Annals of Management and Organization Research

Issued by Goodwood Publishing, the Annals of Management and Organization Research (AMOR) is an international, peer-reviewed, and scholarly journal that publishes high-quality research articles covering qualitative and quantitative research discussing interesting and contemporary topics on all areas of management and organization sciences. AMOR is aimed at providing academic media for researchers, academicians and practitioners to express their innovative ideas in developing theories and practice of management and organization.

Issued by Goodwood Publishing, the Annals of Management and Organization Research (AMOR) is an international, peer-reviewed, and scholarly journal that publishes high-quality research articles covering qualitative and quantitative research discussing interesting and contemporary topics on all areas of management and organization sciences. AMOR is aimed at providing academic media for researchers, academicians and practitioners to express their innovative ideas in developing theories and practice of management and organization.



Disaster management of Malaka district government in flood disaster management

Purpose: This study aimed to analyze the disaster management of the Malaka Regency Government in flood disaster management. Research methodology: The research method used in this study is a qualitative research method. The informants in this study were elements of the government as well as elements of society consisting of the Flood Victims Community. The analysis technique in this study uses data analysis developed by Miles and Huberman (2014: 10) as follows; (a) data reduction (b) data display and (c) concluding. Finding: The result of this research is that the Malaka Regency Government's disaster management in flood disaster management has implemented the best management even though it is still not optimal. Limitations: This study's limitation is that this study only discusses the disaster management of the Malaka district government in overcoming the floods that occurred there. Contribution: This research becomes scientific information for public administration and disaster management. Keywords: Management, Disaster, Government

Exploring the direct relationship between GDP per-capita and financial inclusion

Purpose: This paper predicted the direct relationship between the four indicators of “Financial Inclusion” and “GDP per-capita” of the country. Previous studies presented in this scenario are qualitative in nature. Research methodology: In this paper, “step-wise multiple linear regression” is used to establish the cause-and-effect relationship between the four indicators of “financial inclusion”; “Deposit accounts per 1000 population”; “Number of credit accounts per 1,000 people”; “Bank branches per 100,000 of adult population”, and “ATMs per 100,000 of adult population” and “GDP per capita”. Results: Regression model showed only “Credit accounts per 1,000 people” have a significant relationship with the “GDP per capita”. In this article, secondary data were obtained from the RBI website and the reports of international financial institutes. Limitations: Data on “ATMs” and “Bank branches per 100,000 of the adult population” is not present before 2004, decreasing the depth of analysis. Contribution: There is a cause-and-effect relationship between the country’s “GDP per capita” and the “F.I.” “Credit accounts per 1,000 people” only have a significant relationship with GDP per capita, so the change in the number of credit account will show a change in GDP per capita for Indian economy. Keywords: Financial inclusion (F.I), GDP (Gross Domestic Product) per capita, Deposit accounts, Credit accounts, ATMs (Automated Teller Machines), Bank branches

Digital literacy in a post Coronavirus era: a management perspective for small businesses in Africa

Purpose: This study examined how small businesses in Africa can use technology to grow and sustain their businesses in a post-Covid-19 world. The paper looked at various digital skills needed by these businesses to navigate and profit from the digital space's massive opportunities. It also ascertained the challenges facing them from keying into the digital ecosystem. The place of technology in the fight against Covid-19 was also highlighted. Research methodology: This study is a qualitative review study. Results: The study concluded that possessing some form of digital skills by business owners and employees could be the difference between a competing and a non-competing organization. Limitations: The work did not use methodology as it is a qualitative review study that limited the study's generalizability. Contribution: This work represents a current work in digital technology and how it relates to pandemic situations and economic challenges, especially in Africa. Keywords: Digital, Technology, Covid-19, Small businesses, Management, Skills

Providing a lean and agile supply chain model in project-based organizations

Purpose: One of the differences between project-oriented and routine organizations is the difference in their supply chain. This leads to the use of distinct and new approaches to its management. In this article, according to the existing problems, a conceptual model of lean and agile supply chain in project-oriented organizations is presented by examining the lean functions and agility of supply chain discussion. Research methodology: This research is descriptive-analytical in terms of method and applied in terms of purpose. This study's statistical population includes all managers and supply chain experts of project-based organizations and the statistical sample includes 105 people who have been selected using a purposive sampling method. After presenting the conceptual model, a researcher-made questionnaire was used to collect information and to examine the intended model, the structural equation approach with PLS software was used. Results: The research findings indicate that the 114 identified items for the research model significantly explain their related components. The results of the model fit study showed that based on the convergent validity indices, Cronbach's alpha and Cronbach's alpha, and the subscription validity index and the exponential or redundancy validity index, the model is in the desired condition. Limitation: This research only described Knowledge Based Centre. Contribution: Organizations realised that relying on existing knowledge alone was not enough to compete in a competitive environment, and went beyond the boundaries of their organization to acquire knowledge. Organizations considered customers as a very useful and knowledgeable resource, and activities should be done to interact with customers in leading organizations. Keywords: Customer assisted knowledge production capacity, Customer capital, Intellectual capital, Knowledge management

Representing a conceptual model for integrating Project Management Information Systems in project-based organizations

Purpose: This paper aimed to introduce a comprehensive model for integrating project management information systems in project-based organizations. Research methodology: The proposed model is presented hierarchically through a comprehensive literature review and a review of several national projects in Iran. Validation of this model was done in two ways. On the one hand, expert opinions were asked about it through several interviews. On the other hand, the model was used in some national projects and its deficiencies were identified. Finally, the necessary modifications were made to the model. Results: In this study, it became clear that a comprehensive, integrated project management information system at its macro level should consist of three subsystems, including project warden, project administrator and project employer that mutual exchange of information should be done well between them. It was also found that this mutual information exchange should also exist among the components of each of these subsystems. Limitation: This research only described in project based organizations. Contribution: The Project Management Information System (PMIS) model provided in this research is the most comprehensive models in this scope for project-based organizations that have considered all aspects of project management. Keywords: Project management, PMIS, Project-based organizations, Integrated model

Locus of control: an employee job embeddedness implication for bankers in Nigeria

Purpose: This study examined the relationship between Locus of Control (LOC) and Employee Embeddedness (EE) in Nigeria's selected commercial banks. Research Methodology: The study adopted a survey research design with a population of 400 employees. The sample size was 190 was determined using Krejcie and Morgan formula. A questionnaire was the instrument for data collection, while the analysis was carried out using descriptive and inferential statistics. The hypothesis was tested at a 5% level of significance, Results: Internal LOC has a statistically significant effect on sacrifice (R = .976; R-Square = .952; p-value < 0.05). Internal LOC makes it possible for employees to be more entangled in the organization, thereby making exiting the firms more difficult. Limitations: Data was not collected from different regions in Nigeria, hence limiting the study's generalizability. Contribution: This study represents the most recent LOC work, and it is novel in relating LOC to EE in Nigeria. Keywords: Locus of Control, Internal LOC, Employee job embeddedness, Sacrifice