Investigating the reasons for failures and delays in R&D projects with the project management approach
Purpose: This study aimed to identify and investigate the reasons for failures and delays in R&D projects with an organizational productivity approach.
Research methodology: In order to identify the most influential factors in the research area, a questionnaire with a Likert spectrum of five options was designed and distributed among the stakeholders of research projects. The questionnaire results were analyzed and 10 more effective factors were identified and solutions were used to improve the situation.
Result: In the present study, after reviewing the background of the subject and reviewing previous studies, 149 factors affecting the failure and delay of projects were identified and after aggregating and summarizing the factors, a model was designed to classify the causes of delay in which 55 effective factors in two general categories. Intra-organizational and extra-organizational factors were examined.
Limitations: This research only described Research-oriented organizations.
Contribution: According to the analysis results regarding the more effective causes, problems and challenges related to each of the factors were studied and to reduce the impact of existing factors, various solutions and suggestions in the field of research variables using Expert opinion was provided.
Agyekum-Mensah, G., & Knight, A. D. (2017). The professionals’ perspective on the causes of project delay in the construction industry. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management.
Al-Momani, A. H. (2000). Construction delay: a quantitative analysis. International Journal of Project Management, 18(1), 51-59.
AlSehaimi, A., Koskela, L., & Tzortzopoulos, P. (2013). Need for alternative research approaches in construction management: Case of delay studies. Journal of Management in Engineering, 29(4), 407-413.
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Gebrehiwet, T., & Luo, H. (2017). Analysis of delay impact on construction project based on RII and correlation coefficient: Empirical study. Procedia Engineering, 196, 366-374.
Gondia, A., Siam, A., El-Dakhakhni, W., & Nassar, A. H. (2020). Machine learning algorithms for construction projects delay risk prediction. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 146(1), 04019085.
Guida, P. L., & Sacco, G. (2019). A method for project schedule delay analysis. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 128, 346-357.
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Reams, R. R., Agrawal, D., Davis, M. B., Yoder, S., Odedina, F. T., Kumar, N., . . . Soliman, K. F. (2009). Microarray comparison of prostate tumor gene expression in African-American and Caucasian American males: a pilot project study. Paper presented at the Infectious agents and cancer.
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Shaikh, A., Muree, M., & Soomro, A. (2010). Identification of critical delay factors in construction. Sindh University Research Journal-SURJ (Science Series), 42(2).
Sharifi, M., Akram, A., Rafiee, S., & Sabzehparvar, M. (2014). Planning and scheduling barley production mechanization project using the PERT network: case study Alborz province. Iranian Journal of Biosystems Engineering, 45(1), 11-22.
Silvius, A. G., & Schipper, R. P. (2014). Sustainability in project management competencies: analyzing the competence gap of project managers. Journal of Human Resource and Sustainability Studies, 2014.
Singh, H., & Williams, P. S. (2020). A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge: PMBOK (®) Guide.
Sonenshein, S. (2010). We’re changing—Or are we? Untangling the role of progressive, regressive, and stability narratives during strategic change implementation. Academy of Management Journal, 53(3), 477-512.
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Zafar, M. W., Saud, S., & Hou, F. (2019). The impact of globalization and financial development on environmental quality: evidence from selected countries in the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 26(13), 13246-13262.
Zahedi, M., Akhavan, P., & Naghdi Khanachah, S. (2020). Identifying the Key Barriers to Knowledge Management and Lessons Learned in the Project-Based Military Organizations. MILITARY MANAGEMENT QUARTERLY, 19(76), 29-68.
Zahedi, M. R., & Khanachah, S. N. (2019). The impact of customer assisted knowledge production capacity on customer capital in a knowledge-based center. Annals of Management and Organization Research, 1(2), 107-121.
Zahedi, M. R., & Khanachah, S. N. (2020). The effect of knowledge management processes on organizational innovation through intellectual capital development in Iranian industrial organizations. Journal of Science and Technology Policy Management.
- Agyekum-Mensah, G., & Knight, A. D. (2017). The professionals’ perspective on the causes of project delay in the construction industry. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management.
- Al-Momani, A. H. (2000). Construction delay: a quantitative analysis. International Journal of Project Management, 18(1), 51-59.
- AlSehaimi, A., Koskela, L., & Tzortzopoulos, P. (2013). Need for alternative research approaches in construction management: Case of delay studies. Journal of Management in Engineering, 29(4), 407-413.
- Amandin, M. M., & Kule, J. W. (2016). Project delays on cost overrun risks: A study of Gasabo district construction projects Kigali, Rwanda. ABC Journal of Advanced Research, 5(1), 21-34.
- Ansah, R. H., & Sorooshian, S. (2018). 4P delays in project management. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management.
- Artz, K. W., Norman, P. M., Hatfield, D. E., & Cardinal, L. B. (2010). A longitudinal study of the impact of R&D, patents, and product innovation on firm performance. Journal of product innovation management, 27(5), 725-740.
- Asgari, M., Kheyroddin, A., & Naderpour, H. (2017). A Proposal Model for Estimation of Project Success in Terms of Radial Based Neural Networks: A Case Study in Iran. Civil Engineering Journal, 3(10), 904-919.
- Assaf, S. A., & Al-Hejji, S. (2006). Causes of delay in large construction projects. International Journal of Project Management, 24(4), 349-357.
- Attaran, M. (2004). Exploring the relationship between information technology and business process reengineering. Information & management, 41(5), 585-596.
- Buss, A. H., & Rosenblatt, M. J. (1997). Activity delay in stochastic project networks. Operations Research, 45(1), 126-139.
- Chiu, B. W., & Lai, J. H. (2017). Project delay: key electrical construction factors in Hong Kong. Journal of civil engineering and management, 23(7), 847-857.
- Davis, K. (2017). An empirical investigation into different stakeholder groups perception of project success. International Journal of Project Management, 35(4), 604-617.
- Dinakar, A. (2014). Delay analysis in construction project. International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering, 4(5), 784-788.
- Doloi, H., Sawhney, A., & Iyer, K. (2012). Structural equation model for investigating factors affecting delay in Indian construction projects. Construction Management and Economics, 30(10), 869-884.
- Dorji, L., Rai, S., Namgay, K., Pelden, T., & Sunwar, I. (2020). Evaluation of Factors Causing Delays in Construction Projects in Bhutan. GNH Journal of Construction Technology and Management.
- Durdyev, S., & Hosseini, M. R. (2019). Causes of delays on construction projects: a comprehensive list. International Journal of Managing Projects in Business.
- Elawi, G. S. A., Algahtany, M., & Kashiwagi, D. (2016). Owners’ perspective of factors contributing to project delay: case studies of road and bridge projects in Saudi Arabia. Procedia Engineering, 145, 1402-1409.
- Engeström, Y. (2005). Developmental work research: Expanding activity theory in practice (Vol. 12): Lehmanns Media.
- Fallahnejad, M. H. (2013). Delay causes in Iran gas pipeline projects. International Journal of Project Management, 31(1), 136-146.
- Frimpong, Y., Oluwoye, J., & Crawford, L. (2003). Causes of delay and cost overruns in construction of groundwater projects in a developing countries; Ghana as a case study. International Journal of Project Management, 21(5), 321-326.
- Gebrehiwet, T., & Luo, H. (2017). Analysis of delay impact on construction project based on RII and correlation coefficient: Empirical study. Procedia Engineering, 196, 366-374.
- Gondia, A., Siam, A., El-Dakhakhni, W., & Nassar, A. H. (2020). Machine learning algorithms for construction projects delay risk prediction. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 146(1), 04019085.
- Guida, P. L., & Sacco, G. (2019). A method for project schedule delay analysis. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 128, 346-357.
- Kabirifar, K., & Mojtahedi, M. (2019). The impact of Engineering, Procurement and Construction (EPC) phases on project performance: A case of large-scale residential construction project. Buildings, 9(1), 15.
- Lashgarara, F., Torabi, A., & Omidi Najafabadi, M. (2016). Recognizing the Reasons for Success of Growth Enterprises at Agriculture Sector of Semnan Province, Iran. International Journal of Agricultural Management and Development, 6(4), 531-540.
- León, H. C. M., & Farris, J. A. (2011). Lean product development research: Current state and future directions. Engineering Management Journal, 23(1), 29-51.
- Lindkvist, L. (2005). Knowledge communities and knowledge collectivities: A typology of knowledge work in groups. Journal of Management studies, 42(6), 1189-1210.
- Mahamid, I., Bruland, A., & Dmaidi, N. (2012). Causes of delay in road construction projects. Journal of Management in Engineering, 28(3), 300-310.
- Prasad, K., Vasugi, V., Venkatesan, R., & Bhat, N. (2019). Analysis of causes of delay in Indian construction projects and mitigation measures. Journal of Financial Management of Property and Construction.
- Rashidi, K., Shabani, A., & Saen, R. F. (2015). Using data envelopment analysis for estimating energy saving and undesirable output abatement: a case study in the Organization for Economic Co-Operation and Development (OECD) countries. Journal of Cleaner Production, 105, 241-252.
- Reams, R. R., Agrawal, D., Davis, M. B., Yoder, S., Odedina, F. T., Kumar, N., . . . Soliman, K. F. (2009). Microarray comparison of prostate tumor gene expression in African-American and Caucasian American males: a pilot project study. Paper presented at the Infectious agents and cancer.
- Sabzehparvar, M., & Seyed-Hosseini, S. M. (2008). A mathematical model for the multi-mode resource-constrained project scheduling problem with mode dependent time lags. The Journal of Supercomputing, 44(3), 257-273.
- Seyed-Hosseini, S. M., Sabzehparvar, M., & Nouri, S. (2007). A Genetic algorithm and a model for the resource constrained project scheduling problem with multiple crushable modes. International Journal of Industrial Engineering & Production Research, 18(3), 7-18.
- Shabbab Al Hammadi, M. (2016). Study of delay factors in construction projects. International Advanced Research Journal in Science, Engineering and Technology, 3(4), 87-93.
- Shaikh, A., Muree, M., & Soomro, A. (2010). Identification of critical delay factors in construction. Sindh University Research Journal-SURJ (Science Series), 42(2).
- Sharifi, M., Akram, A., Rafiee, S., & Sabzehparvar, M. (2014). Planning and scheduling barley production mechanization project using the PERT network: case study Alborz province. Iranian Journal of Biosystems Engineering, 45(1), 11-22.
- Silvius, A. G., & Schipper, R. P. (2014). Sustainability in project management competencies: analyzing the competence gap of project managers. Journal of Human Resource and Sustainability Studies, 2014.
- Singh, H., & Williams, P. S. (2020). A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge: PMBOK (®) Guide.
- Sonenshein, S. (2010). We’re changing—Or are we? Untangling the role of progressive, regressive, and stability narratives during strategic change implementation. Academy of Management Journal, 53(3), 477-512.
- Sprecher, A., Kolisch, R., & Drexl, A. (1995). Semi-active, active, and non-delay schedules for the resource-constrained project scheduling problem. European Journal of Operational Research, 80(1), 94-102.
- Williams, T. (2003). Assessing extension of time delays on major projects. International Journal of Project Management, 21(1), 19-26.
- Williams, T. M. (2013). Managing and modelling complex projects (Vol. 17): Springer.
- Woodward, R. (2004). The organisation for economic cooperation and development: Global monitor. New Political Economy, 9(1), 113-127.
- Yang, J.-B., & Wei, P.-R. (2010). Causes of delay in the planning and design phases for construction projects. Journal of Architectural Engineering, 16(2), 80-83.
- Zafar, M. W., Saud, S., & Hou, F. (2019). The impact of globalization and financial development on environmental quality: evidence from selected countries in the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 26(13), 13246-13262.
- Zahedi, M., Akhavan, P., & Naghdi Khanachah, S. (2020). Identifying the Key Barriers to Knowledge Management and Lessons Learned in the Project-Based Military Organizations. MILITARY MANAGEMENT QUARTERLY, 19(76), 29-68.
- Zahedi, M. R., & Khanachah, S. N. (2019). The impact of customer assisted knowledge production capacity on customer capital in a knowledge-based center. Annals of Management and Organization Research, 1(2), 107-121.
- Zahedi, M. R., & Khanachah, S. N. (2020). The effect of knowledge management processes on organizational innovation through intellectual capital development in Iranian industrial organizations. Journal of Science and Technology Policy Management.