Journal of Multidisciplinary Academic and Practice Studies

Journal of Multidisciplinary Academic and Practice Studies Published by Goodwood Publishing, Journal of Multidisciplinary Academic and Practice Studies is an international peer-reviewed and scholarly journal promoting high-quality multidisciplinary research on social, humanity, economics, business, technology, and education. Journal of Multidisciplinary Academic and Practice Studies welcomes submissions of scientifically-developed research manuscripts aiming to provide solutions and innovation both scientifically and practically in every aspect of life.

Current Issue

Journal of Multidisciplinary Academic and Practice Studies Published by Goodwood Publishing, Journal of Multidisciplinary Academic and Practice Studies is an international peer-reviewed and scholarly journal promoting high-quality multidisciplinary research on social, humanity, economics, business, technology, and education. Journal of Multidisciplinary Academic and Practice Studies welcomes submissions of scientifically-developed research manuscripts aiming to provide solutions and innovation both scientifically and practically in every aspect of life.



The role of teacher health and work environment on teacher certification through leader image

Purpose: The purpose of the study was to develop a new model on factors that directly or indirectly influence teacher certification. Research methodology: The research method used quantitative methods by distributing questionnaires be analyzed using the SEM PLS statistical tool. The study population was 388 ASN teachers who had been certified with a sampling of 80 respondents. The results and discussions were processed using the structural equation model (SEM/PLS) tool. Results: The results of the study include: 1) There is no influence of teacher health on certification. 2) There is a significant influence of the influence of the work environment on teacher certification. 3) There is no influence of teacher health on the image of the leader. 4) There is a significant influence of the work environment on the image of the leader. 5) There is a significant influence of the image of the leader on teacher certification. 6) There is a significant indirect influence of the influence of teacher health on teacher certification through the image of the leader. 7) There is a significant indirect influence of the work environment on teacher certification through the image of the leader. Limitations: Limitations. This research only uses a small sample of certified teachers in the city of Serang, so it does not reflect the completeness of the respondents' perceptions Contributions: The contribution. This research used to support the number of certified teachers, it is necessary to pay attention to the work environment and the image of the leader.