Analysis of employee performance through productivity: The role of kaizen culture, motivation, and work discipline in the manufacturing industry

Published: Jul 1, 2024


Purpose: This study investigates the relationship between employee performance and productivity in the manufacturing industry, focusing on the impact of Kaizen culture, motivation, and work discipline on employee performance.

Research Methodology: The study employed a quantitative method approach, which involved a survey of 105 respondents from the manufacturing Industry in West Java, and the analysis of key performance indicators from several pilot case companies in Bekasi that implemented Kaizen techniques. Data were analyzed using the SmartPLS test.

Results: Kaizen culture, motivation, and work discipline are vital for improving employee performance and productivity. Employee motivation directly influences the implementation of the 5S system, and the company meets employees’ needs for career development and information. Employee performance is influenced by motivation, discipline, training, and culture, with productivity as the mediator.

Limitations: The generalizability of this study is limited by its focus on a specific industry and geographic location. Future studies should replicate the study across different industries and regions to increase the scope of the findings.

Contribution: This study contributes to the current literature by examining how Kaizen culture, motivation, and work discipline boost employee performance and productivity in manufacturing. The results underscore the significance of these elements in enhancing organizational performance and offer practical suggestions for companies that aim to enhance productivity and employee engagement.

Originality: This study is unique in its thorough examination of how Kaizen culture, motivation, and work discipline affect employee performance and productivity in manufacturing. Using quantitative methods and diverse data sources enhances originality and offers a deeper understanding of these factors.

1. career adaptability
2. internship experience
3. college students
Dany Amrul Ichdan
How to Cite
Ichdan, D. A. (2024). Analysis of employee performance through productivity: The role of kaizen culture, motivation, and work discipline in the manufacturing industry. Annals of Human Resource Management Research, 4(1), 13–28.


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Issue & Section

    Abrigo, J. N. F., Abrogena, A. A. A., Alcantara, D. R. E., De Gracia, N. A. V., Juliano, A. C., & Ador, Z. I. (2024). A narrative research of experiences of STEM teachers pursuing doctoral degree. Journal of Social, Humanity, and Education, 4(3), 153-168.

    Ackah, D. (2014). The impact of motivation on employee performance in the manufacturing industry in Ghana. Global Journal of Management Studies and Researches, 1(5), 291-310.

    Adula, M., Kant, S., & Birbirsa, Z. A. (2022). Systematic Literature Review on Human Resource Management Effect on Organization Performance. Annals of Human Resource Management Research, 2(2), 131-146.

    Alam, M. N., Hassan, M. M., Bowyer, D., & Reaz, M. (2020). The effects of wages and welfare facilities on employee productivity: Mediating role of employee work motivation. Australasian Accounting, Business and Finance Journal, 14(4), 38-60.

    Alanizan, S. (2023). How does employee satisfaction and motivation affect productivity. International Journal of Business and Management, 18(2), 55-60.

    Amini, C. A., & Hidayat, R. (2023). The Influence of Kaizen Culture, Work Discipline on Productivity with Implementation of Employee Performance at PT. Mandom Indonesia. Kontigensi: Jurnal Ilmiah Manajemen, 11(1), 20-29.

    Aniemene, F. (2017). Strategies for increased productivity through control of process constraints. Walden University.

    Araffat, M. Y., Ali, H., Bangsawan, M. I., Diarti, D. K., & Budiono, A. (2020). The influence of leadership style and work discipline on employee performance in the department of transportation Dompu District. International Journal of Multicultural and Multireligious Understanding, 7(8), 758-767.

    Arif, F. (2021). The influence of transformational leadership, discipline, productivity on employee performance. SCIENTIFIC JOURNAL OF REFLECTION: Economic, Accounting, Management and Business, 4(1), 51-60.


    Bans-Akutey, A. (2022). Entrepreneurship education and personality traits as predictors of entrepreneurial intention: A qualitative approach. Annals of Management and Organization Research, 4(2), 147-158.

    Baron, J. V., & Cruz, J. A. D. (2023). The spiral progression approach in teaching science: Its Volatilities, Uncertainties, Complexities, and Ambiguities (VUCA). Journal of Social, Humanity, and Education, 3(2), 89-103.

    Baskaran, S., Lay, H. S., Ming, B. S., & Mahadi, N. (2020). Technology adoption and employee’s job performance: an empirical investigation. International Journal of Academic Research in Economics and Management Sciences, 9(1), 78-105.

    Desta, A., Asgedom, H. B., Gebresas, A., & Asheber, M. (2014). Analysis of kaizen implementation in Northern Ethiopia’s manufacturing industries. International Journal of Business and Commerce, 3(8), 39.

    Dharliana, D., & Wibowo, S. N. (2022). THE INFLUENCE OF DISCIPLINE AND MOTIVATION ON WORK PRODUCTIVITY. International Journal of Economics, Business and Accounting Research (IJEBAR), 6(4), 1843-1851.

    Diah, Y. M., & Cahyadi, A. (2020). Improving organizational performance through job satisfaction based on employee empowerment. Paper presented at the 5th Sriwijaya Economics, Accounting, and Business Conference (SEABC 2019).

    Divkolaii, M. (2014). An investigation on factors influencing on human resources productivity. Management Science Letters, 4(5), 883-886.

    Eka, P. D. (2018). The effect of work discipline and motivation on employee performance (at PT. Bank Mandiri Ciledug Branch). Pinisi Discretion Review, 2(1), 61-68.

    Ekhsan, M., Parashakti, R. D., Religia, Y., & Moulana, I. (2023). Kaizen culture and employee performance in the post-COVID-19 era: does servant leadership mediate in the model? Asian Journal of Management, Entrepreneurship and Social Science, 3(01), 536-550.

    Elqadri, Z. M., & Wardoyo, D. T. W. (2015). The Influence of Motivation and Discipline Work against Employee Work Productivity Tona'an Markets. Rev. Eur. Stud., 7, 59.

    Funso, A., Sammy, L., & Gerryshom, M. (2016). Impact of motivation on productivity of craftsmen in construction firms in Lagos, Nigeria. International Journal of economics and Finance, 8(4), 271.

    Garza-Reyes, J. A., Christopoulos, C., Kumar, A., Luthra, S., González-Aleu, F., Kumar, V., & Villarreal, B. (2022). Deploying Kaizen events in the manufacturing industry: an investigation into managerial factors. Production Planning & Control, 33(5), 427-449.

    Gasper, L., & Mwenda, B. (2023). Quantitative analysis of Kaizen philosophy on productivity improvement. International Journal of Research in Business and Social Science (2147-4478), 12(3), 557-562.

    Ghoni, I. A., & Sopiah, S. (2022). The effect of company work discipline: Systematic literature review.

    Goshime, Y., Kitaw, D., & Jilcha, K. (2019). Lean manufacturing as a vehicle for improving productivity and customer satisfaction: A literature review on metals and engineering industries. International Journal of Lean Six Sigma, 10(2), 691-714.

    Habidin, N. F., Hashim, S., Fuzi, N. M., & Salleh, M. I. (2018). Total productive maintenance, kaizen event, and performance. International Journal of Quality & Reliability Management, 35(9), 1853-1867.

    Hadiwijaya, H., & Yustini, T. (2023). Analysis of consumer preferences towards digital marketing and its implications on the competitive advantage of SMEs in Banyuasin Regency. Annals of Human Resource Management Research, 3(2), 83-96.

    Hair Jr, J. F., Wolfinbarger, M., Money, A. H., & Samouel, P. (2011). Essentials of business research methods: ME Sharpe, Inc.

    Hanafi, A. (2020). The Effects of Organizational Culture and Leadership Style on Employee Performance Through Employee Engagement as Intervening Variable at Pt. Bank Mandiri Micro Banking Cluster Baturaja. Paper presented at the 5th Sriwijaya Economics, Accounting, and Business Conference (SEABC 2019).

    Hanasi, R. A. (2023). Between Situational Leadership and Employee Motivation on Individual Performance in Indonesian Manufacturing Industry. Sinergi International Journal of Management and Business, 1(2), 126-141.

    Harsono, Y., Munarsih, M., Alam, R. N., Estiana, R., & Karomah, N. G. (2020). Pengaruh Promosi Terhadap Keputusan Memilih Sekolah Pada Orangtua Siswa Sdit Bina Cendekia–Depok. Jurnal Ekonomi Efektif, 2(3).

    Hutauruk, F. J., Matondang, R., & Pujangkoro, S. (2022). The Effect of Work Discipline on Employee Productivity: Employee Productivity. Jurnal Sistem Teknik Industri, 24(2), 221-227.

    Ichdan, D. A., Yuliansyah, & Maryani. (2023). Do mental model and creativity help employees to improve their job performance from their participation in the budgeting? Cogent Business & Management, 10(1), 2184228. doi:10.1080/23311975.2023.2184228

    Iskamto, D., Yapentra, A., Ansori, P. B., & Jupri, M. (2020). Effect of Working Discipline Toward Performance: An Empirical Investigation. KnE Social Sciences, 492–501-492–501.

    Itang. (2015). Work discipline and work competence with quality of service in the office of religious affairs (kua) district of mount kencana lebak regency of banten. J. Mgmt. & Sustainability, 5, 132.

    Jam-Jam, S., & Mbukanma, I. (2023). Significance of Motivation on Employee Optimal Performance: A Study of Amendu Manufacturing Industry in Mthatha, Eastern Cape, South Africa. Journal of Educational and Social Research, 13.

    Janji?, V., Todorovi?, M., & Jovanovi?, D. (2020). Key success factors and benefits of Kaizen implementation. Engineering Management Journal, 32(2), 98-106.

    Kamble, R., & Wankhade, L. (2017). Perspectives on productivity: identifying attributes influencing productivity in various industrial sectors. International Journal of Productivity and Quality Management, 22(4), 536-566.

    Khaertdinova, A. A., Maliashova, A. Y., & Gadelshina, S. V. (2023). Study of the discipline «Lean Manufacturing» as a condition for training specialists for the industrial sector of the economy. Samara Journal of Science, 12(3), 326-330.

    Kim, J. (2018). The contrary effects of intrinsic and extrinsic motivations on burnout and turnover intention in the public sector. International journal of manpower, 39(3), 486-500.

    Kirana, I. B. G. A., Sriathi, A. A. A., & Suwandana, I. G. M. (2022). The Effect of Work Environment, Work Discipline, and Work Motivation on Employee Performance in Manufacturing Company. European Journal of Business and Management Research, 7(3), 26-30.

    Klopotan, I., Mjeda, T., & Kure?i?, P. (2018). Exploring the motivation of employees in a firm: A case-study. Business Systems Research: International Journal of the Society for Advancing Innovation and Research in Economy, 9(1), 151-160.

    Kumar, R. (2019). Kaizen a tool for continuous quality improvement in Indian manufacturing organization. International Journal of Mathematical, Engineering and Management Sciences, 4(2), 452.

    Kusumiartono, N., Brahmasari, I. A., & Ardiana, I. D. K. R. (2022). Analysis of the effect knowledge sharing, teamwork on employee engagement and employee performance in baristand industri surabaya the ministry of industry’s work unit. Indonesian Journal of Multidisciplinary Science, 1(7), 779-791.

    Lage de Sousa, F., Canêdo-Pinheiro, M., Pereira Cabral, B., & de Sousa Ferreira, G. E. (2020). Impact of kaizen-like practices in the Brazilian manufacturing sector. Workers, Managers, Productivity: Kaizen in Developing Countries, 221-243.

    Lee, R. (2021). The effects of smart factory operational strategies and system management on the innovative performance of small-and medium-sized manufacturing firms. Sustainability, 13(6), 3087.

    Limpo, L., & Kamase, R. (2022). The Effect Of Kaizen Culture On The Work Performance Of The Kalla Toyota Alauddin Makassar Service Division. JManagER, 1(2), 34-48.

    Lohela-Karlsson, M., Jensen, I., & Björklund, C. (2022). Do attitudes towards work or work motivation affect productivity loss among academic employees? International journal of environmental research and public health, 19(2), 934.

    Lubis, A. S. (2017). The effect of Kaizen culture and leadership on employee performance with work satisfaction as intervening variable: Study on PT Bank Central Asia main branch office of Medan. Proceedings of AICS-Social Sciences, 7, 518-528.

  1. Abrigo, J. N. F., Abrogena, A. A. A., Alcantara, D. R. E., De Gracia, N. A. V., Juliano, A. C., & Ador, Z. I. (2024). A narrative research of experiences of STEM teachers pursuing doctoral degree. Journal of Social, Humanity, and Education, 4(3), 153-168.
  2. Ackah, D. (2014). The impact of motivation on employee performance in the manufacturing industry in Ghana. Global Journal of Management Studies and Researches, 1(5), 291-310.
  3. Adula, M., Kant, S., & Birbirsa, Z. A. (2022). Systematic Literature Review on Human Resource Management Effect on Organization Performance. Annals of Human Resource Management Research, 2(2), 131-146.
  4. Alam, M. N., Hassan, M. M., Bowyer, D., & Reaz, M. (2020). The effects of wages and welfare facilities on employee productivity: Mediating role of employee work motivation. Australasian Accounting, Business and Finance Journal, 14(4), 38-60.
  5. Alanizan, S. (2023). How does employee satisfaction and motivation affect productivity. International Journal of Business and Management, 18(2), 55-60.
  6. Amini, C. A., & Hidayat, R. (2023). The Influence of Kaizen Culture, Work Discipline on Productivity with Implementation of Employee Performance at PT. Mandom Indonesia. Kontigensi: Jurnal Ilmiah Manajemen, 11(1), 20-29.
  7. Aniemene, F. (2017). Strategies for increased productivity through control of process constraints. Walden University.
  8. Araffat, M. Y., Ali, H., Bangsawan, M. I., Diarti, D. K., & Budiono, A. (2020). The influence of leadership style and work discipline on employee performance in the department of transportation Dompu District. International Journal of Multicultural and Multireligious Understanding, 7(8), 758-767.
  9. Arif, F. (2021). The influence of transformational leadership, discipline, productivity on employee performance. SCIENTIFIC JOURNAL OF REFLECTION: Economic, Accounting, Management and Business, 4(1), 51-60.
  11. Bans-Akutey, A. (2022). Entrepreneurship education and personality traits as predictors of entrepreneurial intention: A qualitative approach. Annals of Management and Organization Research, 4(2), 147-158.
  12. Baron, J. V., & Cruz, J. A. D. (2023). The spiral progression approach in teaching science: Its Volatilities, Uncertainties, Complexities, and Ambiguities (VUCA). Journal of Social, Humanity, and Education, 3(2), 89-103.
  13. Baskaran, S., Lay, H. S., Ming, B. S., & Mahadi, N. (2020). Technology adoption and employee’s job performance: an empirical investigation. International Journal of Academic Research in Economics and Management Sciences, 9(1), 78-105.
  14. Desta, A., Asgedom, H. B., Gebresas, A., & Asheber, M. (2014). Analysis of kaizen implementation in Northern Ethiopia’s manufacturing industries. International Journal of Business and Commerce, 3(8), 39.
  15. Dharliana, D., & Wibowo, S. N. (2022). THE INFLUENCE OF DISCIPLINE AND MOTIVATION ON WORK PRODUCTIVITY. International Journal of Economics, Business and Accounting Research (IJEBAR), 6(4), 1843-1851.
  16. Diah, Y. M., & Cahyadi, A. (2020). Improving organizational performance through job satisfaction based on employee empowerment. Paper presented at the 5th Sriwijaya Economics, Accounting, and Business Conference (SEABC 2019).
  17. Divkolaii, M. (2014). An investigation on factors influencing on human resources productivity. Management Science Letters, 4(5), 883-886.
  18. Eka, P. D. (2018). The effect of work discipline and motivation on employee performance (at PT. Bank Mandiri Ciledug Branch). Pinisi Discretion Review, 2(1), 61-68.
  19. Ekhsan, M., Parashakti, R. D., Religia, Y., & Moulana, I. (2023). Kaizen culture and employee performance in the post-COVID-19 era: does servant leadership mediate in the model? Asian Journal of Management, Entrepreneurship and Social Science, 3(01), 536-550.
  20. Elqadri, Z. M., & Wardoyo, D. T. W. (2015). The Influence of Motivation and Discipline Work against Employee Work Productivity Tona'an Markets. Rev. Eur. Stud., 7, 59.
  21. Funso, A., Sammy, L., & Gerryshom, M. (2016). Impact of motivation on productivity of craftsmen in construction firms in Lagos, Nigeria. International Journal of economics and Finance, 8(4), 271.
  22. Garza-Reyes, J. A., Christopoulos, C., Kumar, A., Luthra, S., González-Aleu, F., Kumar, V., & Villarreal, B. (2022). Deploying Kaizen events in the manufacturing industry: an investigation into managerial factors. Production Planning & Control, 33(5), 427-449.
  23. Gasper, L., & Mwenda, B. (2023). Quantitative analysis of Kaizen philosophy on productivity improvement. International Journal of Research in Business and Social Science (2147-4478), 12(3), 557-562.
  24. Ghoni, I. A., & Sopiah, S. (2022). The effect of company work discipline: Systematic literature review.
  25. Goshime, Y., Kitaw, D., & Jilcha, K. (2019). Lean manufacturing as a vehicle for improving productivity and customer satisfaction: A literature review on metals and engineering industries. International Journal of Lean Six Sigma, 10(2), 691-714.
  26. Habidin, N. F., Hashim, S., Fuzi, N. M., & Salleh, M. I. (2018). Total productive maintenance, kaizen event, and performance. International Journal of Quality & Reliability Management, 35(9), 1853-1867.
  27. Hadiwijaya, H., & Yustini, T. (2023). Analysis of consumer preferences towards digital marketing and its implications on the competitive advantage of SMEs in Banyuasin Regency. Annals of Human Resource Management Research, 3(2), 83-96.
  28. Hair Jr, J. F., Wolfinbarger, M., Money, A. H., & Samouel, P. (2011). Essentials of business research methods: ME Sharpe, Inc.
  29. Hanafi, A. (2020). The Effects of Organizational Culture and Leadership Style on Employee Performance Through Employee Engagement as Intervening Variable at Pt. Bank Mandiri Micro Banking Cluster Baturaja. Paper presented at the 5th Sriwijaya Economics, Accounting, and Business Conference (SEABC 2019).
  30. Hanasi, R. A. (2023). Between Situational Leadership and Employee Motivation on Individual Performance in Indonesian Manufacturing Industry. Sinergi International Journal of Management and Business, 1(2), 126-141.
  31. Harsono, Y., Munarsih, M., Alam, R. N., Estiana, R., & Karomah, N. G. (2020). Pengaruh Promosi Terhadap Keputusan Memilih Sekolah Pada Orangtua Siswa Sdit Bina Cendekia–Depok. Jurnal Ekonomi Efektif, 2(3).
  32. Hutauruk, F. J., Matondang, R., & Pujangkoro, S. (2022). The Effect of Work Discipline on Employee Productivity: Employee Productivity. Jurnal Sistem Teknik Industri, 24(2), 221-227.
  33. Ichdan, D. A., Yuliansyah, & Maryani. (2023). Do mental model and creativity help employees to improve their job performance from their participation in the budgeting? Cogent Business & Management, 10(1), 2184228. doi:10.1080/23311975.2023.2184228
  34. Iskamto, D., Yapentra, A., Ansori, P. B., & Jupri, M. (2020). Effect of Working Discipline Toward Performance: An Empirical Investigation. KnE Social Sciences, 492–501-492–501.
  35. Itang. (2015). Work discipline and work competence with quality of service in the office of religious affairs (kua) district of mount kencana lebak regency of banten. J. Mgmt. & Sustainability, 5, 132.
  36. Jam-Jam, S., & Mbukanma, I. (2023). Significance of Motivation on Employee Optimal Performance: A Study of Amendu Manufacturing Industry in Mthatha, Eastern Cape, South Africa. Journal of Educational and Social Research, 13.
  37. Janji?, V., Todorovi?, M., & Jovanovi?, D. (2020). Key success factors and benefits of Kaizen implementation. Engineering Management Journal, 32(2), 98-106.
  38. Kamble, R., & Wankhade, L. (2017). Perspectives on productivity: identifying attributes influencing productivity in various industrial sectors. International Journal of Productivity and Quality Management, 22(4), 536-566.
  39. Khaertdinova, A. A., Maliashova, A. Y., & Gadelshina, S. V. (2023). Study of the discipline «Lean Manufacturing» as a condition for training specialists for the industrial sector of the economy. Samara Journal of Science, 12(3), 326-330.
  40. Kim, J. (2018). The contrary effects of intrinsic and extrinsic motivations on burnout and turnover intention in the public sector. International journal of manpower, 39(3), 486-500.
  41. Kirana, I. B. G. A., Sriathi, A. A. A., & Suwandana, I. G. M. (2022). The Effect of Work Environment, Work Discipline, and Work Motivation on Employee Performance in Manufacturing Company. European Journal of Business and Management Research, 7(3), 26-30.
  42. Klopotan, I., Mjeda, T., & Kure?i?, P. (2018). Exploring the motivation of employees in a firm: A case-study. Business Systems Research: International Journal of the Society for Advancing Innovation and Research in Economy, 9(1), 151-160.
  43. Kumar, R. (2019). Kaizen a tool for continuous quality improvement in Indian manufacturing organization. International Journal of Mathematical, Engineering and Management Sciences, 4(2), 452.
  44. Kusumiartono, N., Brahmasari, I. A., & Ardiana, I. D. K. R. (2022). Analysis of the effect knowledge sharing, teamwork on employee engagement and employee performance in baristand industri surabaya the ministry of industry’s work unit. Indonesian Journal of Multidisciplinary Science, 1(7), 779-791.
  45. Lage de Sousa, F., Canêdo-Pinheiro, M., Pereira Cabral, B., & de Sousa Ferreira, G. E. (2020). Impact of kaizen-like practices in the Brazilian manufacturing sector. Workers, Managers, Productivity: Kaizen in Developing Countries, 221-243.
  46. Lee, R. (2021). The effects of smart factory operational strategies and system management on the innovative performance of small-and medium-sized manufacturing firms. Sustainability, 13(6), 3087.
  47. Limpo, L., & Kamase, R. (2022). The Effect Of Kaizen Culture On The Work Performance Of The Kalla Toyota Alauddin Makassar Service Division. JManagER, 1(2), 34-48.
  48. Lohela-Karlsson, M., Jensen, I., & Björklund, C. (2022). Do attitudes towards work or work motivation affect productivity loss among academic employees? International journal of environmental research and public health, 19(2), 934.
  49. Lubis, A. S. (2017). The effect of Kaizen culture and leadership on employee performance with work satisfaction as intervening variable: Study on PT Bank Central Asia main branch office of Medan. Proceedings of AICS-Social Sciences, 7, 518-528.