Application of Meta-SWOT method for tourism development planning of Farsi Island of the Persian Gulf Region

Published: May 15, 2024


Purpose: Tourism is a pivotal force in contemporary economies, shaping macroeconomic facets, such as national income, financial robustness, and employment opportunities. In an era marked by globalization, nations and urban centers aspire to elevate their competitive stance and augment community well-being through strategic blueprints for the tourism sector.

Research Methodology: This research focuses on the evaluation of Persian Gulf tourism's standing vis-à-vis regional rivals while identifying the tourism assets and competencies of Farsi Island and scrutinizing their Value, Rareness, Imitability, and Organization (VRIO) attributes. The meta-SWOT strategic planning methodology is a paramount tool in this context.

Results: The research unfolds in two phases: documentary and bibliographical scrutiny, and comprehensive surveys canvassing insights from ten tourism authorities judiciously chosen through purposive selection. The results shed light on the preeminent sway of macro-level factors, including national macro-management, governmental foreign policy, and international sanctions, as potent determinants of the tourism landscape of Farsi Island.

Limitations: This study required long-term secondary analysis of data from Persian Gulf countries. However, these data have only recently been collected in a few countries; therefore, this study is based on primary data collection.

Contributions: Concurrently, factors such as inadequate budget allocation and marginalization of the tourism sector within the country play pivotal roles in molding the Persian Gulf region's tourism trajectory.

1. Tourism
2. Strategic Planning
3. Meta-SWOT
4. Persian Gulf region
5. Farsi Island
1 . Azita Rajabi
2 . Kamran Jafarpour Ghalehteimouri
How to Cite
Rajabi, A., & Ghalehteimouri, K. J. (2024). Application of Meta-SWOT method for tourism development planning of Farsi Island of the Persian Gulf Region. Journal of Sustainable Tourism and Entrepreneurship, 4(3), 189–204.


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    Ahangaran, J., Bhartiya, S. P., Nadalipour, Z., & Salehi, M. (2022). Determining contributory factors to the competitiveness of Iran’s medical tourism: an importance-performance analysis. International Journal of Travel Medicine and Global Health, 10(1), 32-39.

    Aldeek, Z. A., & Mistarihi, M. Z. (2020). Towards a modern design of undeveloped city using a spatial modelling analysis; a case study of Irbid City in Jordan. International Journal of Sustainable Development and Planning, 15(4), 547-557.

    Amini, A., Jafarinia, G., Gorgin, B., & Ghalehteimouri, K. J. (2022). Evaluating Social Sustainability Through Social And Cultural Barriers. Theoretical and Empirical Researches in Urban Management, 17(1), 62-78.

    Anholt, S. (2015). Competitive Identity: The new brand management for nations, cities and regions. np: Basingstoke. Hampshire [ua], ECONIS, EBSCOhost, viewed, 21.

    Badri, S. A., Rezvani, M. R., Torabi, Z., & Malekan, A. (2015). META- SWOT: Strategic Tools for Sustainable Tourism Planning {Case Study: Meyghan Village). Tourism Planning & Development, 4(13), 29-50.

    Bloomberg, L. D. (2022). Completing your qualitative dissertation: A road map from beginning to end.

    Borkowski, N., & Meese, K. A. (2020). Organizational behavior in health care: Jones & Bartlett Learning.

    Buckley, P. J. (2022). Navigating three vectors of power: Global strategy in a world of intense competition, aggressive nation states, and antagonistic civil society. Global Strategy Journal, 12(3), 543-554.

    Budianto, R., Praptapa, A., Herwiyanti, E., Puji, P., Suyono, E., & Rusmana, O. (2022). Technological innovation in Small and Medium Enterprises: A bibliometric analysis. Journal of Sustainable Tourism and Entrepreneurship, 3(4), 271-285.

    Cantonati, M., Poikane, S., Pringle, C. M., Stevens, L. E., Turak, E., Heino, J., . . . Cid, N. (2020). Characteristics, main impacts, and stewardship of natural and artificial freshwater environments: consequences for biodiversity conservation. Water, 12(1), 260.

    Chok, S., Macbeth, J., & Warren, C. (2007). Tourism as a tool for poverty alleviation: A critical analysis of ‘pro-poor tourism’and implications for sustainability. Current Issues in Tourism, 10(2-3), 144-165.

    Cusi, A., Ferri, A., Micozzi, A., & Palazzo, M. (2023). From SWOT, a bidimensional diagnostic tool, to a new 3D strategic model. The TQM Journal.

    Eskandarian, I., Ghalehteimouri, K. J., & Das, S. A. (2012). Role and Position or Multidimensional Planning in Developing Tourism and Ecotourism: Case Study of Mahdishahr and Shahmirzad Semnan Province, IRAN. South Asian Journal of Tourism and Heritage, 5(1).

    Farmaki, A. (2024). Media, animosity and peace through tourism A Research Agenda for Peace and Tourism (pp. 35-47): Edward Elgar Publishing.

    Fragidis, G., Riskos, K., & Kotzaivazoglou, I. (2022). Designing the tourist journey for the advancement of sustainable tourist practices. Sustainability, 14(15), 9778.

    Ghalehteimouri, K. J., Mousavi, M., Hekmatnia, H., & Kashkouli, A. B. (2020). Providing a comprehensive model of inter-sectoral coordination with the express purpose of the creative city realization: Case study of Yazd city. UXUC-User Experience and Urban Creativity, 2(2), 22-41.

    Hall, A. J., Manning, F., & Goodwin, V. A. (2023). Physical rehabilitation for people with advanced dementia who fracture their hip–expert consensus process. Disability and Rehabilitation, 1-7.

    Heydari, R., Keshtidar, M., Azimzadeh, S. M., Talebpour, M., & Ramkissoon, H. (2021). Identifying and leveling the effective factors on the development of heritage sports tourism based on interpretive structural modeling approach (ISM). Sport Sciences and Health Research, 13(1), 1-19.

    Hosseini, S. M., Paydar, M. M., & Hajiaghaei-Keshteli, M. (2021). Recovery solutions for ecotourism centers during the Covid-19 pandemic: Utilizing Fuzzy DEMATEL and Fuzzy VIKOR methods. Expert Systems with Applications, 185, 115594.

    Jakob, M. (2022). Globalization and climate change: State of knowledge, emerging issues, and policy implications. Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Climate Change, 13(4), e771.

    Janparvar, M., Ghalehteimouri, K. J., Mazandrani, D., & Mousavi, M. (2022). Investigating impact of weaknesses and strengtheners local and national factors in border cities' development: Case of study Javanrood city, Iran.

    Javdan, M., Ghalehteimouri, K. J., Ghasemi, M., & Riazi, A. (2023). A novel framework for social life cycle assessment to achieve sustainable cultural tourism destinations. Turyzm/Tourism, 33(2), 7-18.

    Junior, O. C., & Birolo, A. B. (2021). Evaluation of Giant and Neotropical Otter as environmental assets in Conservation Tourism based on emergy analysis. Journal of Sustainable Tourism and Entrepreneurship, 2(4), 253-265.

    Kennedy, P. S. J., Tobing, S. J. L., & Toruan, R. L. (2022). Marketing strategy with marketing mix for Lake Toba tourism destination. Journal of Sustainable Tourism and Entrepreneurship (JoSTE), 3(3), 157-174.

    Makooi, M., Mousavi, M., & Javan, K. (2022). Analysis and Assessing the regional competitiveness in tourism development planning (Case study: Jolfa). Human Geography Research, 54(3), 1125-1142.

    Mohamed, G. A., Alakhras, H. A., Khalil, R. A., & Mohamed, M. A. (2021). Role of Tourism Advertising Campaigns in Improving Destination Image. Journal of Sustainable Tourism and Entrepreneurship, 3(1), 75-88.

    Molan, A. S., Farhadi, E., Saganeiti, L., & Murgante, B. (2021). Border tourism development strategies in Kaleybar compared to regional rivals. Sustainability, 13(20), 11400.

    Mousavi, M. N., Ghalehteimouri, K. J., Sotoudeh, N. Z., & Fahliani, M. R. A. (2023). Identify Appropriate Variables Through Scenario Planning Perspective for Creative Tourism in Iran. Studia Universitatis Babe?-Bolyai Geographia, 5-35.

    Mousavi, M. N., Ghalehteimouri, K. J., & Zadeh, R. H. (2024). Investigating the effective indicators on the realization of good governance in border cities: A case study of Paveh, Iran. Journal of Geography and Cartography, 6(2), 2960.

    Movahed, A., & Ghalehteimouri, K. J. (2019). The importance of the concept and meaning of place in tourism geography. Journal of Tourism, Hospitality and Environment Management, 4(16), 01-09.

    Movahed, A., & Ghalehteimouri, K. J. (2020). An empirical investigation on tourism attractive destinations and spatial behavioral tourist pattern analysis in Tehran. Asian J Geographical Research, 18-27.

    Mullally, G., Revez, A., Harris, C., Dunphy, N., Rogan, F., Byrne, E. P., . . . O'Dwyer, B. (2022). A roadmap for local deliberative engagements on transitions to net zero carbon and climate resilience.

    Murphy, P. (2013). Tourism: A community approach (RLE Tourism): Routledge.

    Nadia, N., Syaharuddin, S., Jumriani, J., Putra, M. A. H., & Rusmaniah, R. (2023). Identification of The Process for Establishing Tourism Awareness Group (Pokdarwis) Kampung Banjar Kajian-Kajian Lokal Kalimantan Selatan (Vol. 103).

    Niavand, A., Salarzehi, H., & Tash, M. N. S. (2014). A Study of strategic role of Chabahar free zone on tourism industry development using SWOT model in Iran. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 4(2), 202.

    Ottenbacher, M., Harrington, R., & Parsa, H. (2009). Defining the hospitality discipline: a discussion of pedagogical and research implications. Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Research, 33(3), 263-283.

    Paasi, A. (2013). Regional planning and the mobilization of ‘regional identity’: From bounded spaces to relational complexity. Regional studies, 47(8), 1206-1219.

    Prayitno, G., Auliah, A., Ari, I. R. D., Effendi, A., Hayat, A., Delisa, A., . . . Hiddlestone-Mumford, J. (2024). Social capital for sustainable tourism development in Indonesia. Cogent Social Sciences, 10(1), 2293310.

    Qwatekana, Z., & Tshikovhi, N. (2024). Tourism Under Siege: Impact of Climate Change on the Global South Tourism Sector Future Tourism Trends Volume 1 (pp. 19-31): Emerald Publishing Limited.

    Rogerson, C. M. (2013). Urban tourism, economic regeneration and inclusion: Evidence from South Africa. Local Economy, 28(2), 188-202.

    Safarabadi, A., Majidi Dehshykh, H., Zangiabadi, A., & Shahzeidi, S. (2016). Development of Urban Tourism with an Emphasis on the Role of Border Markets (Case Study: Paveh Border Market). Journal of Tourism planning and Development, 5(16), 95-126.

    Saghaei, M., Gankhaki, A., & Fadaei Jozzi, F. (2021). Strategic planning of coastal tourism based on environment sustainability (case study: Coastal Cities of Boushehr province). Regional Planning, 11(43), 124-139.

    Salamzadeh, A., Ebrahimi, P., Soleimani, M., & Fekete-Farkas, M. (2021). An AHP approach to identify the barriers of sustainable geotourism development in Iran: an economic view. Geoheritage, 13(3), 65.

    Sang, R., Alexander, W. R. J., & Anwar, S. (2023). Policy Drivers of Inter-Regional Investment in China. Economies, 11(5), 150.

    Seyfi, S., & Hall, C. M. (2019). Tourism, sanctions and boycotts: Routledge.

    Shahraki, A. A. (2022). Tourism development techniques in the urban master plan. Cogent Business & Management, 9(1), 2042977.

    Shamaei, A., & Jafarpour Ghalehteimouri, K. (2024). Evaluating the impact of Zanjan city’s economic drivers on the quality of life in peri-urban villages: a case study of Do Asb and Payin Kouh villages. Frontiers of Urban and Rural Planning, 2(1), 1-15.

    Taherkhani, M., & Farahani, H. (2019). Evaluating and prioritizing urban tourism capabilities in Qazvin. Journal of Tourism Hospitality Research, 6(3), 71-85.

    Taylor, P. (2015). What factors make rail trails successful as tourism attractions? Developing a conceptual framework from relevant literature. Journal of outdoor recreation and tourism, 12, 89-98.

    Wanzenboeck, I., Scherngell, T., & Brenner, T. (2014). Embeddedness of regions in European knowledge networks: a comparative analysis of inter-regional R&D collaborations, co-patents and co-publications. The Annals of Regional Science, 53, 337-368.

    Zaei, M. E., & Zaei, M. E. (2013). The impacts of tourism industry on host community. European journal of tourism hospitality and research, 1(2), 12-21.

    Zali, N., & Zamanipoor, M. (2015). Systematic analysis of strategic variables of regional development in scenario-based planning (Case: Mazandaran Province). Town and Country Planning, 7(1), 1-28.

    Zimmerbauer, K. (2011). From image to identity: building regions by place promotion. European planning studies, 19(2), 243-260.

  1. Ahangaran, J., Bhartiya, S. P., Nadalipour, Z., & Salehi, M. (2022). Determining contributory factors to the competitiveness of Iran’s medical tourism: an importance-performance analysis. International Journal of Travel Medicine and Global Health, 10(1), 32-39.
  2. Aldeek, Z. A., & Mistarihi, M. Z. (2020). Towards a modern design of undeveloped city using a spatial modelling analysis; a case study of Irbid City in Jordan. International Journal of Sustainable Development and Planning, 15(4), 547-557.
  3. Amini, A., Jafarinia, G., Gorgin, B., & Ghalehteimouri, K. J. (2022). Evaluating Social Sustainability Through Social And Cultural Barriers. Theoretical and Empirical Researches in Urban Management, 17(1), 62-78.
  4. Anholt, S. (2015). Competitive Identity: The new brand management for nations, cities and regions. np: Basingstoke. Hampshire [ua], ECONIS, EBSCOhost, viewed, 21.
  5. Badri, S. A., Rezvani, M. R., Torabi, Z., & Malekan, A. (2015). META- SWOT: Strategic Tools for Sustainable Tourism Planning {Case Study: Meyghan Village). Tourism Planning & Development, 4(13), 29-50.
  6. Bloomberg, L. D. (2022). Completing your qualitative dissertation: A road map from beginning to end.
  7. Borkowski, N., & Meese, K. A. (2020). Organizational behavior in health care: Jones & Bartlett Learning.
  8. Buckley, P. J. (2022). Navigating three vectors of power: Global strategy in a world of intense competition, aggressive nation states, and antagonistic civil society. Global Strategy Journal, 12(3), 543-554.
  9. Budianto, R., Praptapa, A., Herwiyanti, E., Puji, P., Suyono, E., & Rusmana, O. (2022). Technological innovation in Small and Medium Enterprises: A bibliometric analysis. Journal of Sustainable Tourism and Entrepreneurship, 3(4), 271-285.
  10. Cantonati, M., Poikane, S., Pringle, C. M., Stevens, L. E., Turak, E., Heino, J., . . . Cid, N. (2020). Characteristics, main impacts, and stewardship of natural and artificial freshwater environments: consequences for biodiversity conservation. Water, 12(1), 260.
  11. Chok, S., Macbeth, J., & Warren, C. (2007). Tourism as a tool for poverty alleviation: A critical analysis of ‘pro-poor tourism’and implications for sustainability. Current Issues in Tourism, 10(2-3), 144-165.
  12. Cusi, A., Ferri, A., Micozzi, A., & Palazzo, M. (2023). From SWOT, a bidimensional diagnostic tool, to a new 3D strategic model. The TQM Journal.
  13. Eskandarian, I., Ghalehteimouri, K. J., & Das, S. A. (2012). Role and Position or Multidimensional Planning in Developing Tourism and Ecotourism: Case Study of Mahdishahr and Shahmirzad Semnan Province, IRAN. South Asian Journal of Tourism and Heritage, 5(1).
  14. Farmaki, A. (2024). Media, animosity and peace through tourism A Research Agenda for Peace and Tourism (pp. 35-47): Edward Elgar Publishing.
  15. Fragidis, G., Riskos, K., & Kotzaivazoglou, I. (2022). Designing the tourist journey for the advancement of sustainable tourist practices. Sustainability, 14(15), 9778.
  16. Ghalehteimouri, K. J., Mousavi, M., Hekmatnia, H., & Kashkouli, A. B. (2020). Providing a comprehensive model of inter-sectoral coordination with the express purpose of the creative city realization: Case study of Yazd city. UXUC-User Experience and Urban Creativity, 2(2), 22-41.
  17. Hall, A. J., Manning, F., & Goodwin, V. A. (2023). Physical rehabilitation for people with advanced dementia who fracture their hip–expert consensus process. Disability and Rehabilitation, 1-7.
  18. Heydari, R., Keshtidar, M., Azimzadeh, S. M., Talebpour, M., & Ramkissoon, H. (2021). Identifying and leveling the effective factors on the development of heritage sports tourism based on interpretive structural modeling approach (ISM). Sport Sciences and Health Research, 13(1), 1-19.
  19. Hosseini, S. M., Paydar, M. M., & Hajiaghaei-Keshteli, M. (2021). Recovery solutions for ecotourism centers during the Covid-19 pandemic: Utilizing Fuzzy DEMATEL and Fuzzy VIKOR methods. Expert Systems with Applications, 185, 115594.
  20. Jakob, M. (2022). Globalization and climate change: State of knowledge, emerging issues, and policy implications. Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Climate Change, 13(4), e771.
  21. Janparvar, M., Ghalehteimouri, K. J., Mazandrani, D., & Mousavi, M. (2022). Investigating impact of weaknesses and strengtheners local and national factors in border cities' development: Case of study Javanrood city, Iran.
  22. Javdan, M., Ghalehteimouri, K. J., Ghasemi, M., & Riazi, A. (2023). A novel framework for social life cycle assessment to achieve sustainable cultural tourism destinations. Turyzm/Tourism, 33(2), 7-18.
  23. Junior, O. C., & Birolo, A. B. (2021). Evaluation of Giant and Neotropical Otter as environmental assets in Conservation Tourism based on emergy analysis. Journal of Sustainable Tourism and Entrepreneurship, 2(4), 253-265.
  24. Kennedy, P. S. J., Tobing, S. J. L., & Toruan, R. L. (2022). Marketing strategy with marketing mix for Lake Toba tourism destination. Journal of Sustainable Tourism and Entrepreneurship (JoSTE), 3(3), 157-174.
  25. Makooi, M., Mousavi, M., & Javan, K. (2022). Analysis and Assessing the regional competitiveness in tourism development planning (Case study: Jolfa). Human Geography Research, 54(3), 1125-1142.
  26. Mohamed, G. A., Alakhras, H. A., Khalil, R. A., & Mohamed, M. A. (2021). Role of Tourism Advertising Campaigns in Improving Destination Image. Journal of Sustainable Tourism and Entrepreneurship, 3(1), 75-88.
  27. Molan, A. S., Farhadi, E., Saganeiti, L., & Murgante, B. (2021). Border tourism development strategies in Kaleybar compared to regional rivals. Sustainability, 13(20), 11400.
  28. Mousavi, M. N., Ghalehteimouri, K. J., Sotoudeh, N. Z., & Fahliani, M. R. A. (2023). Identify Appropriate Variables Through Scenario Planning Perspective for Creative Tourism in Iran. Studia Universitatis Babe?-Bolyai Geographia, 5-35.
  29. Mousavi, M. N., Ghalehteimouri, K. J., & Zadeh, R. H. (2024). Investigating the effective indicators on the realization of good governance in border cities: A case study of Paveh, Iran. Journal of Geography and Cartography, 6(2), 2960.
  30. Movahed, A., & Ghalehteimouri, K. J. (2019). The importance of the concept and meaning of place in tourism geography. Journal of Tourism, Hospitality and Environment Management, 4(16), 01-09.
  31. Movahed, A., & Ghalehteimouri, K. J. (2020). An empirical investigation on tourism attractive destinations and spatial behavioral tourist pattern analysis in Tehran. Asian J Geographical Research, 18-27.
  32. Mullally, G., Revez, A., Harris, C., Dunphy, N., Rogan, F., Byrne, E. P., . . . O'Dwyer, B. (2022). A roadmap for local deliberative engagements on transitions to net zero carbon and climate resilience.
  33. Murphy, P. (2013). Tourism: A community approach (RLE Tourism): Routledge.
  34. Nadia, N., Syaharuddin, S., Jumriani, J., Putra, M. A. H., & Rusmaniah, R. (2023). Identification of The Process for Establishing Tourism Awareness Group (Pokdarwis) Kampung Banjar Kajian-Kajian Lokal Kalimantan Selatan (Vol. 103).
  35. Niavand, A., Salarzehi, H., & Tash, M. N. S. (2014). A Study of strategic role of Chabahar free zone on tourism industry development using SWOT model in Iran. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 4(2), 202.
  36. Ottenbacher, M., Harrington, R., & Parsa, H. (2009). Defining the hospitality discipline: a discussion of pedagogical and research implications. Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Research, 33(3), 263-283.
  37. Paasi, A. (2013). Regional planning and the mobilization of ‘regional identity’: From bounded spaces to relational complexity. Regional studies, 47(8), 1206-1219.
  38. Prayitno, G., Auliah, A., Ari, I. R. D., Effendi, A., Hayat, A., Delisa, A., . . . Hiddlestone-Mumford, J. (2024). Social capital for sustainable tourism development in Indonesia. Cogent Social Sciences, 10(1), 2293310.
  39. Qwatekana, Z., & Tshikovhi, N. (2024). Tourism Under Siege: Impact of Climate Change on the Global South Tourism Sector Future Tourism Trends Volume 1 (pp. 19-31): Emerald Publishing Limited.
  40. Rogerson, C. M. (2013). Urban tourism, economic regeneration and inclusion: Evidence from South Africa. Local Economy, 28(2), 188-202.
  41. Safarabadi, A., Majidi Dehshykh, H., Zangiabadi, A., & Shahzeidi, S. (2016). Development of Urban Tourism with an Emphasis on the Role of Border Markets (Case Study: Paveh Border Market). Journal of Tourism planning and Development, 5(16), 95-126.
  42. Saghaei, M., Gankhaki, A., & Fadaei Jozzi, F. (2021). Strategic planning of coastal tourism based on environment sustainability (case study: Coastal Cities of Boushehr province). Regional Planning, 11(43), 124-139.
  43. Salamzadeh, A., Ebrahimi, P., Soleimani, M., & Fekete-Farkas, M. (2021). An AHP approach to identify the barriers of sustainable geotourism development in Iran: an economic view. Geoheritage, 13(3), 65.
  44. Sang, R., Alexander, W. R. J., & Anwar, S. (2023). Policy Drivers of Inter-Regional Investment in China. Economies, 11(5), 150.
  45. Seyfi, S., & Hall, C. M. (2019). Tourism, sanctions and boycotts: Routledge.
  46. Shahraki, A. A. (2022). Tourism development techniques in the urban master plan. Cogent Business & Management, 9(1), 2042977.
  47. Shamaei, A., & Jafarpour Ghalehteimouri, K. (2024). Evaluating the impact of Zanjan city’s economic drivers on the quality of life in peri-urban villages: a case study of Do Asb and Payin Kouh villages. Frontiers of Urban and Rural Planning, 2(1), 1-15.
  48. Taherkhani, M., & Farahani, H. (2019). Evaluating and prioritizing urban tourism capabilities in Qazvin. Journal of Tourism Hospitality Research, 6(3), 71-85.
  49. Taylor, P. (2015). What factors make rail trails successful as tourism attractions? Developing a conceptual framework from relevant literature. Journal of outdoor recreation and tourism, 12, 89-98.
  50. Wanzenboeck, I., Scherngell, T., & Brenner, T. (2014). Embeddedness of regions in European knowledge networks: a comparative analysis of inter-regional R&D collaborations, co-patents and co-publications. The Annals of Regional Science, 53, 337-368.
  51. Zaei, M. E., & Zaei, M. E. (2013). The impacts of tourism industry on host community. European journal of tourism hospitality and research, 1(2), 12-21.
  52. Zali, N., & Zamanipoor, M. (2015). Systematic analysis of strategic variables of regional development in scenario-based planning (Case: Mazandaran Province). Town and Country Planning, 7(1), 1-28.
  53. Zimmerbauer, K. (2011). From image to identity: building regions by place promotion. European planning studies, 19(2), 243-260.