Review, 3(5), 5-16.
- Williams, B., Onsman, A., & Brown, T. (2010). Exploratory factor analysis: A five-step guide for novices. Australasian journal of paramedicine, 8, 1-13.
- Yun-Tsan, L., & Yi-Chih, T. (2017). Influence of emotional labor and emotional intelligence on service sabotage. Advances in Management, 10(8).