Journal of Social, Humanity, and Education

Issued by Goodwood Publishing, the Journal of Social, Humanity, and Education (JSHE) is a peer-reviewed, open access scholarly journal publishing high-quality manuscripts in forms of original research articles, review articles, book reviews, case reports, and discussions to answer important and interesting questions, develop or test theory, replicate prior studies, explore interesting phenomena, review and synthesize existing research and provide new perspectives aimed at stimulating future theory development and empirical research related to social sciences, humanities, communication, language, literature, political science, and education.

Issued by Goodwood Publishing, the Journal of Social, Humanity, and Education (JSHE) is a peer-reviewed, open access scholarly journal publishing high-quality manuscripts in forms of original research articles, review articles, book reviews, case reports, and discussions to answer important and interesting questions, develop or test theory, replicate prior studies, explore interesting phenomena, review and synthesize existing research and provide new perspectives aimed at stimulating future theory development and empirical research related to social sciences, humanities, communication, language, literature, political science, and education.



Public perception, practices, and readiness for post Covid-19 lifestyle in Ikolaba Community, Ibadan

Purpose: Besides medical researches that are focused on getting a vaccine, research on the social, economic and cultural implications of the Covid-19 virus are being done. No research has been done to assess the knowledge and practices of the people within a community of a known case of coronavirus in Ibadan metropolis, Nigeria. Therefore, this study assesses the public perception, practices of Covid-19 protocols and readiness for post lockdown. Research methodology: Research design was survey and the method used was interview. 22 respondents participated in the study. Results: The findings indicated that the public perceived the disease as a contagion and a killer. In addition, some did not observe the preventive measures while majority seem cautious. It is recommended that awareness and enlightenment should be intensified especially within the local communities by mobilizing heads of community to commence town halls campaigns. Limitation: Finance was a major limitation because residents wanted to be compensated before participation. Contribution: The implication of this study is that government efforts are impacting the public but more work is needed in the area of educating the public. Keywords: Attitude, Coronavirus, Obstacles, Perception, Readiness

The influence of principal performance on teachers’ pedagogical competence

Purpose: The principal's job is very essential and governs the equal of student learning consequences. Principal performances are also in line with teachers' output and self-esteem. In this case, it can be said that the principal's working area creates a feeling of comfort for teachers. The principal performances create the feeling at home in encouraging teachers and employees to work in harmony with the rules and programs that have been delineated so that work output becomes great and pupil learning outcomes also upsurge. One of the teachers’ productivity can be seen from the teachers’ pedagogical proficiency. Pedagogical proficiency is a talent for understanding students and management of educational and dialogical learning. This study targets to determine in what way the impact of the principal’s performance on teachers’ pedagogical competence. Research Methodology: The method used is the method of search and review. The review process starts with the search engine, Google scholar and reviewing related articles about principal performance and teachers’ pedagogical competence. Results: The results from 22 reviewed articles are that the role of the principal’s performance is very influential in affecting the teacher's pedagogical competence. Limitations: Since this study includes many cases, further research could include performing to analyze how principal performance could affect teacher pedagogical competence. Contribution: This study can be useful in Faculty of Teacher Training and Education Lampung University and secondary education level Keywords: Principal performance, Teacher pedagogical competence, Responsibility

Impetus of urban horticulture on open spaces: case of Mutare City

Purpose: To understand the impetus of urban horticulture in the Mutare city with explicit motivation on low density areas. Research methodology: The investigation was quantitative in nature, and used a random sample of urban farmers in Mutare city low density areas. The Statistical Package for Social Scientist (SPSS Version 23) was used to analyse data from the questionnaires. Results: The results reveal that Mutare urban agricultural activities are driven by the need for food self-sufficient, income generation and utilisation of urban open spaces. Limitations: The research had limitations on the sample size and also needed to factor in other multiple response questions. Contributions: The findings are useful to urbanites, urban planners, developmental agents and authorities in the development of urban agriculture. Keywords: Urban horticulture, Urban agriculture, Mutare, Impetus, Food security

The effect of budgetary participation on managerial performance: internal control and organizational commitments as intervening variables

Purpose: This study aims to examine the effect of budgetary participation on managerial performance with internal control and organizational commitment as an intervening variable, in a state-owned plantation company, namely PT Perkebunan Nusantara VII. Research methodology: Using a questionnaire survey study for 100 respondents involved in the budgeting process at PT Perkebunan Nusantara VII, this study analyzed the data using SEM PLS, SmartPLS 3.2 software. Results: The results show that budgetary participation has a positive effect on managerial performance directly. Meanwhile, internal control is an intervening variable into the  relationship between budgeting participation and managerial performance. On the contrary, organizational commitment is not proven as an intervening variable into the relationship between budgeting participation and managerial performance. Limitations: This study contributes to the management accounting literature and provides an overview of the effectiveness of regulations, policies and work programs that have been made by companies in improving managerial performance, particularly those relating to budgeting, internal control, and organizational commitment. Contribution: The study attempts to offer new insights on the influence of budgeting participation, internal control and organizational commitment, and other variables in improving managerial performance in state-owned plantation companies. Keywords: Budgeting participation, Managerial performance, Internal control, Organizational commitment

Religiosity and Muslims’ intention to visit homestays: the mediating role of attitude

Purpose: This study aims to examine the influence of religiosity and attitude on the Malaysian Muslims’ intention to visit homestays in Sabah. Also, attitude is tested as a mediator in the hypothesized relationship. Research Methodology: A quantitative cross-sectional approach was applied to gather data from a sample of 251 Malaysian Muslims, and a convenience sampling method is employed to collect data for the study. Data collected were analysed using SmartPLS software. Results: The findings indicate that religiosity and attitude significantly influence the Malaysian Muslims’ intention to visit homestays in Sabah. Additionally, the relationship between religiosity and the Muslims’ intention to visit the homestays are mediated by attitude. Limitations: The scope of the study is limited to Malaysian Muslims’ intention to visit homestays in Sabah only. Contribution: The study provides empirical evidence for the individual factor that attitude significantly mediated the linkage between Muslim’s religiosity and their intention to visit homestays. As for practical implication, the study’s findings should instigate the improving and enhancing of the homestays’ services in Malaysia according to the Islamic principles in the future. Keywords: Muslims, Intention, Attitude, Religiosity, Homestay visit

Appraisal of harmful traditional practices in Nigeria: magnitude, justifications and interventions

Purpose: The study did an appraisal of harmful traditional practices (HTPs) in Nigeria despite global, regional, national laws, policies and programmes, women and girl-children are still being subjected to dehumanising treatments. Research methodology: Systematic search in literature, personal experiences, archival materials, and oral interviews were used in data collection, while thematic analysis was used to interpret oral confessions carried out on thirty-six (36) elderly persons who were purposively selected. Results: There is high prevalence of HTPs across the Nigeria which the cultural and secular laws are silent about. It was discovered that many children (underage 10-15years of age) in Hausa/Fulani lands are prone to marriage by adoption, force or early marriage of girls between, while in the Eastern part, the is high magnitude of child hustling, outrageous dowry payment, separatist theory as practiced in Osu caste system, servitude (Maid) etc, and in the West are practices of scarification, wife battery, polygamy. They rely on socio-cultural, psycho-sexual, spiritual and aesthetic justifications. The study recommends action-related studies followed by proper education interventions. Limitations: The study covered HTPs across Nigeria with 36 participants. Further studies should concentrate on tribe or region basis with larger participants. Contribution: This study did an appraisal of harmful traditional practices in Nigeria; magnitude, justifications and interventions Keywords: Harmful Traditional Practices, Traditions, Magnitude, Justification