Annals of Management and Organization Research

Issued by Goodwood Publishing, the Annals of Management and Organization Research (AMOR) is an international, peer-reviewed, and scholarly journal that publishes high-quality research articles covering qualitative and quantitative research discussing interesting and contemporary topics on all areas of management and organization sciences. AMOR is aimed at providing academic media for researchers, academicians and practitioners to express their innovative ideas in developing theories and practice of management and organization.

Issued by Goodwood Publishing, the Annals of Management and Organization Research (AMOR) is an international, peer-reviewed, and scholarly journal that publishes high-quality research articles covering qualitative and quantitative research discussing interesting and contemporary topics on all areas of management and organization sciences. AMOR is aimed at providing academic media for researchers, academicians and practitioners to express their innovative ideas in developing theories and practice of management and organization.



The effect of financial behavior, financial literacy, and macroeconomics on stock investment decision-making in East Nusa Tenggara

Purpose: This study discusses the influence of financial behavior, financial literacy, and macroeconomics on stock investment decision-making in East Nusa Tenggara. Research Methodology: This research is associative research with a quantitative approach. Distributing questionnaires to 225 investors who were used as research samples collected research data. The data obtained were analyzed by multiple linear regression analysis. Results: Partially or simultaneously independent variables affect the dependent variable in the form of investment decisions positively and significantly. Only financial literacy does not have a significant influence on investment decisions Limitations: This research was conducted during the Covid-19 pandemic, where everything that was done in this research was done without meeting directly with the informants. In addition, the variables studied in this study are dynamic and complex in which the results and thoughts can change at any time according to existing conditions. Contribution: This research becomes scientific information about investor behavior in making investment decisions specifically in the East Nusa Tenggara region.

Antecedents for Creating Loyal Relationship with Retailers: A Study on the Pharmaceutical Industry of Bangladesh

Purpose: The study looked at a variety of factors that go into building a loyal relationship between a company and its retailers in Bangladesh's pharmaceutical industry. Research methodology: Ten (10) hypotheses were established based on the literature review. Furthermore, the convenience sampling technique was used to choose the samples. Data were collected from 50 different retailers. In addition, the loyalty-building aspects were assessed using the questionnaire established through an exploratory study. The data were analyzed with SPSS 22.0with the aid of Microsoft excel. Results: Nine out of ten variables were favorably connected with creating a loyal relationship with pharmaceutical retailers, according to the findings of the study. Limitations: This study focused only on Dhaka and Cumilla cities of Bangladesh. Contribution: The conclusion of the study is crucial and the outcome will have a long-term impact on how pharmaceutical companies use various types of tactics in loyalty-building programs with retailers.

Effect of recruitment and selection practices on organisational strategic goals

Purpose: This study aimed at examining how recruitment and selection practices influence organisational strategic goals. Research methodology: A descriptive case study design was employed. Data was collected from 311 employees of Nestle Water Company who were randomly selected. Results: The study showed that screening affects profitability and market share positively though the effects were insignificant. The selection test on the other hand affects profitability both positively and significantly. There was however a positive insignificant relationship between the selection test and market share. Lastly, the study showed that there exists a positive significant relationship between e-recruitment and profitability; as well as e-recruitment and market share of Nestle water company. Limitations: This study focused on just four recruitment and selection tools as well as employees of Nestle water company. Contribution: The general assertion of scholars that screening, selection tests, e-recruitment, and employee referral have the capacity to stimulate an increase in the profitability and market share of an organisation was confirmed. It is recommended that future studies consider other recruitment and selection tools which were not considered in this study.

Investigating the relationship between knowledge management and social capital

Purpose: The purpose of this study is to establish the relationship between knowledge management and social capital in education from the perspective of human resource managers of Tehran industrial companies. Research methodology: A knowledge management questionnaire and social capital questionnaire were used to collect data. The reliability of the questionnaires was 0.909 and 0.912 by Cronbach's alpha method, respectively. Kolmogorov-Smirnov tests, regression, and Pearson coefficient were used to analyse the data. Results: The results show that there is a significant relationship between social trust and knowledge management, also there is a significant relationship between networks and knowledge management; In addition to the above, it was shown that there is a significant relationship between cooperation and knowledge management and between relationships and knowledge management. Limitations: The practical and usable environment for the results of this study is the educational environment. Contribution: Our research can be very useful for researchers in this field due to the accuracy we had in doing the work and using its results in the educational environment and industrial companies.

An Exploration of the Viability of Forensic Accounting Techniques in Combating Financial Statement Fraud in Nigerian Organizations

Purpose: This study explored the viability of forensic accounting techniques in combating financial statement fraud in Nigerian organizations. The study specifically examined the relationship between forensic accounting techniques and fraud deterrence; and, the viability of forensic accounting techniques to enforce corporate policies and procedures. Research methodology: The study adopts the survey research design. The sampling frame comprised accounting lecturers and chartered accountants in two geographical locations of Anambra State. The study utilized non-probability sampling to mitigate non-response bias and to select knowledgeable respondents. The final retrieved questionnaires were fifty. The primary data were analyzed using Pearson correlation analysis. Results: The Pearson correlation results showed a positive association between forensic accounting techniques (FAT) and fraud deterrence. Secondly, there is a positive association between forensic accounting techniques and the enforcement of corporate policies. Limitations: The main limitation was the small sample size from the retrieved questionnaires future studies can therefore widen the sampling frame and explore other sectors. The study also spanned one of the South-eastern States limiting generalizability. Contribution: The study contributes to the literature in the context of developing countries, on the continuing viability of forensic accounting techniques (FAT) in detecting financial statement fraud in its various multifarious forms in such countries with weak institutional environments compared to developed countries. The study also adds to the literature on the viability of forensic accountants in enforcing corporate policies and procedures which is useful in an organizational research context.

Going Green: How Consumption Values Lead to Green Consumption Behavior in Z Generation

Purpose: Consumption of plastic, especially single-use ones, is seen today as one of the leading environmental problems since it is used for a very short time and takes hundreds of years to decompose. At the same time, there has been a growing awareness to consume environmentally friendly products and minimize the use of plastic. Similar research has been conducted but in a limited amount in the Z generation context. This study aimed to identify the correlation between green consumption values and green consumption behavior in the Z generation. Research methodology: The variables in this study were measured using the GREEN scale and the ECCB scale. The collected data was analyzed by using correlational methods. The two-stage cluster-random sampling technique was used, and 202 respondents participated in this study. Results: The results showed that there is a significant positive correlation between green consumption value and green consumption behavior at a moderate level. Five indicators of green consumption behavior correlate to green consumption value (recycled products, biodegradability, driving habits/oil dependency, consumer purchase, and reduction in electricity). Limitations: Limitations related to this study were also discussed as its opportunity for further research. Contribution: These findings will empower people to understand how our value will create green consumption behavior, and it will derive following sustainable buying behavior.